Wednesday, October 12, 2022



1. He's going to need to make sure that's not a fake bump

2. Did she think the Launch guy wouldn't see her or turn her in when she went to Wyndemere? 

3. How did she know the safe combo? 

4. Nikolas should hide her in one of the back wings of the house

5. I'm out today due to stupid meetings



  1. Didn't Elsie claim pregnancy once before? She and Nik were standing so close they could have been kissing. Nik used that annoying whispery voice when he spotted her, instead of really sounding alarmed. This whole scenario is so bad and makes no sense. Nap worthy except for Anna and Robert in his office.

  2. Just a reminder that if you have the show on auto-record for new shows and they pre-empt tomorrow's show you may need to manually record Friday's for any show, not a new one. If not it won't record as it will be what is now listed as Thursday show.

    Right now only the news networks like CNN and PBS have the hearings scheduled. So they're probably going to pre-empt.

  3. FF through carly scenes. Beyond annoying

    1. Actually I enjoyed Carly's speech today. She didn't drag up any past garbage and she spoke well.

  4. My program guide shows a new GH tomorrow. Could change of course.
    Everything is so predictable. How long has Esme been gone? She and baybay survived the fall. Quite a bump. When did Willow find out she was preggers? Skinny as a rail last time we saw her.

  5. It's a very weird story..and Drew just there to tell her how wonderful she is. BORING.

    1. Hallmark Drew said "fantastic", I said mediocre at best. HA!
      So agree, they were very boring.

  6. what I did NOT see coming was Nik locking Esme in that room! LOVE LOVE Maura and Maurice talking as friends - more more!
    finally Lucy DID get to tell Vanna who was working with Victor - I was afraid she would get shot or something------------Laura must be coming back soon......and her assistant will turn on Victor in order to get immunity???
    ---I TRULY think today's episode was a combo of several days filming, you know? More characters than I can remember?
    ===gosh I can't stand Michael - when he finds out about Willow's leukemia, I think he will rethink getting Sonny (whether leaving the country as he said which was weird)....
    ----be so much better if Nik told Ava everything and they worked together against Esme....

    1. I agree about Maura and Maurice!

    2. Oh yes, Maura/Maurice are great together, now!
      And Nik locking Esme in? I was shocked and thrilled! Then I giggled! :)

  7. Jacksonville Florida

    Guild meeting: It's 4:00! The meeting starts at 4!!! Carly is ready to speak her mind. Drew is there too! Oooo love Linda Purl's character's blue jacket!!! :) I'm surprised Cujo didn't come out!

    Linda Purl's character: Who's your guard dog?

    BAHAHAHAHA. She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. At the meeting Carly spoke and then the meeting is over, and I don't know what the results will be. There was no vote.

    Port Chuckles:


    Vampira and Nik: Vampira really IS preggers! She showed her belly and had Nik touch her tummy to feel the baybay! Wow Vampira has a baybay bump and Willow isn't showing. How stupid. Yeah maybe the fisherman who fished her out is the daddy! :) DNA test time! She talks about how NIK seduced HER! HAHAHAHAHA! Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: You were ready, willing, and oh so able!

    BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! Oh Nik wants to hide her so nobody can see her. A private room where nobody goes to it. So many books!!! No wifi, but that's okay! She can read a book! ROFL! He locked her in! ROFL!

    Sonny's office:

    Ava and Sonny: YAY! A scene with them. :) Talkin about Trina, and Dexxy. Ava wants Sonny to keep Dexxy. He saved her life. :) Badger Bob is there listening in on their conversation. :)


    Jam: Oh a scene with them! YAY! Oh I like her shirt. He is worried that the reason they don't have sex is because he did something wrong.. Awwww Cam! :( No no she still isn't ready. Yeah they haven't had sex again.. Just that 1 time. Maybe she should talk to Doc. Someone she can talk to.. I'm sure he can help her!!! Cam is working today! Oh hi Michael!

    Jam and Michael: Oh Michael is there because Willow is craving sweet potato pie! Oh Willow is calling Michael. What does she want now? Pickles with sweet potato pie?

    Joss and Michael: Joss talking about Dexxy and Sonny. Michael tells her to stay away from Dexxy! HA! Like she is going to do that.

    Cam and Michael: Joss had to go without telling Cam where! I bet she is going to Dexxy poo's place! Oh oh Michael told Cam all about what has happened with Dexxy and Joss! And that they should tell her to stay away from Dexxy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Dexxy's apartment:

    Michael and Dexxy: Michael you are in love with Dexxy aren't you? Well Michael want Dexxy to leave town! To be safe!

    Dexxy and Jossy: HA! I knew she would visit him. Oh geez she just walks in and doesn't ask if she can come in!!! Oh Joss stop making excuses on why you are visiting him! You like him admit it! She talks about how he lied to Dante about what Sonny did to him. Speaking of Dante, where the hell is he? Is he still looking at the new dead body? Is it Oz? Anyway when Jossy leaves, Cam texts her. He wants to talk to her. Yeah I think I know what about!

    Victor's old hotel room: Gee. Someone should have told Yohan that Victor changed rooms. Victor should have called him.

    Victor's new hotel room:

    Victor and Lucy: Victor is on the phone with Laura's assistant and Lucy is trying to over hear the conversation on the phone with Victor and Laura's assistant. She picks up the phone and listens. She hangs up the phone, but not all the way! Yohan is suspicious of her and asked if Victor swept for bugs! Victor thought that was Yohan's job! ROFL! Yohan swept for bugs and nothing. After Lucy left, Victor saw the crooked phone and saw Lucy's lipstick on it! OH OH! :O

    The REAL park:

    Vanna: They can't hear anything from Victor's hotel room!

    Vanna and Lucy: Lucy tells them about Laura's assistant! Anna acts all worried and wants her to stop. Yeah I don't buy it sorry Anna! If you weren't bullying her before, then I would buy it.. I buy V.C. wanting Lucy to quit and is worried about her. Lucy will not quit!!!!! That's our Lucy! :D

    1. Linda Purl's jacket was gorgeous. I want it, lol!
      Victor and Lucy cracked me up. She's so sneaky, that one!
      Joss is so little Carly. is enough, thanks.
      I really enjoy Ava and Sonny. Things sure have changed between them. And I was thrilled that Mikey blabbed all to Cam about Dex. HAHAHAHAH! Jossy, you have some 'splaining to do!

    2. "Julie H says, Linda Purl's jacket was gorgeous. I want it, lol!"

      Hahaha. Well, maybe it's on this site.

      "Victor and Lucy cracked me up. She's so sneaky, that one!"

      Hahahaha. She has always been good at being sneaky! :)

      "Joss is so little Carly. is enough, thanks."


      "I really enjoy Ava and Sonny. Things sure have changed between them."

      Yeah and I love it!!!!! :)

      "And I was thrilled that Mikey blabbed all to Cam about Dex. HAHAHAHAH! Jossy, you have some 'splaining to do!"

      It was great! :) Cam is going to wonder why she lied to him and kept secrets! :)

  8. Wait - we're still having January 6th hearings? With all the news channels - I never understand why they need to interrupt regular programming for non-emergency issues. But - what do I know.

  9. I thought Avery Pohl was brilliant today.

  10. Replies
    1. ooooh, thanks! I'll be watching it tonight. PD is past my bedtime, lol!

    2. I watched it last night and it looks like a one time guest actor gig. Rory probably won't be going anywhere.

  11. Maura and Maurice are so brilliant together. Didn't watch one second of Carly in Jacksonville. Michael is such a jerk. Poor Lucy did her job and got canned.

    1. "LindaV says, Poor Lucy did her job and got canned."

      ROFL! Yeah, but she didn't accept it! She still wants to help Vanna, so she will keep doing her job! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...