Friday, December 16, 2022

2 Martini FRIDAY


They are trying to save Rory. Trina is yelling, screaming and Cam and Joss try to calm her down. Um, she sure can't cry. YELL...yes, Cry? NOPE. Anyway, Rory dies. Trina yells and collapses into Portia's arms. 
Trina goes and sobs in the chapel. Sobs. Joss comes in. Trina is sad she couldn't say the words "I love you" to Rory. Joss says she wasn't ready. 

Netherlands: VAnna are hiding out, trying to find Lucy. They are glad they are together. They make out. BTW, they are in a windmill, you can see the wall move LOL. Valentin thinks a diamond broker in the area might know where Lucy is...but in the meantime they will have zex. 

Ava calls someone and plays Nikolas' confession over the phone. She says "meet me at the Gallery" Victor walks in. She toasts him "you got your wish, I'm divorcing Nikolas".. AVATOR! I'm so happy. Victor points out that the confession is moot because Elizabeth saw Esme and she's alive. Ava says it still would be messy. She wants more money in the settlement. 

Laura is going to Wyndemere. Sees Nikolas on the docks..says "we can go together" ..he's sad. Flashes back to the Ava convo. He tells her that Spencer isn't at the house. She wonders how he got out of jail so early. He says "Guess who".  He tells her Victor. Laura gets a call that Rory has died. Goes to GH 

OMG SO Jordan calls Rory's parents and Dante shows her the earring they found in his pocket. Jordan says they already did a post mortem (UMMMMMMMHHAHAHAHAA) and they found snake Venom and Dante says "Esme could be at it again". Liz says: That's not possible. Everyone looks at her. She says "Well Cam doesn't think so either"..Then Laura comes in. 

Liz goes to see Nikolas. She calls him on the pier "you could be walking into a trap! Be careful" ..I have no clue what she means. Nikolas goes up to Esme's room. Opens the door and....

Dante and Jordan are going to test an earring they found in Rory's pocket for DNA. He must have snatched it from the killer. 


Joss doesn't tell Cam about wanting to break up

Liz is horrified to learn Esme isn't the hooker because she and Nikolas gave up everything because they thought she was a killer and she's not. (she never left her room) 

Spencer isn't leaving town because he wants to be here for Trina 


  1. Not really it seems.

    KD, I thought the erring was a bangle and I wwas thinking the Hook must have a really skinny wrist. lol How could she even wield that thing. lol I need help....

    I was hoping they'd faked Rory's death. I'm not happy. :(

    1. "Di says, I thought the erring was a bangle"

      Hmmmm. I don't know! It looked like an earring!

      "and I wwas thinking the Hook must have a really skinny wrist. lol"


      "How could she even wield that thing. lol"

      I have no idea! Hahahahahaha!

      "I need help...."


      "I was hoping they'd faked Rory's death."

      I wish! :(

      "I'm not happy. :("

      Me neither. I'm sad! :(

  2. The Netherlands: When they showed the windmill, I thought it was the new GH credits. :) I liked it. Damn.

    Vanna: Gee while on the run Anna bought hair extensions and a sweater! ROFL! I WANT that sweater! So pretty. Ooooo Vanna zex! :D

    Port Chuckles:

    The pier:

    Laura and Nik: Is Nik really going to spread that lie to Laura? Wait Laura didn't tell him that the hook killer struck again!!!!

    The hospital: Rory is dead!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :'( Dammit it made me cry! We didn't even meet his family yet, and we didn't get to know him more!! This sucks!!!! Hurts! :( Earring? I'm thinking he either was the hook killer, or he pulled off the earring from the hook killer while fighting with her. Yeah I'm leaning more that he pulled the earring off of her. Liz! Call Nik!!! Tell him the hook killer struck again!

    The hospital:

    Laura, Spencer, and Cam: Awwwww! Laura and her grandsons. :)

    Laura and Spencer: No Spencer! It's not your fault!!! I don't blame you for anything Vampire did! You are not responsible for Vampira's actions! Great scene! :)

    Cam and Joss:

    Cam: Do you think we could go some place and talk?

    Joss: I'm sorry. Trina needs me.

    Oh man! Joss is so cold!!!!

    The chapel:

    Trina: I thought she did a great job crying. She made me cry. Great scene!!!

    Trina and Joss: Now I bet Trina is going to feel so guilty about what happened to Rory, she will stay away from Spencer! :(

    Nurses station:

    Joss and Cam:

    Cam: Before everything went down tonight you said there was something important to tell me.

    Joss: That can wait.

    No it can't! Tell him!

    Joss: I really can't really think about anything other than Rory right now.

    Stop lying!!! You will also think about Dex! A kiss on the cheek? Ouch.

    Spencer and Cam:

    Spencer: What was that all about?

    Cam: I do not know.

    Poor Cam! He knows!!! He knows that it's over between him and Joss, he just doesn't want to talk to Spencer about it. Cam can't even look at Spencer! My poor Cam! :(

    Finchy's office:

    Finchy and Jordan: Jordan are you going to have Chase back on the force now?! Please?!?!!?

    Near the elevator/Jordan on the phone with Rory's parents: I can't believe Jordan talked to Rory's parents about his death on the phone!!!! Why couldn't Jordan go visit the parents?!?!! Why can't we meet his parents?!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and whoever is on the phone: SHE IS THE QUEEN!!!!!!! :) I bow down to her! :)

    Ava and Victor: Victor wins the line of the day.

    Victor: With your current mood I'm not sure I should.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So is Avatar a go? They would be a delicious couple! :)

    The pier part 2:

    Liz trying to call Nik: I'm not even sure what the hell she is talking about. What trap?!!?!


    Nik, Liz, and Repunzel: Why are Nik and Repunzel having a nice moment?

    Nik and Liz: What the hell was with that creepy ending with Repunzel?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1995* Eddie Maine performs! YEAHHHHHHHHHH! :D

    1. Yes, poor Cam but at least he's still alive. Poor Rory is gone, soon to be replaced by another cookie cutter single male, no doubt. :( I was hoping they were going to fake his death till they brought Trina in. :(

      I thought the final scene was a little weird too. I was afraid she was going to walk in and find Demetrius dead and Esme gone, not Nick playing happy families.

      Knew you'd love the Vanna scenes. They're so good together.

      And Laura is such a good influence on Spencer. He should have to stay with her.

      And God help you, Nicholas. You have let unleashed the Kraken.

    2. Sonya, I want Anna's sweater too. In fact, I may have owned one like it the last time cowl necks were in style. 😊

      Somebody better tell Ava about Rory. Trina is going to need her mentor and friend's support and guidance and Ava loves Trina like a daughter. Hmmmm, maybe helping Trina could bring a thaw in Spencer and Ava's relationship. I know they loath each other but maybe helping support Trina could start a thaw in their relationship - that and having Nik stab them both in the back. Plus, if they think the police aren't getting the hooker they won't worry too much about getting their hands dirty to take care of the problem.

    3. "Di says, Yes, poor Cam but at least he's still alive."

      Yeah he is!!! :) But his heart will be broken. :(

      "Poor Rory is gone,"

      Yeah. :(

      "soon to be replaced by another cookie cutter single male, no doubt. :("

      Well hopefully it's Chase that comes back!!!!

      "I was hoping they were going to fake his death till they brought Trina in. :("

      I wish he was faking his death! :(

      "I thought the final scene was a little weird too. I was afraid she was going to walk in and find Demetrius dead and Esme gone,"

      Whew glad that didn't happen.

      "not Nick playing happy families."

      ROFL! So weird!

      "Knew you'd love the Vanna scenes. They're so good together."

      YES! They ARE so good together! :)

      "And Laura is such a good influence on Spencer. He should have to stay with her."

      Yes he should!!!!

      "And God help you, Nicholas. You have let unleashed the Kraken."

      HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! The Kraken! Hahahaha!

      "Gary says Sonya, I want Anna's sweater too."

      I'm looking on that website to see if it's there yet. It's not.

      "In fact, I may have owned one like it the last time cowl necks were in style. 😊"

      I didn't know they were ever out of style! :)

      "Somebody better tell Ava about Rory. Trina is going to need her mentor and friend's support and guidance and Ava loves Trina like a daughter. Hmmmm, maybe helping Trina could bring a thaw in Spencer and Ava's relationship. I know they loath each other but maybe helping support Trina could start a thaw in their relationship - that and having Nik stab them both in the back. Plus, if they think the police aren't getting the hooker they won't worry too much about getting their hands dirty to take care of the problem."

      Awwwwwwwww! Yes!!!! I need that to happen!!!! :)

    4. Sonya, I was thinking about a sweater I owned back in the 1970s. Lol

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, I was thinking about a sweater I owned back in the 1970s. Lol"

      OH! Hahahaha! :) The good ol days! :)

    6. Bell bottoms, Rock and Roll, and disco. The Fonz and cowl neck sweaters.

    7. I love Anna's sweater too. Yup, cowl neck and very pretty. I had a similar one in the 80's but different material. Want to find one like that now!!

  3. How pregnant is Esme? It's going to be a long however many months until the end. Unless it all blows up in their faces soon. Here's hoping for soon.

  4. Didn't Heather have some kind of flora disease and that is why she was at GH. I think she is getting out and hooking people.

    1. I think so. Is she in the place where Ryan is for that or to recover from the prison van crash?

  5. So now that Nik and Liz know that Esme isn't the hooker can Liz just go tell Finn "hey, I didn't cheat on you. Nik and I are holding Esme prisoner because we thought she was the hooker and Esme is the one who is pregnant." Or what that make too much sense and she is protecting him from the cops.

    Yes, Sonya I have taken my pain meds.

    1. "Gary says, So now that Nik and Liz know that Esme isn't the hooker can Liz just go tell Finn "hey, I didn't cheat on you. Nik and I are holding Esme prisoner because we thought she was the hooker and Esme is the one who is pregnant." Or what that make too much sense and she is protecting him from the cops."

      Hahahahaha. Yeah that's way too easy and not soapy. :)

      "Yes, Sonya I have taken my pain meds."

      ROFL! I wasn't even thinking of that.. Oh dear do I ask that question a lot? I think I asked in the past a couple of times. Only because I'm concerned about you.

    2. Thanks for the concern, I appreciate it. Some days are worse than others. Those are the days I put myself on internet restriction and lurk, I just didn't do it today.

    3. "Gary says, Thanks for the concern, I appreciate it."

      You're welcome!! :)

      "Some days are worse than others. Those are the days I put myself on internet restriction and lurk, I just didn't do it today."

      Awww so today is bad? *BEARHUGS*

  6. So, I dont comment here often, but I have this theory that I want to throw around see what you all think... My guess is that Hook is actually Esme's nanny, Maggie. I believe she sees Esme as her own and is seeking to avenge her "daughter." Now, if everyone remembers, there was a murderous nanny several years ago who terrorized Port Charles before evading capture never to be see again... this nanny would also have other reasons for coming to Port Charles, and they might include someone else currently residing at Wyndemere... Esme's nanny, Maggie, is none other than Colleen McHenry, Spencer's former nanny who was obsessed with Nikolas. She was known for both obsessive behavior and being a serial killer. This, to me, would be genius writing. I would love to see one final showdown between Nik and Colleen. We never really got closure as she was just gone. What say you, fellow Wub'bers?

    1. I had forgotten about her. That would be a nice twist.

    2. COmments always welcome! YES I still think it is the nanny protecting Esme....Kinda don't understand Rory dying ------ now Trina can be with Spence......

    3. mufasa, I think it is Esme's nanny too. It would be a delightfully, nasty, soapy twist for Esme's nanny to be Spencer's old nanny who had the thing for Nik.

  7. Horrible! Seriously, the police commissioner calls the parents on their cell phone to tell them their beloved son has died in the line of duty???? This was a scene better left on the cutting room floor and made Jordan look callous. Not feeling this new Trina...but then again, there was no build up with her relationship with Rory. It was mostly all off camera until the past week. Probably hard to emote when you've barely worked with the actor and character you're opposite. I do have a gut feeling the rumors about Nikolas' portrayer are true - the character really seems to be written into a corner. I can't believe they'd get rid of the character. But I'd believe they'd do a recast. The end scene was bizarre. Some days and scenes the show shines, others, it's a cluttered discombobulated mess.

  8. And could Liz have been any more obvious when she left the hospital? I mean GUILTY Party of 1! Another clumsy scene.

    1. " I mean GUILTY Party of 1! " HAHAHAHAHA LMAO

  9. Something I noticed; that earring that Liz found on Rory looks just like the ones that Ava is currently wearing. Weird

  10. I too think it's the nanny of Esme. It has to be someone who would hate Trina, and no one but Esme hates Trina. But the writers keep changing who the killer is IMO so who the heck knows from day to day

  11. Aside from the lovely Vanna scenes as usual all is doom and gloom for the holidays. Didn’t think Trina’s acting was all that great. Maybe Finn and Jordan should get together. Horrible that she called Rory’s parents.

    1. I loved the VAnna scenes too. Best couple in a very LONG time

    2. Maybe the parents live a long way away; another city or another state. She'd want them to know before it hits the news and she can always write thm later.

    3. They live in PC. Remember, he invited Trina for Christmas Eve.

    4. OK. In which case she would have called someone to get word to them right away and follow up with a phone call. She would want them to know before someone posted it online trying to beat the news and make it all about them. No one wants parents finding out from the internet, the news channel or a horde of wannabees swarming their lawn.

    5. I watch lots of cop shows. Never saw anyone call a family to inform them of a death.

    6. This isn't a prime time cop show with a million dollar budget. It's a soap, struggling to survive, who would have to hire people to come in just to answer the door so they could talk to them. Nothing is going to be exactly how we'd like to see it. It was a 10 second scene. I just let it go.

    7. I don't know how police officers handle informing families of death of a loved one while on duty but I know how the military handles it - thankfully not first hand. A two person team goes to the next of kin to break the news. Ideally it would be Base Commander but it could be his/her deputy. I assumed that Mac broke the news about Rory to his parents since Jordan was handling the investigation of Rory's death and Jordan's phone call was bringing them up-to-date and passing along her condolences. And then like Di said I just let it go.

  12. The logical thing would have been if she just said she had sent an officer directly to the parents. There weren’t any reporters at the hospital to spill the beans.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...