Sunday, August 25, 2013

Kim McCollough is BACK TO GH...

And ON CONTRACT, WUBBERS!! Sorry---I just found out about all this. I knew she'd be back to finish her story but...ON CONTRACT? 



  1. Seriously Sabrinas days must be numbered. She has NO purpose. I imagine Robins contact is like Gearys and she'll be off a lot but I'm ok with it. With the way RC rotates stories it may not force drama

  2. Sabrina should stay and we should have Sabrina and Spinelli together! Of course he'll ditch Ellie after the baby reveal. (Ellie can go; she has no purpose now that we know she's not the long-lost Q heir.) And I doubt Spin will take Maxie back any time soon. So put him with Sabrina. Please? Pretty please? She'd be so good with baby Georgie--especially while KS takes maternity leave.

    I like Sabrina. I like her friendships with Felix and Liz and Emma. I like that she's still kinda geeky but she's also sneaky (but she's also super honest about her sneakiness). I like that she's related to Juan Santiago. I can't be the only one who likes her.

  3. Kim is like family - admittedly the character of Robin can be insufferable at times, but she's a good actress and Port Charles doesn't feel quite right if Robin is not around. Really glad to see her back!

  4. Do you think they will let her direct some of the GH scenes and episodes?

  5. David, I was wondering the same thing. Maybe she worked that into her deal. I guess time will tell.
    I'm very happy Robin is coming back! I just hope they keep Britt because if Sabrina is staying we need some sour to balance out the sweet that is Robin and Sabrina! If they write Sabrina out of the show, I'd like to see her being one of the masterminds in the Robin situation. Seriously, who would see that coming?
    I'm concerned about Sean Kanan, He tweeted that message last week, "C@###d" or something to that effect which can be interpreted as "canned". There were those rumours about his dismissal. I'm wondering if he was let go in order to afford to bring back K.M. I'm sure TPTB can't afford everyone. Also, it seems as though A.J. is turning back into the villain again with the drinking, choking Connie, saying nasty things to Liz about Jake. It doesn't look too promising :(

  6. OK, that has to be his REAL daughter--those smiles, those dimples . . .

    ROBIN IS BACK!!!!!!!!! I am SOOOOO HAPPY!!

    But, PLEASE, keep AJ, he is a legacy character. I am so sad to watch him breaking bad, he tried so hard to be a better man--poor Liz, just can't catch a break . . .

    As for Sabrina, I can take her or leave her, my guess is that they'll let her go, as she and Patrick are not passionate enough, nor is she selfish enough, for there to be any triangle, so she will just sweetly walk away, and then what?

  7. Man, I would be upset if they got rid of AJ yet again. For the most part, I like what SK has been doing with the character and more time for the Q's is what this show needs.

  8. @CareyN no you're not..i love Sabrina!!

  9. I'm thinking she needs some $$ to finance her film projects.
    Cynical yes..but probably practical!

  10. Welcome back Karen - sorry to hear about your friend. Great performances yesterday! Was wondering though why Sonny didn't immediately call for an ambulance. Although I don't like seeing Ava on too much, she sure does slither around like a snake. I think Sabrina will be gone mainly because she hasn't been on more than maybe 3 times all summer. Maxie and Spinelli should get back together now that they have a baby. William DV is such a great addition to the cast. Looks like they tried to make Sam look younger yesterday with her first ever non-lowcut top.



  Throwback Thrusday Another day out for me!! Have to go sub again... those little ones can't be left alone for a MINUTE!! The shows are...