Monday, December 19, 2022

BREAKING NEWS: Marcus Coloma OUT of GH!!


Daytime Confidential reports Marcus Coloma is out as Nikolas Cassadine effective immediately. No word on replacement. For further scuttlebutt they also say that he refused to film his final scenes before leaving.  So far there's been no confirmation from MC himself on the situation.

I will keep you informed!

Also Note: Obviously, GH will not be on today due to the hearings. 


  1. It's on here in Canada for those who watch here. That means it will be on citytv website and on demand too. We'll get a repeat tomorrow.

    1. I checked the ABC channel and it actually came on there at around the 40 minute mark so it maybe be on somewhere later in its entirety.

  2. I never really felt he was Nik but how cruel to fire someone right before Christmas. There's always more to it than we ever know or will ever know.

  3. Another character ruined. Sad that he is out. Watching his live FB's with MB made me really like him. He seems like a nice funny guy. Sorry to see him go but I hope that Karen gets her prediction wish. TC has worked hard through his issues and deserves another chance.

  4. I liked him as Nik - I'm bummed he will be gone. I didn't like him initially but thought he worked well with what he was given (I'm slow to like recasts). The storyline lately though....not his fault!!

  5. Yeah him refusing to do his final scenes is odd. I wonder what happened behind the scenes. That's a soap opera in itself. :) I wonder if they are going to recast him. I hope so!!!

    1. Yes. I hope they're not going to kill him off although he does have Ava after him. lol They should have a recast for the scenes he didn't shoot and then make a decision.

    2. The most recent recast can work until TC comes back. Please listen to the fans on this one! I can just feel the emotion between Spencer and TC's Nik!

  6. Here is hoping tyler christopher comes back

  7. I think that he will end up being MIA then until they decide if they will recast.

    1. That's better than killing him off.. it's bad enough Laura doesn't have Lucky or Lulu around.

  8. He was never a good fit for the role of Nikolas Cassadine and I said so from day one. It always felt like he was phoning it in or just didn't care to be there. He never gave the effort that role demands. He was playing a Cassadine and never once acted like it. Perhaps he should find another profession, because acting is just not his thing. His pettiness in not filming his final scenes shows you exactly who he is, if you ask me. Not a smart move on his behalf. Good riddance!

    1. That's how I felt about him and why I liked Adam H so much when he subbed for him. That guy had presence. He could emote authority with his voice and his posture even coming in cold in a new role with a new script.. No being tentative or waving his hands around. To me he felt like a Cassadine and I remember thinking if this guy was here for a while he'd really own this role.

  9. No was they kill off Nick - too many storylines - Spencer, Ava, Esme. Liz etc

  10. It shows on his face these last couple of days. Something has been off. I thought he was an OK recast. But the writing wasn't strong for his character. Let's put it this way: I buy him as Nikolas more than I buy Cameron Mathison as Drew. The show will go on. Remember when Tamara Braun left as Carly at the height of a storyline and the next day it was Jennifer Bransford. That didn't end well.


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