Wednesday, December 19, 2018


Apparently, Sonny calls DA lady "Margo" now..he was all chummy when she called and said she found Mike at the Jazz Club. 
Carly's not happy Margo found him :eyeroll: She and Jason go home so she can bitch about Sonny. "If he messes with her (Margogo) that's it, I'M DONE. God, all he did was take a phone call!! She basically is talking like Sonny's already having an affair with her?? She's crying, saying "He always does this"...Jason says "I'm here for you". That was one weird scene. REALLY weird.  Unless Jarly got naked, it was such overkill. 

Over at the Jazz Club, Margo is all "Mike Whisperer" -and gets him to calm down by asking his fave Jazz Pianists of all time. Then Margo and Sonny banter on jazz and get all cute. Marcus still wants Mike arrested.  WHY don't they just ALL GO into the Jazz Club? Anyway, Yvonne finally recognizes Marcus so it's all ok.  Sonny takes Mike home.  

Cam explains to mom, Franco and Alexis why he was buying pot. Who remembers Alexis toked up with Spinell when she had lung cancer? I sure do. Liz tells Cam not only was it stupid to try to buy the weed but it could have killed Oscar if it was introduced into his treatment plan and it interfered with other stuff.  He can go home but has to face a judge later. 

Valentin and Nina...holy crap WE HAVE DONE THIS SO MANY TIMES! Really...and now he know he's messed up yet again, ergo it's gonna blow the hell up.   The end scene with them kissing was good only because Michelle and JPS sell it. They never phone in anything. 

Kristina goes all nuts about Valerie kiss and yaps to Sam. Sam tries to tell Krissy why she's not sleeping with Jason. It's stupid "she has to know herself first". Eyeroll. Whatever.  Alexis comes in later and talks to Kristina about Cam and Joss being in Charlie's talking about the pot. And Alexis wonders if  Krissy told them that she did pot when she was sick!! YES! HISTORY! But... Kristina gets really mad that Alexis would think that. 

END:  Nina and Valentin Sex... Krissy calls Daisy to stay at the cult place....Sonny talks to Margot, thanks her and promises her tickets to the next time that Jazz trio is in town (wink)-- and Sam's "Linda Black" texter says they'd "like to help her". 

VERY Average "C" day. eesh. 


  1. Oh there you are Karen! I'll put my comments here then!

    Today's GH.


    V.C. and Nina: SLIME!!!! Are you manipulating her again?!!?! Nina is all like I know you would never hurt me. Oh Nina! You are going to regret those words when you find out what he did!!! SHE FORGIVES HIM AND WANTS HIM BACK! Valenina sex!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! SLIMEBALL! Valenina need to die!!!!!! Although damn they still have got some hot chemistry.. Yowza!!!! Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: I just need to talk so shhhh.


    "Karen says The end scene with them kissing was good only because Michelle and JPS sell it. They never phone in anything."

    Hell yeah they can sell it! Even the sex scene they can sell it! :)

    "Karen says, Sonny. "If he messes with her (Margogo) that's it, I'M DONE. God, all he did was take a phone call!! She basically is talking like Sonny's already having an affair with her?? She's crying, saying "He always does this"...Jason says "I'm here for you". That was one weird scene."

    ROFL! He is doing more than just a phone call. He spent the night over at Margoo's mother's house remember? :) And he is a cheater! :)

    Sam's home: Man Krissy was annoying today!

    Sam and Krissy: Krissy stop pestering Sam about Jason! UGH!

    Alexis and Krissy: Alexis wasn't accusing you Krissy of telling Cam of your mother using drugs when she had cancer!!! She was just asking you a freakin question!!!! GROW UP GAH!!!!

    Alexis and Sam: Oh there goes Sam the Krissy whisperer!!!!! UGH! Oh and there goes Krissy upstairs on the phone with cult girl wanting to move in the cult house!!

    Outside Jazz club:

    Yike, Sonny, Marcus, and Margoo: Wow! Margoo did a pretty good job defusing the situation. Sonny impressed? Impressed enough to have the sex with her in 3 2 1. Marcus needs more patience with his wife.

    Carson home:

    Carly and Jason: WOW! Great scene!!!! Carly had the move awesome lines today!!! Yes she knows the signs of Sonny!!! So do I Carly! So do I!!! She thinks he will cheat on her with Margoo!!! I do too!!!!! Jason says that Carly has patience or should have patience! Are you kidding me Jason?!!?! Freakin patience for what?!?!! She knows Sonny very well! You don't think he will cheat? Which means HE WILL! She says she won't take him back this time!!!

    Mike, Carson, and Jason: Poor Mike can't be in dreamland because he feels bad for what happened.. Awwww! :(

    The police station:

    Cam, Alexis, and Friz: Awww poor Cam!!! Liz don't give him a hard time!! He is a good boy! Okay he did the wrong thing, but for the right reasons!!! Alexis even said Cam is a good friend!!! I feel bad for Cam. :( I'm on your side Cam! :(

  2. maybe its time jason and carly go back together

  3. Mike Whisperer, Krissy Whisperer....hahahahahaha! I love it! I love it way more than the show yesterday. Yup Sonya, Krissy was beyond annoying. Bah! Same with the entire Carly/Jason scenes, Carly/Sonny scenes, and Nina/Valentin scenes. All of these scenes have been done over and over again thru the years.

    I am suddenly rooting for the the mysterious emailer "Linda Black". HAHAHAHA!!

    Loved Cam and fam at the police station, though. Alexis is the best and I am on Cam's side, too.

  4. Cam is so cute and such a good actor. I wanted to smack Carly when she started her loudmouth tirade to Jason. I wish they would finally show the location of the so called cult since all we have is Daisy, a book and massage, and the fact that there is a residence somewhere. They really need to do better than that. Mike always looks like a panting dog to me. That whole rendezvous was created just to make Margaux look good.

  5. Julie H said..Loved Cam and fam at the police station, though. Alexis is the best and I am on Cam's side, too.

    *** I agree. Liz was great with him. That poor boy is always tripping over his good intentions. lol

  6. Amen Di, about Cam and his good intentions!

  7. How many days is Sam going to wear the grey shirt with the cut-out shoulders? I swear, her boobs are jiggling around in that top more than usual, I can't focus on anything else, and I am a female, and not gay (not there is anything wrong with being gay, I just am not).

    I really was hoping that even the possibility of Sonny/Margaux sex wouldn't be mentioned on the show, but now that they are all talking about it, it looks like they might be going there. As I said before, SHE IS TOO YOUNG FOR HIM!

    And Nina and Valentin--OH, barf!! I look at him and just see a slimy liar who killed Nik, I think he is gross!

  8. AntJoan said...
    How many days is Sam going to wear the grey shirt with the cut-out shoulders?

    *** It's not just the shoulders, it's the sleeves too. I got the impression that the actress really doesn't want to kiss "Jason", but I'm also definitely getting the impression that she doesn't want to have to put her hands on him either.

  9. Carly knows that Sonny just has to hang his pants on the bedpost and Margo will be pregnant :) I agree, Di, something weird is going on between KM and SB

  10. KM is probably still pissed that BM was pushed out in favor of SB as her love interest. Remember how SB used to wipe off his mouth after he kissed her?

  11. LSV422 said...
    KM is probably still pissed that BM was pushed out in favor of SB as her love interest. Remember how SB used to wipe off his mouth after he kissed her?

    *** Whether she was pissed or not it's her job to follow the script and not make it obvious that she doesn't like it. I doubt that actors are asked who they want to work with...unless you're one of the top stars who call the shots on the show.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...