Monday, August 25, 2014

Time Crunchers

I wish I had something more to do than sit here and watch GH, but---I don't Blanche, I don't. I hope your afternoon is going well!

Poison by Oleander

Ava was thug-shopping for groceries. To poison Mikey. 

Dante comes to see Sonny.  Olivia STILL doesn't know about the kidnapping WTF.  ?????? Dante tells Sonny -- like wouldn't the news have had a "on the lookout for"?? THIS IS SO CONFUSING. Mac was shot! It's been since last Tues since we saw Maxie--now it's Monday. And it's night time-- but still no one knows.
I can't even deal. There is NO pacing on this show. NONE

Ava gets White Oleander to kill Michael. Actually, a pretty good poison to use. He won't feel a thing she says and may die in his sleep. So, that makes it a-ok! 

Olivia and Ned talk about movies and his 'affair' with Monica.  Coleman walks in and is taking a shift to help out Mac. Sonny tells Dante he hears that Coleman is a fence for stolen jewelry (??) now and maybe he was contacted to sell the jewels.  Dante confronts him in Jake's and throws him on the pool table. Coleman says yep he was going to help fence the jewels..but then he heard the boat sank. 

Britt and Nate have a moment in the interrogation room. She's helps her bro in the the romance department. He WUBS Maxie. She knows it. Nik is frustrated about not finding Maxie or lulu. 

Oh for the love of...LULU takes the gun and TALKS FOR AN that Levi has time to grab another gun and point it at Lulu.  Maxie taunts Levi for not being good in bed. LMAO. Levi says "I don't think I'll let them go"...and points the gun. ICEMan goes 'Huh"? Dante and Nathan get to the cabin and go "oh no" ...but you know it's probably just a dead iceman or an old sock.



  1. Happy Birthday Karen!

    Can Coleman sue the PCPD and Dante for police brutality? Or is it ok on tv, as well as in real life for police to treat citizens like that?

    Any bets that Kiki gets the poison instead of Michael?

    Maxie to Lulu: "It's not your fault". Um, yeah it kinda is. She had a gun and could've easily shot one of them if not both. But she didn't. Yup, blame her.

    That's all I got to say. The wubQueen said it all.

  2. Oh don't toy with me delcodave. I live for the scenario where Kiki gets the poison instead of Michael!( and Ava doesn't know so doesn't do anything about it. muyhaha...

    Unfortunately I think maybe Julian is telling Sonny about Ava's plan and Sonny will stop her.

    I liked today's ep but all the time I was thinking about the fact that they probably won't visit the two main plots again until the end of this week, or next. They leave us on a cliff and then we'll probably have to be dragged through stupid scenarios with minor characters for three or 4 more days at least.

    That second picture is so me.

    Happy Birthday, Karen.

  3. Happy birthday, Karen. Take you out for a drink now that you're legal. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! You just turned 21, and I am only a little older. Hee hee.)

  4. Happy Birthday Karen

    Dante says Lulu was kidnapped last night? No it was 10 days ago. Talk about slow-moving!

  5. Happy Birthday Karen! I'm on vacation & probably won't catch up till next week. Doesn't sound like I'm missing much.

  6. Cabin: Oh stop whining Maxie and be strong! Maxie wins the line of the day!

    Maxie: I didn't want to hurt his feelings, which is why I never told him, that he is way below average in the sack. I mean way. All that fun we were having, never happened for me. Not once.

    ROFL! That is my girl!!! :) Now isn't that better than whining? Oh Lulu has got the gun! Yeah she is acting like a Spencer! Uh but she won't stop talking and doesn't shoot! Wait what happened!? Levi had a gun on Maxie, and then they showed Lulu, but then they went on commercial break, and when GH came back, Lulu and Maxie were tied up again!!!!! WHAT A JIP! :(

    The floating rib: Olivia and Ned scene! Adorable! They went to the movies awww!:) Love how Ned talked to her about his past with aunt Monica hahahahahaha! WOAH COLEMAN!!! YAY! Nice haircut man! Where have you been?! Hey Dante stop it! Let the man talk!!!! Hey everyone leave him alone! He didn't know anybody was going to get hurt!!!!! Altho I love how Olivia threatened him. She is one tough feisty chick! :)Poor Coleman! I'm on his side!!!

    Ava's home: Awww isn't that nice? Ava and security team went grocery shopping. :) Nice dinner with poison dessert. Yum! :)

    Sonny's office: Dante and Sonny scene. Love/hate relationship with your father eh Dante? Woah is Julian going to tell Sonny that Ava is going to poison Michael?!

    Police station: The actress who plays Britch, sounds like she has a cold. Britch trying to get to Liz hahahha. Britch and Nathan scene very nice. :)

    "Karen says Dante and Nathan get to the cabin and go "oh no" ...but you know it's probably just a dead iceman or an old sock."

    An old sock!!!! ROFL! I wish! :)

    Hey nobody is going to say nice words about mailbox? Am I the only one? Awww poor mailbox! :'(


  7. THANKS FOR THE WISHES! Birthdays are just another day. LOL. ESPECIALLY when they are on a MONDAY

    I had my fun (and ice cream) this weekend

  8. Oh, Karen, how did everyone know it was your birthday? I must'v missed something . . . Happy Birthday!!

    Mailbox: I remember your early days on the show, when Angel lived in your house, remember, she who dressed in all white and had an affair with Sonny? Mailbox, we hardly knew ye . . . RIP

  9. "AntJoan said...Oh, Karen, how did everyone know it was your birthday? I must'v missed something . . ."

    I didn't know it was her birthday either!

    "Mailbox: I remember your early days on the show, when Angel lived in your house, remember, she who dressed in all white and had an affair with Sonny? Mailbox, we hardly knew ye . . . RIP"

    ROFL! Oh yeah!!!! :) Back then, when Sonny first saw Angel, I thought she was his mother! :) He even thought so too!

  10. I was just watching an old episode from 1982. It managed to include all of the major storylines going on PLUS most of the characters on the canvas at that time. AND if you watch the eps before and after, the timeline is totally congruent to what's going on. These were fully developed people (I hesitate to even call them characters b/c so many of them became so close to my heart!), and I think that is what's lacking in the characters Cartini gives us. Pare down the cast by at least 1/3 (Brad, Lucas, Milo, Kiki... dear lord there are so many storylines I can't even think straight!), do NOT bring on anymore new characters until you can write decent backgrounds for the ones you already have.

  11. I am often very negative about the newbies but I have been trying to watch with a more open mind lately. The actors who play Franco, Nina, Ava, Julian, Jordan, Felix, Dr. O, Britt, and Nina's nurse are all great actors. The problem is the cast is already bloated so if you are going to bring these actors on, at least bring them on as part of established families.
    - What if Franco had been brought on Blackie or as Edward's son, Jimmy Lee Holt?
    - Nina as Jimmy Lee's wife Charity
    - Nathan could be Jimmy Lee's son (born off screen)
    - Jordan as Simone Harding or the widow of Epiphany's deceased son.
    - Felix as Tom Hardy Jr.
    - Dr. O I still think should be Monica Quartermaine's long lost biological sister (Monica was adopted I believe)
    - Britt or Nina's nurse would be great as Liz's older sister Sarah.
    I did not include Silas, Kiki, Levi, etc. in my recasting as I don't put their acting in the same category as the others.

    Also...Coleman's, while a minor player, was always a beloved character. rough but with a heart. I can't believe, but am not surprised, Cartini brought him back just to ruin the character. I was hoping Tracey would go to the Floating Rib to drown her sorrows after Ned kicked her out of the Q Mansion, and she'd hook up with Coleman! Now, after the character assination by Cartini Mac/Felix will certainly fire him and we will probably never see the character again.

  12. "Friscogh says Cartini brought him back just to ruin the character."

    Cartini isn't ruining Coleman's character. Coleman has always been a bit shady.

    "Mac/Felix will certainly fire him and we will probably never see the character again."

    Why would Felix fire Coleman? Felix doesn't own the bar. :)

  13. typo Sonya. Felicia. And yes, Coleman was always "shady" but having him steal from his employer/friend Felicia and endanger Maxie/Lulu is, in my opinion, out of character for him. That is more than shady

  14. "friscogh said...typo Sonya. Felicia."

    OH! :) Hmmm I don't think Felicia owns the bar along with Mac. Or does she? I don't remember.

    "And yes, Coleman was always "shady" but having him steal from his employer/friend Felicia and endanger Maxie/Lulu is, in my opinion, out of character for him."

    Wait. Levi and his friend were the ones who stole the jewels and was going to give it to Coleman for money. Coleman didn't steal anything. Now I am so confused. ROFL!

  15. Happy Birthday Karen....I didn't know either. I like all of your ideas, Frisco except I would have to add Silas



She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...