Saturday, August 2, 2014

Spoilers? LOOK UP!

Right up there....under the banner. A nice page I can edit and you can find very easily. I finally got the trick to getting them up on here. We are getting Clinic scenes soon-- Robin with a hair cut and faux Jason, which will lead to "real NuJason" ....

Read all ABOUT IT!! Scoops and News! 

As always, you can order from Amazon right over there   ~~~~~>  just takes you to your page and you can go! Thanks so much! 

It's really nice here so far today, we are due for more "pop up storms" later today. Our grass is still a lovely green. Usually this time of year it's brown and burning off. Anyone at the Fan Club Weekend? If so, let us know!! I actually saw a picture on Instagram from Kelly Monaco with a woman that had a full out FACE tattoo of her on her forearm! Yep..of 'SAM' on her forearm. It was giant. 
Um....okay then. I might entertain the idea of a temporary "I love Badger Bob" one on my ankle but that's as far as it goes! LOL 


  1. Karen,I always use your link when I order from Amazon. I have a question. When I order through Amazon and the order is filled by another business do you still get credit?

  2. Karen, I also use your link for ordering from Amazon, which I do a lot!

  3. yes I do dar!! :) thanks you guys, it gives me a gift card when I reach $50...doesn't happen often but it helps every now and then!

  4. yes I do dar!! :) thanks you guys, it gives me a gift card when I reach $50...doesn't happen often but it helps every now and then!

  5. My tv Guide for Thursday is telling me that "the person behind Patrick's accident is revealed."


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...