Sunday, October 23, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Cliff Notes


The week got really good!! Because I'm a more "seasoned" viewer, I did love the whole Holly reveal and am so looking forward to FINALLY getting this Cassadine story on the road!  

CLIFF NOTES--get it? Well our big ol' "on location shoot" sure wasn't Florida!! As someone said on Twitter "Today, Jacksonville will be played by Malibu"!! This whole thing was a FF for me so I'm leading off with it and not mentioning it again! Great scenery, just not what it should have been. (Couldn't you have shot on the flat beach!!?)

Grab some California Rolls (Wegmans are my fave) and let's go! 

PRISON SCENES OF THE WEEK: Not much on this front other than Spencer has some facial hair and Cyrus planed a shiv on ol' Booker. Booker is now in solitaire and Spencer gave Cyrus a book about the New Testament as a thank you. 

ESCAPE GONE WRONG OF THE WEEK: Esme is locked in her tower. Ava even came to get some documents from there and Nik stopped her. Esme was smart enough to get some wire from the back of the picture to pick the lock but guess who got there first? Mean ol' Nikolas. He's basically going to keep her there until the baby is born then figure things out. Um.. okay! I'm all for the Gothic novel to unroll. Esme DID tell him her father was alive..but not who he is. THAT reveal will be something to see ! 

Oh it's Holly Sutton!! They tried to fake us out to think it was Lucy crawling up on that beach but nope!! Two years ago the Monte Carlo story took place--then covid hit and Emma got ill. Even when travel restrictions were lifted, she couldn't make it over. She's finally here!!  I am speculating that Victor had her held captive and she's programmed to do his bidding. She shot Lucy in an Anna mask. Johan got Anna's clothes from her house and the rest is history. Robert and Holly were so good and it warmed my jaded soap heart. She's asking for a full English breakfast and tea and whiskey! 

SO LONG SUCKER OF THE WEEK: Even though Valentin KNOWS Victor is up to no good, he still goes off to see Charlotte in France. Why? I'm sure JPS needed a vacation or something. AND-- VAnna were just getting going and now he's gone when the story totally picks up! SO GH in that regard. *sigh* 


CASSADINE CAPER OF THE WEEK: Oh, VICTOR~! You just got right into the Helena mode here!! Not only did you get Robert all involved and thinking about Holly, you totally set Anna UP for Lucy's shooting!!!  You really need to watch Friday's show to catch all the goings on in this. They have footage from a drone that shows "Anna" shooting Lucy on the pier and Lucy falling into the water. Martin sees it--gets all angry. Jordan sees it...knows it's not real. Anna runs to her car because she knows Vic planted evidence and sure enough, in her trunk are the clothes AND the gun!!  Ut. Oh. 

DRONE FOOTAGE OF THE WEEK; Meanwhile, people are speculating on who this person who looks like Anna could be? A NOT dead Alex?? Holly in a rubber mask? I mean, neither are past the realm of possibility. I'm surprised no one has yelled it yet in the PCPD. But, they ARE slow on the uptake there. 

Speaking of the PCPD, we see an email from Dante about reinstating Chase to the force. It looks like Brook isn't going to show Chase and deletes it?? OH man!! BROOK LYNN!! She's all happy Linc is taking the bait and now her duet song will be produced and yada yada. Not a good look BUT totally a Quartermaine move. 

HOLLY puts Robert's phone on silent!! So we know she's up to something for sure! 

KEY OF THE WEEK: Britt and Cody open Peter's Box of Possessions and find a ticket stub, a wallet..some other junk and a bunch of keys. Cody says one is a safety deposit box. I think we all know where this is leading: Britt's Exit Story. 

HESITATION OF THE WEEK: Geesh, Trina seems to REALLY not want to go on this Comic-Con trip with Rory! She confides to Ava that she feels "off" about it but Ava encourages her to go. She still doesn't seem thrilled when she meets Rory at the police station. Hmmm... will they ever make it? Is this part of the hooker story? Will they meet Iron-Man? 

HERE WE GO AGAIN OF THE WEEK: Krissy was on for a hot-minute and now she's off to a management training class.  *sigh* Ok. But next time you say "she's back" I'm not believing a word. 

LINE OF THE WEEK: "It's DOCTOR ASHFORD" says TJ when Nina calls him 'TJ' LOL!! Nina had some nerve with the whole: Tell me about Willow because I'm Wiley's grandmother thing! GEESH! But I get it.. we have to keep the drama of the "TJ-Willow" connection going because Michael will probably think they are having an affair before he finds out about her cancer. :eyeroll: Soap 101 

YEP...that's AUSTIN!! Really! 


Peyton all of a sudden is nice to Carly, apologizes and Drew and she then scatter Virginia's ashes

Cyrus helps Spencer at the jail again

Lucy is shot on the pier by someone who looks like Anna; her body isn't found

Victor is taken in for questioning but released

Johan stole some of Anna's things and planted them in her car trunk along with the gun

Holly Sutton washes up and crawls to the Q boathouse; Robert is amazed 

It appears Holly has memory-loss but we think something more is going on...

Brook Lynn wants Chase to sing and not go back to the PCPD

Trina reluctantly gets ready to go on a weekend trip with Rory 

Kristina is going away on a management course so.. ? Will she be on again anytime soon? 

Cody agrees to a DNA test 

Britt opens Peter's Possessions Box. Finds a safety deposit key 

Mason invites Maxie and kids to Thanksgiving in Pawtucket 

NEWS AND NOTES: Ally Mills' role on GH is still unknown. Elizabeth's parents were cast however and they are William Moses (Jeff Webber) and Denise Crosby (Carloyn Webber). This is HUGE. I mean..not only are her parents coming back but GEESH!! Two great actors. I am so hoping this story is as good as it should be!! 

This week started out so slowly I wanted to just give up. Then, so much happened in 2 days, it lit a fire under me. I hope I can explain what I'm feeling well enough for everyone to understand so here to goes: GH is a GOOD show. Great actors and I usually like the dialog. Editing is a pain in my ass but what are you going to do? They take left turns now and again (Carly-Virginia-Jacksonville story is the latest example) but usually recover before I totally throw in the towel. The show is SO vast that it's just hard to get invested without getting whip-lash. Part of this is totally production and part of it is a giant cast. While I'm really happy there are a lot of interesting characters on the show, it comes at a price of digging deeper into those we really want to see. With SO many stories flipping around, one gets going and then ends up on the back burner. (Case in point: Elizabeth) We are now focused on the older story that should have taken place a year or two ago but COVID hit and it had to be moved. Now we jump in mid-stream and I'm going to have to go back to the whole Casino bit to figure out how Taub might be connected to all of this. We have Austin doing something that has to be tied into this as well. At least I hope it is because starting a whole other 'thing' with him would make my teeth hurt.  Let's not forget the Hooker-Killer is still running around too. Phew. Chase is singing and not policing. Ms Wu story and gambling; Sonny/Michael.. Carly and whatever. Willow Cancer/Baby.  Mac/Cody.  IT's SO MUCH!!  I just want things to tighten up. 

Ok, I'm sure you're sick of me!! HOPE to see you next week! Remember the holidays are coming and there's a little portal over to your right with the Amazon button. It really helps the sight. Thank you!! 



  1. Thank you Karen. Agreed. Good towards the end of the week.

    I can't tell if that is the same black outfit that Holly had on and that "Anna" had on when Lucy was shot. My guess is that Faison gave Victor the Anna mask. lol. Victor sure got smart all of a sudden and got all this done in his favor. Why is JPS gone? boo. Shooting his other show? That part was so lame for Valentin to risk his life because he wants to see Charlotte?? To take Victors plane.

    I'd really like to see them involve Dante more in all the spy stuff. IDK. None of them really solve any crimes, but I do like Dom and would like to see him more in a meatier capacity. Don't like him with Sam.

    Everybody seems suspicious these days. I don't trust Austin, Rory etc. When is Genie coming back? She needs to be on for all this Victor stuff. She hates him too. Doesn't seem right to have this storyline without Valentin and Laura.

    I do like to see Emma Samms back. Really like Robert and Holly in the beginning of their relationship. My husband had a huge crush on Emma Samms lol, especially when she was on The Colbys. Think that was the show. I made him watch with me; stupid on my part. lol

    Clever to have Holly in wheelchair and laying down so she can rest. Long COVID can be brutal. Emma Samms sure is a trooper. Hope she knows her fans love her.

    1. Little bit of blooper; the plaid they showed in the clips is like a blue plaid more like Sasha's shirt, not the black jacket from the Anna picture above.

      What I think might be a good twist to the "hooker" story is to have it be Sasha having a breakdown or something. No one is suspecting Sasha. She did lose Liam and Brando and is doing drugs. Poor Sasha

  2. They are trying *really* hard to make us care about Carly and Drew. I don't.

    I loved all the material with Anna/Valentin/Lucy/Robert/Holly/Victor. I am sure the shooter is Holly in a high-tech mask, because Faison used one to pose as Duke when he shot Jason back in 2012 (the first time Jason left the show).

    At this point, I am beginning to think they will make Rory be the killer. Fine with me. He is rather petite and I don't particularly feel invested in the character or actor.

    Wouldn't it have made a whole lot more sense to make Cameron Mathison a recast Jax?

  3. Great SS! Thanks.
    Ahhh, the beautiful cliffs of the rocky shore of Jacksonville FL. Totally ridiculous but is in perfect sync with the stupid story. My choice for one of the GH worst.
    Karen said it all: too much going on all over the place.
    I loved seeing Spence with Cyrus. More please.
    Again I say...the momentum of the hookster story is weakening. Something like that should be in the forefront until resolved. Soon it will be another who cares tale.
    I watched the first few minutes of Station 19. KT was in the scene. She seems cast as a man stealing tart that women don't like. Much better as our Britt. GH should have worked harder to keep her.

    1. Is Kelly Thibaud gone completely from GH? Or doing double duty?

    2. PS. I didn't used to like Briit but have grown to really like her this time around. Figures.

    3. I think she is leaving "GH" in November. :-(

    4. A big boo to that. Wonder how she'll leave

  4. So glad that they have cast Liz's parents, now I hope they put the focus back on her for her story. Is Holly on long term, does anyone know? I want Robert to have romance but I don't think it's going to be with Holly. If the key is Britt's exit story please GH do it right. Love the Cyrus and Spencer dynamic. We all know Nik is going to screw up and Esme is getting out of there. This is the time to use Uncle Victor. Speaking of Victor how do you think he will be kept around after framing Ana?

    1. Far as I know Emma Sam's is on short term. Robert and Diane are fun. Yes Elizabeth's story needs to be front and center. And the hooker story needs more speed.

  5. The actor that plays Spencer was kind of stiff at first. He got very good fast though

  6. Since Liz's parents have been cast, new woman MUST be Maggie----maybe she is the stalker ----- although I AM thinking Rory more and more.....not Assistant DA who is too tall LOL
    ----Kelly T wrote she filmed through November------
    -----agree - I tried to care for Drew and Carly but nothing......she's gonna come back and not any different - ALTHOUGH I will give her that Harmony made her PROMISE not to tell Willow that Nina was her mother - so there IS that 'death bed with'......but Drew ain't gonna be happy....
    ------love the vets on there-----I read that Jordan puts Anna in jail to protect her from Victor-say what?????Huh???? weird.....
    ----if by Tuesday ROBERT or ANNA hasn't thought of Alex, I will scream......even though I think it is Holly programmed since she is not on for long...wouldn't the clothes have gun residue etc on it? That would work if whats-his-name planted the clothes in her car-----
    ----Cyrus and Spence - so good!
    ---I want CS to stay long so I guess this thing will drag out-----November sweeps starts next Friday--------------------guess it'll be Anna/Laura is back/Esme and Ryan?????

  7. I was thinking the other day of a different way I would have liked the whole Nina/Willow story to have played out. I would have liked for Nina to have somehow found out that Willow was sick and kept Willow's cancer diagnosis secret when Willow asked her to. It would have built a bond between the two and would have caused friction between Willow and Michael because she was being nice to Nina. Think of the drama when Willow's illness came out and Sonny/Carly/Michael found out that Nina knew and didn't tell anyone.

  8. Perhaps you know but Denise Crosby is the granddaughter of Bing Crosby.

  9. It's not just that the cast is too big, it's that Frank mismanages the case. He gives too much time to Sonny and lately way too much time to Carly. Contracts need to be fixed cause these former "stars" aren't bringing in ratings. It's ridiculous that we're kept waiting to know about Liz. And if I'm the network I would fire the people who treat Roger the way the show has

    Emma is filming (or has filmed) for a month.

    I hate the way the show dumbs everyone down. WTH would Jordan or Anna explain anything to Victor? He didn't need to know anything. The ADA has no right to talk to Jordan that way either.

    For Valentin to get on that plane when he knew it was a trap was so stupid. No way would Val do something like that nor would Anna let him.

    My question is Holly is obviously up to no good. But does she know it or is she under Victor's mind control?

  10. Great SS and I never get tired of your thoughts! Hopefully they do tighten up the stories soon.
    All I could think of during the beach scenes was that those ashes were going to blow right back in Carly's face, lol! I ff'd most of it. And yes Gary, Mr. Hallmark would have been an excellent Jax.
    LOVED Holly being back. But please, don't let her break Robert's heart. They are one of my favorite couples ever on GH.
    I'm really looking forward to Liz's story. Fingers crossed it's a good one!
    Besides the Jacksonville story, I could care less about Pawtucket and his creepy talking cousin. Does anyone care?
    Thanks again for the SS. :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...