Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who ARE The "Jeromes"??

Jason Culp, the first Julian Jerome as he looks today...

Well, it all started in 1986... Duke was the son of Angus McKay, a mob head who was imprisoned with Jonathan Jerome.  A bunch of stuff happened, but just know that Duke finally joined the Jerome family mob so they could help find Anna, who had been kidnapped. (Anna was kidnapped by Grant Putnam and his  dog 

Tonja Walker was Olivia Jerome
Duke tried to get out of the mob but of course, you CAN'T DO THAT.. so in order to do it, he agreed to do one last hit for Victor. Victor sent his son, Julian to help out.  Olivia Jerome did some backdoor stuff and Julian ended up getting "killed"...Olivia thought he was dead, but he really wasn't. She ended up being double crossed and was shot and then went into an institution with brain damage. 

Lucy enters the picture when Victor Jerome fixated on her. He gave her a necklace which she didn't want and he ended up choking on it (yes, he did).  She and Alan Q hid his body.

Anna and "Johnathan Paget" played by Greg Beecroft
A bit later, Duke changed his face (after going into witness protection and "blowing up in a warehouse" ) and Julian wanted him killed. He tried to frame his sister Olivia for it but it didn't work.  Duke and Julian ended up in a fight and both wound up "dead". 

AHAHHAAA. Yeah, no. 

Lucas "Jerome" ... Bobbie's adopted son

If you want the full history AND Lucas' adoption by Bobbie  (he is a Jerome, btw)...check out ABOUT.COM


  1. So Lucas and Sam are siblings?

  2. Does anyone else think that little Lucas Jerome looks a lot like Nickolas' "new" son?

    If Lucas and Sam are related maybe Lucas could be a donor for Danny too.

  3. Thanks for the shortened explanation, Karen. Reading the wiki on this made my head spin.

    Lucas is Sean and Tiff's nephew, right? Kinda leaves an opening for some of that family to return in some form. Although not immediately, I hope -- the cast is too bloated already.

  4. I would have loved to see original Julian return, with a fresh haircut and close shave. Much better match to NLG and still very sexy. Although the new Julian is also sexy, as others have stated , not believable as Sams dad, and looks much younger than NLG, who at 57(just like me) looks amazing but still doesn't look right with this Jerome.

  5. Are we forgetting Robert's role in bringing down the Jeromes and rescuing Anna?

  6. People are forgetting that Lucas has type 1 diabetes and he could not be a donor for Danny!!

  7. Julian is probably going to be the donation target. After all he Is grandpa.

  8. Julian is probably going to be the donation target. After all he Is grandpa.

  9. Well, there ya go!!! Thanks Karen! :) Hmmm Johnathan Paget can go to hell!!!

  10. Oh, Karen, thanks so much for the explantion, you know I was clueless on this . . .

    I think the new Julian looks to be about the same age as NLG looks, they both are middle-aged.

    I CAN'T STAND Ava--she slithers up to everyone and then slithers around their bodies, hissing like a snake, even her own brother! And the fact that she is withholding Sam's father's identity when she knows this might result in Sam's son's death makes her a total sociopath. And it looks like she set up the whole Starki/Morgan thing, too, though I can't figure out how she was able to find Morgan and hook him on gambling, and then got Starki to write to him? I think she wrote to him on her own, so this doesn't make sense to me. . . . If Starki is not in on Ava's plot (and it seems she isn't), how did Ava engineer all of this?

  11. How is Ava withholding Sam's father's identity? Neither she, Julian nor Alexis is aware at this point that he's Sam's father.

  12. AH THANK you on the diabetes thing!! Yea, I had a brief lapse. I usually remember stuff like that.

    I left Robert out because it was brief-- and you can read more about that on another site.

  13. I think Sean and Tiff are just "godparents" not bio

  14. Bookworm, you are so right, OMG, I feel sooo stupid, I keep confusing Sam and Starki's WTD stories.

  15. I thought Cheryl was Tiffany's sister.

  16. Avalonn said...I thought Cheryl was Tiffany's sister.
    Yup! They were! :)

  17. Why isn't Julian worried that someone will recognize him? Famous soap opera face change?


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