Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!
Since I won't be here today, I thought it would be fun to leave a blog for you to comment in anyway. Please leave your thoughts on the shows in the comment section. I don't think I'll see any today--let me know if they are worth the watch on Sunday!! (DVRs are wonderful things, aren't they??)
Remember that every FRIDAY the Subpranos has a new YouTube eppy up! That's Chrissie Fit's fun webseries. She plays Mercedes on GH. You'd think with all the parents working 24-7 she'd be ON MORE! I was thinking that when I saw Scrubs the other day. Uh, hello...when's the last time you mentioned Emma? You can go to Jake's every other day--that's not "real life" in the least. Two doctors...a baby..eek!

Thank you for all the well wishes. It means a lot. Have a good one. The sun is actually shining here, which gives us hope spring will finally come. (probably not until May, but hey...we'll take this now!)
It seems like the writers are purposely writing GH into the ground. sonny shoots dante, but we are supposed to feel sorry for sonny. jason going back with sam after all the things she has done. (sleeping with stepdaddy, threatening liz and kids,and watching jake be kidnapped).these 2are supposed to have chemistry, I don't think so. carjax is truly a car wreck. they keep hurting each other. everyone knows carly's true love is jason. jax could not handle being second with brenda or courtney. but he settles for 3rd behind jason then sonny.then a love triangle with liz, nik and lucky falls from the sky. with no build up at all.and then everyones favorite another wtd storyline. maxie sleeping with franco made no sense. spin helping with the dante fall out. the only good thing is lulu and dante hopfully the writers do not ruin it.
ReplyDeleteI don't really think jason is Carly true love. I think Sonny is if anyone.I disagree about Jasam as well, they DO have chemistry its just everything that has transpired its hard to believe they're togetehr since jason is so loyal and also holds grudges.
ReplyDeleteKaren watch OLTL GH nahhhh but I just sick of Sonny.OLTL has drama GH has the same thing over and over.Should be the Sonny and Jason show.
ReplyDeleteI also think that Sam and Jason have some kind of chemistry. But they like to write Sam to be his sidekick instead of girlfriend.
ReplyDeleteI also don't think that Jason forgave Sam so fast for what she did in the past.
I mean, Ric kidnapped a pregnant Carly and Jason never forgave him for that. But, I guess that since Ric didn't have great boobs, it was easier to not forgive him.
Best part today- Diane telling Alexis she needs to bill Nik! The Diane and Alexis 3rd grade desk stuff was great too :)
ReplyDeleteI just realized that in the picture of Jason below, him and Jake look alike. Good casting!
ReplyDeleteDwight on The Office had that bizarre flirting scene with Pam's sister last night. He hooked up with her at their wedding. Maybe he thought he could do better than a baby contract with Angela. My interpretation, anyway.
ReplyDeleteI don't watch the Housewives show, and in skimming over that paragraph I thought that was a picture of Laura Wright for a sec. An older, faker, less attractive Laura Wright.
The only thing worth watching was Diane and Alexis - the rest was a snooze fest. What in the world is going on with GH? There for a brief moment in time, I was loving it. What in the world have they done with Sonny and Jason? As a fan of Sonny and Jason I just can't seem to even like them these days. What a waste of an hour!
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about Helena and this messing with the paternity test stuff. I'm thinking it IS in her personality and history... If this baby is indeed Lucky's then she would lie and say it's Nik's just to up the war between the Spencers and Cassadines. She took Laura for what crazy reason~ to breed with a Cassadine... She made it look like Lucky was dead, then brainwashed him so when he did come back he wouldn't remember Liz... She's obsessed with Luke & their love/hate thing... Switching the paternity of a Spencer to be a Cassadine fits right in.
ReplyDeleteLoved the Diane/Alexis scenes today! They are Fabulous together! :-)
ReplyDelete"What in the world is going on with GH? There for a brief moment in time, I was loving it. What in the world have they done with Sonny and Jason? As a fan of Sonny and Jason I just can't seem to even like them these days. What a waste of an hour!"
ReplyDeleteI am in total agreement with the above statement. There for a while I hated when it ended and couldn't wait for the next day's episode. Now it's back to the same old drudgery. I truly believe Guza and Fronz have their hands on the scripts again. When we saw the script was being written by other people it was great. Why do TPTB keep those two near GH?
Sorry, even the Diane and Alexis scenes were a waste in this episode. Have to agree- we had a week of good writing and now we are back to the crap again...
ReplyDeleteHey Girlie, sorry to hear about your loss of a family friend. Hope that all is going as smooth as it can be during this time. Glad to hear that you are having nice weather, it's pretty warm in Texas today.
ReplyDeleteMamaSpat is right on target about OLTL, it's terrific. Even though I am in the minoriy regarding Kimmy and Stacy, glad to see them go. The cast and crew is outstanding as usual. Kyle is a pistol getting Oliver to realize about being a parent to the baby. Geez, love that guy..calls it like he sees it.
As for GH, the wubbers have it right. Crummy writing = crummy show. Same old stuff over and over again...nothing new going on from what I had read about this show.