Tuesday, October 11, 2022



This show is good because yesterday was so boring I went right to the couch and slept for an hour!! LOL When I tweet and blog, I swear I use a lot of brain power (believe it or not) and when it's not exciting I'm DRAGGIN! 

Oh! I forgot to mention Willow!! DOES SHE LOOK GORGEOUS AND NO CANCER whatsoever? Um..it wasn't too long ago that she was Zombie-like in her pallor.  I was laughing yesterday because it's like she has nothing at all anymore. BUT DOES-- you know what I mean?? 


Anna's in Robert's office to talk about Luke's death. It's very boring. Then Laura's assistant comes in (who's a plant for Victor). We NEVER SEE her. I mean--WTF. She's been on about 2x in a year! LOL She wants to know why Anna was there. Robert says they are planning a trip to Australia with Emma. 

Ava and Trina at Kelly's..Ava's hair got REALLY LONG in 2 days LOL. Trina says Rory wants to go a comic convention-- and she's not sure if she should go overnight. 

Nikolas catches Esme in the safe. She says: "Hello Lover"!! She taunts Nikolas that she's not dead yet lol. He thinks she's the hooker. She says he knows her better than that. 

Valentin asks Nina to help with Victor for Charlotte. She says she will with no questions asked. He wants to put a bug into Victor's room. 

Lucy comes to Victor's hotel room crying and hugs him. She wants Johan to go give flowers to the memorial service. She needs to get Victor out of his room or something. 

Valentin and Anna listen into Lucy and Victor while they are in the park. 

Dante and Dex. Dante wants to know what happened to him with Sonny. Dex won't tell him. 

Michael and Sonny--Sonny tries to make up with him. Michael is pissy still. It is just the same ol' crap over and OVER AND OVER ... they make headway and then Nina comes in and Michael is like "I'm done". 

DANTE JUST finds out about Oz being killed LOL 


Robert tells Anna to abort the mission and Lucy is still in his room

Esme tells Nik she's pregnant 

TODAY'S SHOW: Crazy all over the place. 


  1. Wash rinse and repeat, and the world's biggest COPOUT! Is there anyone on the planet that didn't see that coming? If they hadn't said they found another victim I would not watch tomorrow...in fact I may just wait and read who online. And if it's the mayor's assistant I may take a look.

  2. I think it's Oz----Ava only knew cause of Amy's yapping and she told Nik and Victor----Dante left the memorial and went to see Dex -WHY Jordan didn't call Dante I don't know----Portia knew cause of Amy and Curtis was there when Jordan got the call.....so the timeline seems right----remember Michael *ugh and Sonny are still at the reception...
    showing Laura's assistant means Laura is back soon now BUT maybe SHE is the hooker? and if so, maybe she is going rogue on working for Victor???? and he doesn't know she is doing it?
    Esme-Nik = don't care right now......and NINA sheesh---------stay away when Sonny clearly said I want to talk to my son..............

    1. She's always worked for Victor.

    2. I meant she is going rogue and doing her own thing now---

    3. OK. I misinterpreted it. Sorry.

    4. So--ok... I watched tweeted and blogged. Friday Oz was killed. Monday there was enough time to have the crime scene EMPTY and Esme go on over to Wyndemere on the launch, right? Meanwhile the memorial happens and Jordan is in her office and finds out what seems to be way late. I just really felt like it was SO much time and THEN Dante finds out? I was sure it was another person!! I guess there was so much filler and nonsense that I checked out or something. It's like an hour has passed since Friday on this show!

  3. A lot of funny one liners today!


    Nik and Vampira: No Nik I don't think Vampira is the hooky person anymore. Gee she is so close to his ear, she should blow in his ear. When Nik told her he is going to call the cops on hr and she said you are not going to do that, and he said why not? I'm thinking because she got the preggers? Or "preggers" Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: You are not going to call the cops on us.. Me and our baby.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now is the baybay real?


    Trina and Ava: Yeah I can understand how scared Trina is. That's understandable. I'm glad Ava isn't pressuring her. When Trina talked about how she is going to be safe because Rory is a cop, yeah oh oh. Maybe not? Hmmm.

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Lucy, Victor and Yohan: Lucy comes in crying. I was thinking did Marty break up with her? Or Victor sent her flowers and it overwhelmed her? I was confused.

    Nina and V.C.: Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! When V.C. said that Yohan is busy, now I get it! It all makes sense now! :) Nina talking to Victor on the phone you don't sound normal. ROFL! Just relax. I love that Nina and V.C. are working together!!! :) Great scene.

    Lucy and Victor: Victor was going to kiss her!!!! :D Oh she is so close to getting Victor to tell her what his plan is!!!

    Lucy: Once upon a time,

    Victor: For many years now I have been working on,

    *Phone rings*

    GAHHHHHHHHH COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh oh Laura's assistant!!!!!

    Robert's office:

    Robert and Anna: Robert has an office!! YAY! :D I love how she was sitting in his chair when he walked in! :)

    Robert: Most people call first.


    Robert and Laura's assistant: Oh oh. She is being all threatening to Robert. Maybe she is the Ms. Hooky Hookerson!!! Hmmmmm.

    Dexxy's home:

    Dante and Dexxy: Yeah like he is really going to spill his guts to you Dante. Dexxy doesn't know where the bruises came from! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The REAL park:

    Vanna: Ooooo listening to Victor's conversation. Love it!!! Love that Anna, Lucy, and Nina are all doing this caper with V.C.! :) Oh Anna pick up the phone!!! Robert is calling you! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

    Brando's memorial:

    Sonny and Michael: Michael couldn't even look in Sonny's eyes at first. Michael is weakening!!!!! When Sonny brought up his father and got choked up, I cried!!! Great scene.. Oh damn Nina had to walk in an Michael didn't cave in!

    Dante, Sonny, and Michael: Whoa whoa whoa wait! Someone else got hooked?! WHO?!!?! If it's Oz, I could have sworn Dante found out about it already. I'm so confused.. HELP!

    Sona ninny nanny goat: Uh Nina? It's not a lie. Sonny DID hang Dexxy on a hook!

    Dexxy's home part 2:

    Michael and Dexxy: Well well well, Dexxy did a good job lying to Dante. They got Sonny right where they want him. Hmmm. Is Michael's plan also to break up Sona ninny nanny goat?

    Sidenote: Forgot to mention yesterday the Sasha and Willow scene. BESTIES!!!!!

  4. Sonya said: "Trina talked about how she is going to be safe because Rory is a cop, yeah oh oh!"
    *** I had an oh oh moment there too.

    " Maybe she is the Ms. Hooky Hookerson!!! Hmmmmm."
    *** If you remember she was my first guess.

    "When Sonny brought up his father and got choked up, I cried!!! Great scene.."
    *** That was a really moving scene.

    1. "Di says, I had an oh oh moment there too."

      We have watched soap operas for way too long! Hahahaha!

      "If you remember she was my first guess."

      YES! Very good first guess. :) I mean we haven't seen her in a long time!

      "That was a really moving scene."

      Yes!!! With 2 great actors!!! :)

    2. Oh no!!! What if Trina isn't safe with Rory, because Ms. Hooker Hookerson hooks Rory and he dies!!! :(

    3. GAHHHH! Bite your tongue!

    4. "Di says, GAHHHH! Bite your tongue!"

      *Sniff sniff* Okay.. *Bites my tongue*

  5. Great job writers. So original having Esme with child. Nelle and every other man stealing soap vixen redux. Yawn.
    I'm sticking with Mr. Rory Hookster. Don't go Trina.

    1. If Diane saw the person after she was hooked...a small man wearing a hood...the hood could look like hair. Don't forget, the writers write whatever they want. And we guess whatever we want.

    2. Just because he has a small build doesn't mean he looks feminine. And I've never seen him wearing a bracelet.

    3. Yeah the hooker is a woman...just like the hitman that tried to kill Luke and Laura in the late 70s was actually a crossdresser everyone thought was a woman. Now that was a shocker!

  6. They pretty much told us they want us to think its Rory or the Mayor asst. lady.

    The only reason I'm glad Esma is PG is because I think she's a great actress. A good snotty villainess is always good and soapy!

    1. I agree about Esme. avery is a fantastic actress

    2. She's one of the best things going on the show now. Keeps the plot moving and she goes toe to toe with the show's more experienced actors. There are obvious comparisons to Chloe Lanier and Nelle. But there's something different with Avery. I can't put my finger on it. Part of it is the writing. Also, the show did her no favors pairing her with Chad Duell. She crackled with Josh Swickard but Chad Duell...dud. Avery seems to bring out the best in whoever she's sharing a scene with. And the character's machinations remind me so much of early Heather, whom people don't give enough credit for the show's meteoric rise in the ratings back in the late 70s.

  7. anyone remember when Esme fell? Just wondering ---- and I know it's a soap but a baby in her survive all that???????not sure she is preggers with Nik's child.....

    1. My guess is she's not really pregnant.

    2. Nick needs to demand an ultrsound as it's probably a fitted fake like Brooklyn had. they come in all sizes.

  8. Did the jingling from Rory is the handcuffs

    1. lol Never heard handcuffs jingle in my life. And Diane saw a woman.

  9. This whole thing with Dante telling Mikey he lied to the cops in front of Sonny was stupid. Joss was there, she saw it too, and helped rescue Dex. Mikey not telling Dante that, Dante not digging more, and Sonny KNOWING he did it, in my opinion, make them all punks, lol!

    I agree with others that Esme is faking her pregnancy. And Prince Nik is being so weak and acting like a dim bulb. His character has been destroyed. I do enjoy Esme and am very glad she's back. :)

    Don't know why they just didn't put a bug on Lucy, this switching rooms was convoluted and really not necessary. And very cool we got to see Robert Freaking Scorpio's office! That assistant mayor is a pill. We need Laura home now! :)

    1. THE ONLY reason that I liked Dante going after Michael is because I hate Michael. LOL he believed the hood Dex over him! ahahahaa.

    2. lol I would too. I really want to see him taken down a peg or two.

      And I want that assistant mayor caught too, Julie,or filleted next.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...