Friday, December 30, 2022

Last GH of 2022~!!


Welp, here we are, 'ringing in the new year'!! It's in the SIXTIES TODAY here--and last week it was FOUR. 

Britt's Party. She blows out her candles. Dr O is going to sing and she does but we don't see it LOL weird ...OMG huge MONTAGE of Kelly and her as a kid..then on GH. It's so nice and I'm getting all teary. 

Someone is watching Spencer and Trina ..OMG it's the HOOK! BUT Maxie interrupts them tells them to come inside. 

Liz runs out, Finn follows.  She tells him she lost the baby. He's sad for her. He leaves, Terry comes out..they hug. 

Willow and Michael.. Wiley went to bed. They are talking about 2023. She wonders what will happen if she's not around next year. Michael proposes.  She says yes...

Sam and Dante are having dessert in Kelly's. Joss walks in to see Cam.  Cam isn't there, he's filling in for the catering staff.  Joss sits down tells Dante what a bad person Sonny is.  She leaves to go to Britt's party and Dante and Sam watch the fireworks outside. 

Laura is trying to get answers out of Nikolas. He says he's too far gone and Victor has the upper hand. She says she'll help him start over. She says she loves him and she'll stand by him. She leaves. 

Esme has a match. She keeps looking at the smoke detector. Finally lights the tree, detector goes off..huge fire. She's like maybe this isn't such a good idea??? Nik runs up.  He has a fire extinguisher and goes in..all smoke and fire. As he's trying to put it out, Esme runs out!!!!!! She's on the parapet but Nikolas finds her. Tells her the only way is down. She looks down. He says don't do it!! Then she hops up on the ledge..


Britt leaves the party

Joss and the HOOK are on the docks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Totally forgot Millow weren't married.....
    the WHOLE Joss thing was out of place until the end when I realized why we saw her.....odd that CAM didn't tell Joss he wasn't at Kelly's NYE----
    -----bravo to writers for the montage for Kelly------------
    ------so confused about the hook - just walking around the Haunted Star and then got off a boat and was on the docks ----- looking for Joss????? I don't think Joss is stabbed - I think either Esme shows up from her falling (LOL) and Joss will have to admit Esme isn't the hook OR Britt shows up cause in the previews she said '15 minutes I'm out of here" and she was on the docks???? (course that would delay KT leaving)
    -------it is time for the audience to see who is the hook ----------the physical frame today didn't scream 'Heather' for me------
    ------IRL wouldn't Esme lose the baby after that fall?
    -----Did I miss 'where is Kevin'?????
    -----Austin and Britt - writers, you totally missed the boat on that couple!!!!!!!!

    1. "Mufasa says, I think either Esme shows up from her falling (LOL)"

      Will she fall on top of the hook hookster? ROFL! Oh and I did see your tweet on twitter before you deleted it. :) I was trying to say, I'M HERE!!!! I kept messing up typing I was just so freaked out! Hahahaha.

      "Austin and Britt - writers, you totally missed the boat on that couple!!!!!!!!"

      Yes they did!!!!!!!!! Maybe she will come back later? I hope!

  2. I'll have to check for that montage as my pvr stopped recording for a few minutes. I wish we'd seen mudder sing.

    And sorry, mufasa. I was so glad they missed the opportunity with Austin and Britt. Also happy that Spencer only blew the horn at midnight.

    hmmmm Where's Joss's guard. And who's going to rescue her and get killed because next week's previews says someone dies.

    And we have to wait till Tuesday to find out what happens because the show is cancelled for the Citrus Bowl on Monday...grrr I hope the repeat is a Nurse's Ball with Sonya singing.

    1. "Di says, And we have to wait till Tuesday to find out what happens because the show is cancelled for the Citrus Bowl on Monday.."

      It is?! Well today Y&R was a repeat because of the Citrus Bowl and so was Bold and the beautiful. I wondered if GH would be a repeat today..

  3. Great party. Not showing Leisl's number was weird. At least it was at the end.
    My hope is that the first day of the new year is the outing of the hookster. It would be a crazy thing to kill off Joss. Unless it's Dex to the rescue...again.
    That photo montage had me in tears too. Really don't want her to go. Wonder if they will recast eventually. Hope not.
    At least the Rapunzel thing is done. It was getting tired. Esme will be fine and hopefully will lose the baybay.
    Last GH and blog of 2022. Another crazy year. Thank you Karen, Dave, Sonya and all my fellow posters here. Your comments, agree or not, are something I look forward to every day. Happy New Year to come!

    1. "Zazu says, At least the Rapunzel thing is done."

      She turned into a spider monkey woman! ROFL!

      "Esme will be fine and hopefully will lose the baybay."

      NOOOOO! I don't want baybay Ace to die. :'( I got attached to him. :(

      "Thank you Karen, Dave, Sonya"

      You're welcome!!! Thank you Karen and Dave!!! :D



    Sante: Ice cream?!!? They are eating ice cream in winter?!?!! CRAZY!

    Sante and Joss: Oh Joss stop whining about Sonny. Oh and I don't want you to be a doctor!!! I don't see you as a doctor. How boring for you to be a doctor. We already have a lot of doctors at GH! UGH! Why were you looking for Cam, Joss? You gonna break up with him on new years? No you can't do that! Not on new years!!!!

    Mildew home:

    Mildew: Proposal? I thought Michael already proposed to her. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Haunted star/Britch's party: That sign!!! Britch fest! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Men shirtless with Britch's cake: Yeah I meant to say this yesterday, uh ouch! Shirtless man near a lit candle cake!! Is he nuts?

    Sprina: KISS ALREADY DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! Oh oh the hook hookster!!!! In a mask!!! Who does she want? Trina? Spencer? Both?

    Dr. O singing: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! DAMMIT ALL TO HELL! I'm sure the Tribbles are there and Badger Bob too! I'm sure they are not happy either.

    Finchy and Liz: Finchy and Liz can be friends. I have no problems with that. Finchy wins the line of the day.

    Finchy: You guys can try again.


    Nison: Remembering last new years.. Awww. :)

    Sonny: Kiss me.

    Me: OKAY! :D

    Britch and the cake: She blew out the candles. Yuck! So unsanitary.

    Scotty: No Sonny! I want Scotty to sing.. I don't care if he can't carry a tune!!! :)

    Britch and the video montage: Awwwwwwwwwwwww! She was adorable when she was a wittle itty bitty baby! :) And a little girl! I enjoyed it!!!! Hmmm a picture of her, Pawtucket Holtster, and Maxie, and Britch has her head on his shoulder. Me Likey! :) PIFFY PICTURE! Awwww!

    5 4 3 2 1: HAPPY NEW YEAR PORT CHUCKIANS!!! Now where is Terry's boyfriend? I thought Britch and Pawtucket Holtster were gonna kiss. Crap. Sprina didn't kiss CRAP! Stupid noise maker in his mouth! GRRRRRRR! Balbrecht kisses! Awwww. :)


    Laura and Nik: Great scene!!! LISTEN TO LAURA!!!!

    Tower: Oh boy! Repunzel gonna start that fire! OH OH IT'S HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!! Oopsy!

    Repunzel and Nik: Oh man that fire looked so real. I was worried about Repunzel and baby Ace!! Repunzel escaped! WHEW!


    Repunzel and Nik: At first I thought Nik was going to get caught in the fire! Hey then he can go missing, then recast Nik! :) I then thought Repunzel was going to push Nik off the parapet! Then he goes missing and then recast. :) Repunzel turned into a Spider woman! Is Dimitrus down there? Is he going to save her? When she jumps, I heard a splash!!! GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Dimitrus where are you?!!?

    The pier:


    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 1st 2002* Gia, Liz, and Kung Foo Barbie in a car accident.

    1. sonya said: "At first I thought Nik was going to get caught in the fire! Hey then he can go missing, then recast Nik! :) I then thought Repunzel was going to push Nik off the parapet! Then he goes missing and then recast. :) "

      *** lol I was thinking the same thing. At least take him with you girl...Nope, no such luck.

      And maybe there wasn't any kissing cause people were getting sick on set and RL actors didn't want to.

      I eat ice cream in the winter. I even eat popsicles. lol Inside of course. Only maple syrup poured on snow gets eaten outside. lol

      Ok. Who do you think rescues Joss and who does the hook kill?

    2. Di, let's all hope it's not BRITT who is hooked!!!!!!

    3. I agree. That's not how anyone of us wants her to leave. She could be the one to save Joss. Much better choice.

    4. I'm hoping that we've seen the last of Britt, for now.
      I too eat ice cream in winter.

    5. I eat icecream 365 days a year. Until Menopause told me I can't anymore that is.

    6. Thanks to all this talk I was compelled to have a chocolate covered carmel ice cream tonight. I blame you sonya.

    7. "Linda says, I eat icecream 365 days a year. Until Menopause told me I can't anymore that is."

      But wouldn't ice cream cool you off a little? :)

      "Di says, Thanks to all this talk I was compelled to have a chocolate covered carmel ice cream tonight. I blame you sonya."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA! Yum! Was it on a stick? :)

    8. Yes it was. lol And it was deliciuos.

    9. "Di says, Yes it was. lol And it was deliciuos."

      Yum! Love ice cream on a stick!!! :D

  5. "Di says, lol I was thinking the same thing. At least take him with you girl...Nope, no such luck."


    "And maybe there wasn't any kissing cause people were getting sick on set and RL actors didn't want to."

    Yeah good point!!!!

    "I eat ice cream in the winter. I even eat popsicles. lol Inside of course."

    BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Aren't you cold after eating ice cream? I have!! So I eat ice cream in the summer and drink hot chocolate in the winter! :)

    "Only maple syrup poured on snow gets eaten outside. lol"

    Hahahahahaha. Good one:)

    "Ok. Who do you think rescues Joss and who does the hook kill?"

    Dex probably rescues her, and I have no idea who the hook kills. Maybe the Jim Carrey look alike.

    "Zazu says I too eat ice cream in winter."


  6. Well the hook isn't Esme because she is burning down the house

  7. Love Kelly and would be very upset if they kill her off. Let's hope with the good material we have had with vets and such the past few months, they won't.

    1. They better not kill off Britt. I really started to love her this time around on the show.

  8. Josslyn will die and Nelles kidney is going to save Willow.

    1. I don't think they'd kill off Joss

    2. right - Joss will live - I actually don't think she is gonna be hooked...

    3. Someone will intervene to save Joss and get hooked instead. Finn?

    4. Preview spoiler said Dante was interviewing a dying woman in hospital and she referred to someone she had sved from the hook as "her". So I'm assuming a woman saves Joss and gets hooked instead.

  9. the stories are too dragged out. forgot about the luke story, also that curtis is father to trina. the hook has gone on too long. also linc storyline.

  10. hopfully esme is not killed off. she is my favorite younger actress. not crazy about cujo jr. or the little girl playing trina.

    1. That little girl is a real person.

    2. Who is cujo jr? Also, I think the actress playing Trina is great.

    3. I think she means Joss. I think Eden's a good actress too.

  11. Sebastian Roche is in 1923 the show with Harrison Ford and Helen Miiren. He plays a bad priest. He's always playing a bad guy.

    1. "lindie says, Sebastian Roche is in 1923 the show with Harrison Ford and Helen Miiren. He plays a bad priest."

      Oh? Cool!!!! :) You are watching it right now?

      "He's always playing a bad guy."

      Hahaha. He is very good at it! :)

    2. Not right now. Yes. He is a great bad guy. Great actor

  12. Happy New Year to all my Wub Tub friends and thanks as always to our best friend Karen!!!!!!!!!!!

    GH promo:


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...