Sunday, October 30, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Road TRIP


So the Road is for Elizabeth ..and the TRIP is for the ending of Friday's GH!! Holy Moly!! And of all day for me to miss!  The last 5 minutes alone made you need the smelling salts. 

You know we are eating a giant BLT Let's GO GO ! 

Photo credit: @cameasada74

So many nice little moments: Victor reminding us all about Helena's "Chosen One".... Ned thinking Michael was behind Valentin's disappearance and SO MANY PEOPLE HAD ZEX!! I mean, was this GH or???  Happy Dance. It was a good week. 

ROAD TRIP OF THE WEEK:   Um...wait.. is THAT JEFF WEBBER? Is that his HOUSE? Is that Elizabeth looking at her FATHER??  :thud: 

Off to see Spencer in Jail!! Cam and Joss finally make it there and even get their own private chat-room! It was a nice scene, especially between Cam and Spencer. I so wished they had used some flashbacks to them when they were all really young. Who cares if their faces were different? 

ROAD TRIP 3 OF THE WEEK:  um... TRINA! You're making out with Rory and see Spencer!! Hahaha! GIRL!! And that cot that Rory had to sleep on was so funny. Sorry, pal. 

MEET AND GREET OF THE WEEK:  Speaking of Jail....

HOTNESS OF THE WEEK: Move over all other couples romping in the sheets!! FEMA was just perfect! 

TRIP OF THE WEEK:  WELP! There she is and I can't WAIT to see Alley Mills play HEATHER Webber!! I always thought the hooker could be Heather but I knew Robin had def retired and now?? WELP! And... I think she's going to be Esme's mama too. WOOT! I can't wait for all of this to unfold.  PhotoCredit: @Ritziroo 

STEAL OF THE WEEK:  Victor SOMEHOW got the confession letter from Ava's hospital bedside. Yet-- she knew it wasn't Nikolas that took it because of the phone confession. She and Nikolas are going to play dumb with Victor for now. He'll think they are getting a divorce and we'll get more Ava-Nina time! WIN WIN! 

MASTERMIND OF THE WEEK:  Victor has staged something that is glorious to watch! Planted mucho evidence to get Anna arrested. Stolen the letter from under Ava's nose. Gotten Robert distracted with a long-lost Holly and is probably getting ready to control our weather for the next few centuries. I'm here for it all! I love how the old guard is together and a Cassadine is directing the ship (for now).  More please!! 

FK FINN OF THE WEEK: Did the writers hear us? Did they finally realize what a jerk Finn has been with the whole Elizabeth thing? I think so. Why? Well, TERRY went on the trip with her NOT Finn and... Cameron told him that Elizabeth could "save herself" --"she's a survivor". So, here's hoping Hamilton goes back to doing what he does best. Wait, what is that? 

NEDLY OF THE WEEK: Holy hell, they finally used the Martha Stewart example about INSIDER TRADING!! GO NED! GO NED!  I am SO HERE FOR THIS! And Edward the First would be so proud. :wiping tears: 

IDIOTS OF THE WEEK: (see above) 


AFTER WUBSY'S HEART OF THE WEEK: Girl, we all don't like Austin so give it to him and go get  your ice cream! (Doesn't she look like Georgie too??!) 

I told you there were many little moments and this was one of the finest. Spencer just wanted to hear Trina's voice. The smile he had? Golden. 

BONUS MOMENT OF THE WEEK:  Every woman in the Q house has seen Chase Naked!! Photo credit @tdzieszler 

PROP OF THE WEEK:  Oh, are you the Ice Princess all nicely rolled into one necklace?! Or are you a red-herring!!? I'm so happy Britt is part of this and so mad she's leaving for another show.  I DO like the Cody tie in...but then again, it's CODY. Lord help us.  Photo credit: @Sam_PI_Mother 


Everyone learned Holly was back in Port Charles 

Looks like Holly might be up to something

Britt and Cody find some nice jewels inside Peter's safety deposit box

Britt asks for Sam's help in getting the necklace's origin 

Elizabeth takes off for Monterey California with Terry and finally sees her father 

Cam and Joss hook up

Also hooking up:  Nina/Sonny, Brook/Chase and Mac and Felicia 

Implied hook up: Carly and Drew 

NOT hooking up: Rory and Trina 

Ned accuses Michael of getting Valentin out of town

Ned tells Michael and Drew all about insider trading!! 

Willow is still hiding her cancer condition from Michael: TJ is concerned

Ava finds her note gone; but has a back up voice confession

Carly changes her name to Carly Spencer 

Nikolas knows something Victor doesn't know... neener neener 

Sonny and Nina declared their wub 


SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK: Val visits Charlotte in a VERY Catholic French school, Scotty gets a shock and I think Laura is back on MONDAY! 

WELL, it's all coming together. Heather/Ryan/Esme (and I'll be shocked if I'm not right on this), the whole Ice Princess deal with Cody also in there somehow because of Taub and Faison. You know Holly is right in on it too--whether she's under Victor's control or out to steal the diamonds for herself. Elizabeth's story is moving on and without Finn. SO GLAD the writers had Terry to with her to CA and not Finn!! I think they heard us, people!! I'm excited to see her parents because the actors are good ones. Also: Alley Mills as Heather? Genius. I have a feeling she'll be stellar at the Heather Webber 3.0. 

Emma Samms is bringing out old school GH and you can tell by her voice she's been through it with COVID. Bless her for coming over for us!! Such a treat to get all of the old gang together. 

One last thought: Austin was told about Spinelli's data mining. (Maxie's big mouth). I bet dollars to donuts that he'll use that somehow with the whole Mason thing. I think they are doing something with human experiments? Ergo, the data could be useful. I also think this will tie into Leopold Taub and The Cassadines. 

THAT'S A WRAP!  I couldn't cover every second, that's for sure. I hope I hit the highlights for you!! It will be fun this week trying to get back to see the show. I love when I want to see it!! 

You think they'll remember Maxie's Bday? Then again, the show is probably still messed up time wise from all the interruptions and it's no where near Halloween! 


  1. Loved Cam's chat with Finn. But damn, Finn's "Good Chat" was super dismissive. If they are trying to redeem him, it's not working. Cautiously optimistic about Elizabeth's parents & deathly afraid of what the writers will do to mangle Elizabeth's history at the same time. Nice to see some use of younger Elizabeth scenes. I just can't help but wish there were still characters who knew Elizabeth in her younger days around.

  2. There really isn't anyone around who knew Liz in her younger days. Terry is after the fact, so that doesn't really count. No Jason, Karen, Sarah, Jaggar, Brenda, Lucky, or even Gran on screen anymore :(

    1. Nik was friends with Liz as teens

    2. Think it's because this is new Nic and he hasn't had much to do with Liz

  3. Great SS for a really good week with the exception of Crew droning on and on. Finally some storylines are gaining heat in one way or another. Looking forward to Laura returning and Charlotte.

  4. I am really looking forward to some Webber-centric storylines. And Heather's reappearance was the best surprise in a long time. Now, bring back Laura. It's November already, dang.

  5. Thanks for a great Sunday Surgery. So many great scenes and great expectations now. Laura coming back will be the icing on the cake.

    I'm also glad that Liz went to her parent's place with an old friend since she's taking a trip back in time. Her first talk with Jeff should be really good!

    And Holly, the jewel thief, returning must definitely tie in with those jewels. Maybe they'll actually wrap a few storylines up in a nice big bow for us.

  6. If it ends up that Heather is Esme's mother then to balance it out bring back Steven Lars he has to out of jail by now. I am cautiously optimistic that the Liz storyline will be good, don't let me down GH.

    1. Oh!! Steven Lars! That's the connection to Olivia. For the life of me, I couldn't remember that storyline and didn't know what Heather was talking about.

    2. I forgot about Steven Lars too Pat. I was trying to figure out when Olivia hooked up with Franco and how I missed that. 😁

  7. Great SS! Thank you.
    I do hope that the Liz story comes to some kind of conclusion. What I don't understand is why she feels she has to sneak around. Just confront them, which she is now forced to do. William Moses is an excellent choice for JW.
    It's so great to have the "old timers" on the front burner. Of course all the stories are up front until they are not.
    OT: We have had an outstanding autumn in New England this year. Today is my birthday and I hope you all have a fantastic day!


    That picture, looks like Rory is going to turn Trina into a vampire! Hahahaha!

    "HOTNESS OF THE WEEK: Move over all other couples romping in the sheets!! FEMA was just perfect!"

    YES YES HAWT HAWT HAWT! Ooooo Fema! I like that! :)

    "NAME CHANGE OF THE WEEK: Carly Spencer!"


    "SPOILERS FOR NEXT WEEK: Val visits Charlotte"

    YAY!!!! So glad we get to see it! Thank you for the picture. Love it!

    "in a VERY Catholic French school,"

    OH MY!

  9. Ya'll so cute thinking the writers are gonna make sense of all of this and have everything tied together......LOL 0 HISTORY proves that ain't happening.
    ----oooo what if SERENA is the attacker because she was mad Scott didn't wanna help her and he kept complaining he needed to help Trina? (Memba the hooker story? Just thinking outside the box-----the assistant DA is too tall --- so I am not thinking Rory or Serena!)
    -------William Lipton is good but not used enough - his speech to Finn was wonderful acting of emotions....
    ------I'm really trying to get past Liz's parents IN CALIFORNIA AND with an alarm system 20 years old - I didn't know alarm systems were back 20 years old/she said she hadn't seen them in 20 years????
    -----Maybe Holly's story has to be in November sweeps cause she won't be there long----FYI State of Mind = Maurie interviewing Emma is fantastic.
    ----Heather as Esme's mom-----hmm...IF Mac is Cody's dad and I think he won't be now - Felicia can't be Esme's mom (too much stuff going on there)........but Heather may be Esme's mom ------------------not sure WHY she is back....
    ----LOVE vets being on the show.....

  10. Cannot watch Sonny and Nina...they will always been cringeworthy and gross. At least GH is trying new stories with good actors.

  11. I usually can't stand Carly but I do like her when she is away from Sonny. He somehow brings out the worse in her. Loved her scene with Bobbie Friday. And I like that she is going to go by Carly Spencer. Wonder what Luke would say about it.

    Karen, you are right. Edward would be so proud of Ned threatening charges of insider trading. Tracy would be too. It is such a Quartermain thing to do.

    Poor Rory. Trina is pining for Spencer.

    Alley Mills was only on for a few minutes and she nailed Heather Webber. Can't wait to see what she does next.

    LIz/Jeff showdown tomorrow. I'm there.

    1. Thanks!
      I agree with you especially about Ned. He is one of the few characters that the writers haven't changed. Yet.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...