Sunday, October 2, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Rough Around The Edges


Quite a bit to dish up this week for sure. One note: People can't figure out if it's sweater weather or still hot and humid in Port Charles !! Wardrobe was all over the place.  Speaking of all over the place, the editing gave me a headache this week almost as much as the jumbled pacing. 

So, grab your grub and let's go! 

HOOKED OF THE WEEK:  So, Diane is down and...??? It seemed to be one of the least urgent situations I've seen on a soap when it comes to life or death! Sure, Alexis gasped and Dex was bloody but other than that? Her surgery went on for 4 days our time... an overnight in her time (that tells you the pacing for all of this). Finn and Portia were frantic to get the magic potion antidote then... ?? It was just really strange and a let down. 

HOOKED 2 OF THE WEEK:  I like my mobsters as mobsters so-- I was happy to see Sonny try to get some info out of Dex this week. In a brilliant nod to The AJ of Past, he was on a meathook in a freezer. The HOOK wasn't lost on me!! Anyway, before it could really get going, Joss came in and told Sonny it couldn't have been Dex. Michael tired to tell him but you know, Michael. 

BOOKED OF THE WEEK:  Yes, I had to put this here because it rhymed with hook! This actually happened last thing on Friday but all the scenes leading to it were just brilliant. NC was so good in his conversation with Victor I could hardly contain myself.  WOW.. You must watch because I can't describe the attitude displayed. It was a lot of hurt, anger and yet resignation to fate. Bravo.  The book bashing came after Spencer explained the bullying he was experiencing because he was a rich kid who was protected by a rich Uncle. 

LOOK OF THE WEEK:  OH MY GOSH--Selina WU and SONNY Corinthos!! Squee!! Probably my fave scene of the week. 

LOOK OF THE WEEK 2: Cody wants to know if Mac is his Daddy so he asks Maxie. Finally, when Felicia and Mac appear they come to the conclusion a DNA test is needed. I actually liked the Scorpio family-bonding scenes even with Cody in them. 

SHOOK OF THE WEEK:  Well,  Valentin shook Anna a bit!! What a great sex scene and it's been AGES!! 

SHOOK OF THE WEEK 2:  Portia, when she realized that Jordan figured out Trina's DNA trail. 

CROOK OF THE WEEK:  Goes to Spinelli. No, he didn't steal money but apparently, he stole (or CAN Steal) every person in the WORLDS data files!! All for a dating app. I'm pretty sure that's big time crime of the century--unless of course the WSB snaps him up as a hacker. 

CHOOK OF THE WEEK:  Well, Brook and Chase kissed--and then Brook pushed him away. EVEN tho he was in his skivvies and freshly showered!! Oh lord. 

PROP OF THE WEEK:   Nikolas gives Ava a poor man's truffle to woo her back to Wyndemere! Ferrero Rocher!! I died a little. Well, Ava did look like she was enjoying it! 


Robert was on one day, then checked on Diane briefly then..?

Cody asks Mac the question: Are you my Daddy? 

Sasha has no funds due to her guardian dying

Diane is rushed to GH, Finn gets the antidote and..she's still in surgery

Jordan confronts Portia with the knowledge that Curtis is Trina's father

Curtis tries to get Trina to accept an internship at Port Charles Museum of Fine Arts

Greg and Alexis break up a Finn-Nikolas fight

Ava decides to go home with Nina and not to Wyndemere

Sonny puts Dex on a hook and tries to beat the truth out of him

Joss convinces Sonny Dex is innocent

Spencer is not having a great time in jail and gets knocked out

Chase and Brook Lynn kiss but wait for sex because he's singing

Spinelli confesses to Sam to hacking the global grid and stealing people's data

Austin meets Mason at GH and gives some guy a shot of something

VAnna fans are thrilled that Anna and Valentin finally get their groove on

NEWS OF THE WEEK: SOD says ESME is back-- are they trying to make us think she's the killer by putting her in this hoodie?  I honestly thought Holly would be back by now but-- she's due around Oct 19th or 20th. 

I don't know folks. To be honest, the editing just threw e again this week. One minute Finn's running for the antidote and the next he's fighting Nikolas in the lobby. Dex is hanging on a meat hook and then, Sonny's at the Metro the next morning and we never find out if he let him go or? Just ...jangled. If you look at Monday to Friday ONE NIGHT went by.  Epiphany made an appearance with Marshall and Nurse Amy got a few lines as well. Austin is still just a mystery to me and a boring one at that. Roger has been on maybe 6 times in the past 6 months.  The Elizabeth story is moving as slow as ever and we finally get a sketch and a Reiko tie in to Finn and then nothing about it for the entire week. I call all of this crazy-pants.

So!! See you this week! 


  1. Thanks Karen, I think they film all this in pieces and then put it together like a puzzle. Trouble is that those pieces DON'T MATCH. They don't edit properly and just air whatever. It's kind of like when I watch it in pieces on Utube because I only like certain people. lol

    I will watch the Spencer and Victor scenes and Sonny and Selena. I am trying to figure out who is going to sleep with Selena. I think she and Curtis might be the hottest for a one time fling.

    I don't like Cody at all, but I liked him a TINY bit with Mac Daddy, Felicia and Maxie.

    I am a huge VAnna fan and want more of those sex scenes with them. I am SO jealous of Anna's gorgeous dancer body too. I feel like they are one of the best pairings in a VERY long time on GH. I really like Brooklynn and Chase too, and she is absolutely crazy she passed up on Chase. Stupid.

    I wonder if Trina will visit Spencer in the pokee now that he has been beaten up. And, I wonder if Cyrus will come to Spencer's rescue. I don't think those 2 actors have ever had any contact. Wouldn't that send Laura for a loop. Maybe that is how she'll come back on the scene. I have to say that I am a Spencer and Trina fan. Spencer has some growing up to do, but I do like the "bad boy". I just loved Karen and Jaggar back in the day.

    Hope Esme is just a red herring and is not the "hooker". Too easy and no fun.

    Thanks again Karen. I love waking up on Sunday and reading your blog!!!!!!!!! You are the best!!!!!!!!!

    1. PS Ferrero Rochier. Ewwwwwwwwwww. Those things are gross

    2. The actress who plays Esme is just to good for GH to lose by having Esme turn out to be the hooker. I think she is going to be like Dex, a huge red herring. I also like your idea of Cyrus coming to Spencer's rescue. It would go a long way to convince Laura that he has really "seen the light" and been reformed.

  2. -----Vanna sex was the best part of the week/month/year....
    -----yeah, I don't think the killed is Esme now - too easy-----I DO NOT want it related to Selina Wu trying to get Sonny's territory
    ------very confused about Esme - so if the audience sees her first, later wouldn't she be arrested?
    ----OOOOOOOOOOOO - what if it's MAGGIE?
    ----Still think it was related to Dex - like the daughter of the person whom he attacked in the military? I dunno......think I thought Holly????
    -----it's a woman so ------- too short to be Laura's assistant (whom we never see anymore)
    ------guess it's November sweeps when we find out...
    -----Where is Scott?
    ----YES Cody with the Scorpio family was so good!

    1. I thought Selena. She's a woman and little but that's not her style. Hope we are surprised and it's not a dud.

    2. Maggie is more likely one. Doing it for Esme

    3. Completely agree about VAnna

  3. The scenes with Chase and Brook are getting ridiculous. Maybe she'd be happier with Kristina and is just realizing it.

    I don't think Ms. Wu is behind the hooker. I think she just has the hots for Sonny. That look in the elevator mad it obvious.

    Esme coming back will hopefully be more interesting. Hope she isn't the hooker and they actually SURPRISE us for a change. (At least Nik will be off the hook with that confession. lol)

    Hopefully Cyrus will join the mix at Pentonville. hmmmm Isn't Johnny Zacchara still there too? Should be due for parole soon too. 😵

    I'd like it if Spin ended up working for the WSB. At least we'd get some new plots.

    1. Spin being in the WSB boggles the brain in a good way.

    2. I think Spin should be WSB. Better storyline and he can get Charlotte found.

    3. Oh, I agree. I am just thinking of Anna having to deal with Spin's quirks.

    4. She'd have to put up with Spin like Sonny and Jason did. Lol

  4. Thanks again for another great SS! Your weekly summary really helps to put things together regarding the horrendous editing on GH. Crazy pants it is.
    I could watch Nicholas Chavez and Maura West all day.
    It seems to me that sometimes the stories are so drawn out that the writers get all tangled up and don't know what to do. Occasionally they just forget about it and let things fade away. The list of ongoing stories that Karen published here just floored me.
    Love in the afternoon is nice. Enjoy the moments before they disappear.
    Appearing on my FB thread the other day was a live feed with Maurice and Marcus. They were very cordial and funny.

  5. Vanna= About time and they were worth every second of the wait.. more please!

    We need a shake up in storyline.. give us something new. I can't believe I am going to type this but did I not see Willow and anything about her diagnosis this week?

  6. "LOOK OF THE WEEK: OH MY GOSH--Selina WU and SONNY Corinthos!! Squee!! Probably my fave scene of the week."

    YES! It was beautiful!!!! :)"

    "SHOOK OF THE WEEK: Well, Valentin shook Anna a bit!! What a great sex scene and it's been AGES!!

    YESSSSSSSSSSSS! I want more!!! :) But of course some people on twitter are clutching their pearls! Hahaha.

    "CHOOK OF THE WEEK: Well, Brook and Chase kissed--and then Brook pushed him away. EVEN tho he was in his skivvies and freshly showered!! Oh lord."

    Yeah I don't believe for one second she would stop it!

    "PROP OF THE WEEK: Nikolas gives Ava a poor man's truffle to woo her back to Wyndemere! Ferrero Rocher!! I died a little. Well, Ava did look like she was enjoying it!"

    Hey wait a second! That's not a poor man's truffle. It's not a poor man's anything. I love Ferrero Rocher! It's delicious!!!! Mmmmmm. :D

    1. And Ferro Rocher are not cheap lol

    2. "Di says, And Ferro Rocher are not cheap lol"

      ROFL! No they are not!!!! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...