Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throwback Thursday and Friday Edition!

Morning!! Happy Thursday. I'm off for NYC -- so you'll have to keep up the blogging for a bit! I wonder what Victor will say to Robin today? I hope we find out the REAL reason she's not leaving the clinic.  NO Sunday Surgery, sorry!  I'll be back next week with all the snark you can handle. 

Have a good one! 


  1. Maybe Robin is working on baby Gabriel.

  2. ya know, I see (well not really because I don't really watch GH anymore)Robin's return as obnoxious and a detriment to the character. Robin has become so not the Robin that we saw prior to her first exit. KM is doing a great disservice to the legacy character she created. Her yo-yo'ing doesn't lend itself to any decent storyline. Sure she may have some good lines, but her character arc is just as ridiculous as Franco's. It feels like KM is selling out Robin. It's bad enough when TBTB sell out.

  3. A quasi Quartermaine storyline - Alice - and Monica is no where to be seen but Kiki is there. Why?
    Same reason she was there when Rafe died but Lucy was not, I guess.
    She's Cartooni's pet.
    I can not stand her.
    Where will this useless character pop up next? Kiki attends Maxies wedding and Anna and Patrick dont? Lulu lays an egg and Kiki is there not Nicholas?

  4. Molly and McSilas: Hey Molly bought a whole new wardrobe! I bet she bought more. This outfit she is wearing is cute! :) Oh she remembers what Rafe said to her!!! McSilas wonders who would want Rafe to run down Patrick. After he said that, they showed Victor. I was wonder Hmmm did he do it?

    Alice's room: Alice wants to say goodbye! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I refuse to Alice!!!! :( And then she talks about taking care of Lila, and the rest of the Q's in heaven, which made me cry! :'( Oh Mickey Diamond's sister shows up and save the day YAY! Alice wins the line of the day!

    Alice: I really loved managing your chaos.


    Carly and Sonny: Sonny kisses her HAHAHAHA! So much fun! She didn't even stop him! She kisses him back too!!! Oh Nina is watching and has a phone! Quick Nina take a picture of them and show BobTodd! :) Carly keeps saying she loves BobTodd! ROFL!

    The clinic: Oh so Robin DID lie! That isn't Stavros! That IS Jason in Lady Ga Ga's egg tanning system!

    Victor: I would hate to have to arrange Patrick and Emma to have another accident.

    HOLY COW!!! VICTOR DID IT! VICTOR DID IT!!! Karen you picked the wrong time to go on vacation!!!!!

    Sonny and Selma Diamond: WOW!!!!!! He paid this woman to pretend to be Selma Diamond so she could fill out paperwork so that Alice can have Mickey's heart!!!!! Oh Karen! You are missing out on a lot of great things today! I hope you are taping this! If not, you have to watch it online!!!!! OH SONNY I LOVE YOU! *kisses Sonny all over and gives him a huge hug*

    Delia's bar: WOW!!!! So the clinic is in NYC!!!!! Hour away indeed!!! Patrick and Sam are so cute together. :) He wants to pay for dinner awww. :)

    Julian's home: Julian tells the truth and Alexis gets all horny. Sex for Julexis!!!! YAY! But Alexis says they can't be together. :(

    Alexis: Your in and I'm out.

    Oh dear more porn talk ROFL!

  5. Robin really is being held against her will--I thought so. Threats against her familly are what holds her there. And threats that Victor will kill Jason if she disobeys. But there seems to be even more to it. Who else is she working on...?

    There was a lot covered today and I'm not sure I understood it all. But all the past Qs were mentioned--makes you wonder about Robin's wonder drugs. ??

    So glad Molly finally remembered...

    Is Victor FLuke? Or Stavros? But then why would he be out to get Sonny? Cassadines weren't enemies of Sonny; they were enemies of Robert and Luke and Laura.

    I think they will manage to free Julian from the mob eventually. Like Alexis, I like him aLOT, but feel I shouldn't.

  6. The only thing that would make sense for me re Robin is if there is someone else close to her, besides St. Jasus, there. My hope - Georgie! Or Sean Donnelly was pretty sick but if he died / was missing certainly that would have been mentioned. Ditto for if something happened to Robert off screen (a favorite storyline cheat of Cartooni), certainly we would have heard Robert was missing. When Anna was on another soap opera didn't she have a daughter that died...

  7. "Soaplover says I think they will manage to free Julian from the mob eventually. Like Alexis, I like him aLOT, but feel I shouldn't."

    Yeah I like him a LOT too but we shouldn't! I hope they free him from the mob!

    "Friscogh says When Anna was on another soap opera didn't she have a daughter that died..."

    Yup her name was Leora and it was on AMC.

  8. KMc needs a job just like everyone else and has no control over whatever ridiculous storyline they throw her way. I am always glad to see her regardless. Don't mind Kiki too much anymore as long as she is a minor character. I don't see how Julian admitting to killing someone and lying turned Alexis on, but can't say that I blame her, LOL.

  9. lol Thanks friscogh. That's exactly how I feel about Kiki. She seems to follow the trail of sick and injured people, ingratiating herself into the situation just for attention. ( Is there a term for that?)

    I wonder if she attends random funerals too.

    I'd also love it if Georgie was in one of those egg beds, or little Jake. Either would be major blackmail fodder for Robin.

  10. Friday. I have to ff thru all the Nina scenes. Cannot stand the character or the actor.
    Does anyone else have a problem with Maxi coming from a law enforcement family, and no one doing a background check on the Aussie imposter???? Mac was the police commissioner. And he hates the guy. It is so unbelievable.
    Ava does not look pregnant at all. Sorry. She is always wearing belts.
    Felicia and Maxi's scenes were nice, even though they were preludes to disaster.
    It's Friday, and we won't have any Sunday surgery, but I hope all the wubbers have a great weekend. (I love reading the comments even when I don't agree.)

  11. Sonny and BobTodd: More fun! :) Come on Sonny tell him you kissd his woman! :) Oh look Nina is there pretending that she is checking her phone. :) BobTodd wins the line of the day!

    BobTodd: Yeah I hope so. Cus I love a good heart to heart. We should do it again soon.


    BobTodd and Nina: Oh what is the point with this scene? Nina should have told him what she saw! What's the matter with you Nina?!!?!

    Ava and BobTodd: Bygons?!!?! Really Nina? Been watching Ally Mcbeal recently have you? :)

    Morgan and Sonny: Sadness! :'(

    Ava and Carly: Ava doesn't want to get the amnio! ROFL! Awww Ava what's the matta? You afraid Carly is going to find out you are carrying a fake baby?

    Maxie's room: Oh the wedding is today! Oh dear Levi is drooling all over Felicia's aztec ring she is wearing! And he is kissing it! WOW! :) And as soon as she says she gave part of her azetec jewels to the papparatzi, he bolted out of there so excited! I was thinking he is going to go get it isn't he? :)

    Police station: Oh boy! Lulu is ready to pop a baby in her oven! :) Oh that papparatzi guy shows up and said someone broke in and hit him over the head and took the aztec jewels!! I KNEW IT! I KNEW LEVI WAS AFTER THAT!!! HA! :) Now this is getting interesting! :)

  12. BWAHAHA, Sonya!

    FYI-- from Wikipedia
    "Selma Diamond (August 6, 1920 – May 13, 1985) was a Canadian-born American comic actress and radio and television writer, and is known for her high-range, raspy voice and her portrayal of Selma Hacker on the first two seasons of the NBC television comedy series Night Court.[1]"

  13. "Julie Langley said... BWAHAHA, Sonya!"

    Hahahahaha! :)

    "FYI-- from Wikipedia "Selma Diamond (August 6, 1920 – May 13, 1985) was a Canadian-born American comic actress and radio and television writer, and is known for her high-range, raspy voice and her portrayal of Selma Hacker on the first two seasons of the NBC television comedy series Night

    I loved night court!!! What a great show!

  14. I hope Levi is shot and killed and I never see him again.

  15. Some sad news.

  16. This made one of the quotes of the week at TVLine.


    "I've done some things I'm not proud of."


    "Like... one time, I thought my snooty neighbor was spying on me. So one day, her scarf got stuck in the garbage disposal and it was choking her and I let it happen."

    "You saw that, like, on a TV show or something, right?"

    "Of course I did."

  17. "Di said...This made one of the quotes of the week at TVLine."

    It did? Really? Cool! :) That line was creepy. I don't know what she was trying to do. :)

    "Di said...Some sad news."

    WOW! I wonder what happened.

  18. I don't know. He wasn't that old.

    And I could definitely see Nina just watching something like that.

  19. "Di says And I could definitely see Nina just watching something like that."

    Yeah I could too! I could also see BobTod and Nina watching it together! :)



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...