Thursday, December 6, 2018

ALL Salsa!!

Laura and Kevin. Laura goes in to get a reference for a pedicatric psychiartrist for Charlotte. Ryan's like: UM, there's a directory in the hall!! Laura is all What the hell? Then she says to tell Ava she's sorry Kiki is dead. Ryan says "I always knew you were the heart of this town" (On twitter when Genie left people tweeted GF is the heart of GH ...all the time!) . Then he gives her divorce papers lol!  She says "I don't need a psychiatrist ...YOU DO"!
OMG..Ryan YELLS AT HER!! "Don't ever say that to me or it's the last thing you'll ever say"!! AND really convincing because it gave me goosebumps. 

Sam and Alexis. Sam says Spinelli found stuff in Griffin's cloud on the phone she can use. 
Sam and Curtis. Sam wants to hire him?? Huh??  Oh, she got Leland's obit. She talks about her past and her marrying old men to get their money. BUT only people that 'deserved' it. She wants Curtis to find out who sent her his obit. 

Michael and Willow. They talk about seeds...Lila...grief therapy...they talk about life... and also Kiki's death too. Michael finds out she's going out with Chase. He's not happy.

Griffin is at the PCPD being interviewed again by Chase Ford and Jordan. Alexis comes in and wants to see Griffin's phone.  He took a selfie during the time when Kiki was still alive and his sign in time at GH gives him an alibi. 
Alexis gets him off his charges. 

Dr. O in Cuba...they find her at dance class. Finn CAN NOT DANCE!! Anyway, to convince O that Britt is sick, they bring a blood sample to her to look at. Which, you can't really do to Cuba but...whatever.  She has the POX... so she has to go back to USA to save Britta. UGH I hope she doesn't fall for it. 

END: Laura hires Alexis as her divorce attorney. Ryan is happy to find out that the PCPD know that there's one killer attached to the murders. 


  1. Uggghhhh! Last 20 minutes of gh interrupted again. Bush funeral in TX. I know, I know....he was our prez, but why not just the news channels and during gh??? Oh and do we care about this Leland obit person. Maybe Ryan will kill Sam? Pah...

  2. Cuba dance studio: Nice Cuba shots!!! :)

    Finchy and Anna: There was no need to dance while waiting for Dr. O. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Finchy, Anna, and Dr. O: DR O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Don't fall for their crap!!!!!!!

    The hospital:

    Michael and Willow: Oh!!! Great scene. :) Hmm is he asking her out? :)

    Chase, Michael, and Willow: Michael when you found out that Chillow are going on a date, are you jelly? :)

    Doc's office:

    Ryan and Laura: Divorce papers! ROFL! It's not going to be legal. :) Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: There is a staff directory right down the hall.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! It's like pulling teeth eh Laura? :)

    Police station: MAN! Griffin is still there?!?!?! I'm so bored!!!!! Well, until Alexis started being all lawyery and I was enjoying it. Griffin shut up! I don't want to hear you say you are in love with Kiwi!!! Since you had a hard time telling Ava that you loved her! UGH!


    Curtis and Sam: They are giving Sam a new storyline! YAY! :)

  3. Wouldn't Dr. O think it's rather a coincidence that her daughter has the one disease only she can cure? And, WHY can only she cure it? Makes no sense . . .

    I don't know if anyone else here is Jewish, but they showed the Menorah in Sam's scenes, and it looked like it wasn't lit right, so I kept watching it. At first just the first four candles (plus the Shamash candle) were lit, but this is the fifth night of Hanukkah. Then, in the third scene with Sam, the five candles were (correctly) lit, then, in the last scene, they were back to four! Strange!

  4. "AntJoan said...I don't know if anyone else here is Jewish, but they showed the Menorah in Sam's scenes,"

    I'm not Jewish, but I did notice the Menorah.

    "and it looked like it wasn't lit right, so I kept watching it. At first just the first four candles (plus the Shamash candle) were lit, but this is the fifth night of Hanukkah. Then, in the third scene with Sam, the five candles were (correctly) lit, then, in the last scene, they were back to four! Strange."

    Hmmm. I wasn't really paying attention to that. Hmmm must be bad editing.. :)

    1. I didn't notice it either but I'm not Jewish and was concentrating on the show. Speaking of, so glad Griff is cleared. Loved Ryan's face at the end haha!

    2. Oh also Sam, she CAN talk loud!! I was shocked. Wish she'd talk that loud for real since we know she can!

  5. Michelle Latta, I know! I couldn't believe I could hear Sam. It was a Christmas miracle! And yes (from yesterday) ParkingLot Pete is Peter. He was hired in the parking lot of GH. (insert eye roll here)

    AntJoan, I noticed the menorah but didn't notice how many candles were lit. Good eye!

    Sam scamming old men that deserved it....sigh....insert another eye roll.

    I enjoyed the dancing with Finn and Anna. Finola looked like she was having a great time. Laura and Kevin were fantastic! And I agree, his face at the end of the show....I was laughing out loud with enjoyment. :)

  6. I'm Jewish and I didn't notice it at all - shame on me! Ryan was frightening and Laura looked horrified. Of course, Anna and Finn were able to find Liesl immediately. They do make a cute couple. Finola looks like she needs to be introduced to food.

  7. Yes, she is sooo skinny, she must be size 00, I do think she looks good, though.

  8. Finola looks great and fabulous for her age, but rail thin.

  9. Finola has always been skinny—hence the nickname “Slim,” from Luke.

  10. And the name "Scarecrow" from Dr. O.

  11. Finola was not that thin back in the 90s.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...