Thursday, December 15, 2022

Bloody Thursday


Gun goes off..Dante rushes in..One guy is on the floor (never seen him, maybe apartment owner) Rory comes out of the back and he's hooked. Jordan rushes there. Dante says the hook must have jumped out the window.. they take Rory by car to GH. Not time for an ambulance. 

Joss, Cam, Spencer and Dex in Kelly's. Dex says "your Uncle pays me well" to Spencer. Spencer decks him. Dex leaves. Cam and Joss talk. 

Trina is looking for Rory..Jordan says he should be at the station. Trina says well, he's not and leaves. 

Spencer is talking to Trina outside of Kelly's. He says Cam is "Over Him" and Trina said she can see differences in Spencer already. He says he's "taking off" 

Alexis and Curtis are in the gym, talking about the Hooker. They get phone calls From Jordan and Greg about the hooker situation. 

Portia tells Elizabeth she's worried about getting married in Feb with Esme on the loose. Liz tries to reassure her. 

Nik and Ava talk in the Gallery. OMG! He serves her with divorce papers!! She can't believe it. She cry yells. He finally tells her he's a terrible person and had an affair with Elizabeth! OOOOOOHHH SNAP!! THEN she cries more and is like "what did she give you that I couldn't"?? A BABY he says! She's having my child!! BLOOP! They talk, he says yep, that's what is happening. Ava turns, grabs a knife and raises it to attack!!!!!! Oh, damn she just threatens him. Tells him to go enjoy is 're-do" with Elizabeth. "God have mercy on your soul, because I won't". Says she hates him. 

Maxie and Sam talking about how much everyone hates Austin. It's dumb. DUMB DUMB DUMB. No one cares. Sorry. I mean, cut bait with this guy. 

Greg tells Finn that Violet is sad because she thinks Daddy is sad. She drew him a picture.


Curtis comes an interrupts Trina and Spencer...gets Cam and Joss. Tells them all Rory was hooked. 


They rush Rory in.. they say get the antidote for the poison. Finn and Liz work on him. They give him the antidote and operate. Portia walks out as everyone is gathered in the lobby. Portia says hes' lost a lot of blood BUT what? They wheel him through the HALLWAY LOBBY so Trina can rush to him. He says "It was too soon to tell you how I feel but when you know, you know" and he flatlines. 

You know I love soapy stuff but THEY WHEELED HIM THROUGH THE HALLWAY?? 


  1. I am SHOCKED that Rory got hooked - I thought he might be the hooker---and if he dies, then Trina has no guilt so maybe he survives and she can't leave him????? But he is still on the other prime time show......
    I agree with others - the writers must have changed the hooker a few times cause they don't know WHO they want it to be.....I'm going back to assistant DA--but at least the person in the apartment will be a clue (one who lives there)
    Maura West is just beyond words......
    Nik surprised me ----- and all of this is so weird HOW to pull off Liz being pregnant? Hello Cam and Spence - welcome your baby brother!!

    1. He is NOT still on the other prime time show. He "joined the cast" as they say in the article , for one episode as a guest star on Oct 12th. Anyone on the show is listed in the cast of the show at Imdb and has their name on the cast list forever. It can then go on their resume as a show they've been in, even if they drive a cab, or play a baddie who runs away from the cops. He won't be back on the show as that character again. ( If you'd watched the show you'd know why.)

      I'd say he didn't let anyone know this because it leaves us all guessing as to whether or not he dies on GH. ( He just came off contract and went on recurring.)

    2. okay - sorry.....on his Instagram long ago he listed he joined the other show and was happy to be a part of such an amazing show. No I don't watch it.

    3. Those articles are usually written to advertise the actors and they use wording that makes things seem better. ..trying to get their resumes out there. I just wanted you to realize that survival may be an option.

  2. Police station/Jordan's office:

    Trina and Jordan: Yeah Rory isn't there! He is too busy being hooked!!!

    The apartment: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH RORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I guess Dante couldn't carry Rory.


    Spencer, Jam, and Dex: Little punchy punchy and yelly yelly. Of course Joss is defending Dexxy poo! :) Cam is upset or is he faking? ROFL!

    Sprina: Wait what happened Spencer? You had hope the other day!!! Why are you giving up now?! What happened off screen? And why was the bench moved? ROFL!

    The gym:

    Curtis and Alexis: I really really love them working together! :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Nava: DIVORCE PAPERS!!!! AFFAIR WITH LIZ! LIZ IS PREGGERS! So many things he is saying to Queen Ava! Of course she is eying that knife! I'm thinking did she stab him or is she just imagining? The queen wins the line of the day!

    Queen Ava: You don’t know what hate is. Maybe I'll teach you.

    THE DAMN QUEEN HAS SPOKEN!!! And Nik better tell Liz that she told Queen Ava ASAP, and to watch her back, because queen Ava might just run Liz over!

    Central Perk:

    Sam and Maxie: Well Maxie just dump Pawtucket Holtster ASAP then!!!! Stop whining.

    The hospital:

    Portia and Liz: Oh don't worry Portia about Repunzel.. She is up in the tower with her baby Ace, and by the way, SHE IS NOT THE HOOK KILLER!

    Jordan and Alexis: Wow great quote Jordan, but Alexis doesn't have a tape recorder or pen and pad. How the hell is Alexis going to remember all that?! ROFL!

    Gregory and Finchy: Awwww adorable drawing that little V drew. :)

    The operation: WHOA! WE GET TO SEE RORY'S OPERATION?! YAY!!!!!! :D

    Rory wheeled out:

    "Karen says You know I love soapy stuff but THEY WHEELED HIM THROUGH THE HALLWAY??"

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA! Where the hell were they taking him? Maybe into his own room? But are there only 1 elevator in the hospital? ROFL!


    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the police station* Scotty and his father. Scotty needs his help!

    1. Man oh man, Queen Ava (thanks for that!) was on fire yesterday. And just like zazu said below, why couldn't idiot Nik tell Ava all of the truth?! That would have been a much better story. Can you imagine Ava blasting Esme in the tower, probably daily, working in cahoots with Liz? OMG, I would LOVE that!

      I really do like Curtis and Alexis. No flies on them!
      Spencer is just an idiot like dear old dad.
      I cringed when Trina ran towards "hallway Rory", squealing Rory, Rory, Rory. With that squeaky voice....just awful. I really don't want Rory to die. And seriously, he should have said who the hookster was, instead of blathering I love you's, lol!

    2. "Julie H says, Man oh man, Queen Ava (thanks for that!)"

      You're welcome. :)

      "was on fire yesterday."

      She was!!!!! And she was wearing old school eyeliner!!! :)

      "And just like zazu said below, why couldn't idiot Nik tell Ava all of the truth?! That would have been a much better story. Can you imagine Ava blasting Esme in the tower, probably daily, working in cahoots with Liz? OMG, I would LOVE that!"

      Oooooo that would have been good too! :) Maybe the writers want Nik and Liz together now. *Shrug*

      "I really do like Curtis and Alexis. No flies on them!"

      What do you mean no flies on them?

      "Spencer is just an idiot like dear old dad."

      But he is a great yeller!!! :D

      "I cringed when Trina ran towards "hallway Rory","

      Why is there only 1 elevator?!!? And where were they taking him?!!?! They could have just had Trina visit him in his room!!

      "I really don't want Rory to die."

      Me neither! :'(

      "And seriously, he should have said who the hookster was, instead of blathering I love you's, lol!"

      ROFL! Damn writers are so sneaky!

  3. How different would it be if Nikolas just told Ava the whole truth and then begged her to raise Esme's child with him. This whole scheme is a bit much for me.
    Is the dead guy the snake smuggler? Still confused. Maybe the hookster is someone we don't know. Nor do the writers. lol

    1. Jordan did refer to him as the snake smuggler or impoter...whatever. The Hook was taking care of witnesses cause she was tipped off.

    2. Missed that.
      Not so sure it is a she. They seem to accentuate that word when talking about the hookster. Unless maybe it's Nelle. Guess we'll find out someday.

    3. Nelle's locked up at Windemere.

    4. hahaha I think the evil old witch invaded my head space. I meant Esme. Didn't realize you were talking about the walking dead again. I'm going with a live perpetrator.

    5. Evil old witch...hahahah! Welcome back Di! I rooting for a "live" hookster, too. :)

    6. Thanks Julie. yes. Idefinitely want a live hookster. Rotting bodies crawling out of the ground aren't my thing. lol

      And I want them to realize they're shorthanded now at PCPD and BRING CHASE BACK. There's no shortage of mob guys and bodyguards running around this show but we're now down to ONE working cop! Or will they have Mac pull out some more senior retirees to help. lol (And I love Mac but he's in an office job overseeing where he belongs.)

  4. Rory is going to be dead or badly mamed and Trina will stay with him now for a long time :(

    1. Yeah and it will be a repeat of the Chase, Willow, Michael storyline! UGH!

    2. Ugh, Sonya, I was going to say the same thing. Just ick!

    3. You KNOW it's a horrible storyline when I didn't even REMEMBER that whole fiasco of Chase, Willow and Michael!!

    4. "Julie H says, Ugh, Sonya, I was going to say the same thing. Just ick!"

      UGH UGH UGH!

      "mufasa says, You KNOW it's a horrible storyline when I didn't even REMEMBER that whole fiasco of Chase, Willow and Michael!!"

      You blocked it out!!! ROFL!

  5. "You know I love soapy stuff but THEY WHEELED HIM THROUGH THE HALLWAY??"

    LOL, I thought the same thing! Anyhow, I wish Rory was really dead but I think it is just a way to keep Spencer and Trina apart for longer.

    Why in the world wouldn't Nik just tell Ava the truth. I hate it when the writers do completely illogical things like this.

    Has anyone else seen the rumors swirling on social media that the actor playing Nikolas has been let go? I wonder if it's true?

    1. Rumours on one blog because the actor changed his social media accounts and has unfollowed everyone. Nothing in any news yet. maybe the hook gets him and they want it to be a surprise. Otherwise they're playing with us again.

    2. I would love for tyler christopher to come back. I follow him on instagram he is doing good.


You Left Something...

  It's snowing again!! Weird weather here, 44 yesterday, 30 today...probably 12 tomorrow. HA. I guess I'm used to it though!!  Yeste...