Friday, October 21, 2022

The Most Beautiful Sight...


Well, yesterday ended on a whopper! Everyone is trying to figure out how "ANNA" -- "shot" Lucy. I mean we know she didn't so who did? Holly disguised ?? Someone in a stupid MASK? OR... ???? What say you! I'm hoping we see a closer view of the tape today. 


Virgina's ashes are going to be spread in Malibu ....I mean Florida at the beach. It's SO California AHAHAHA I mean, at least TRY. Anyway they have Virginia in an urn and are going to scatter her. She talks to the ashes and lets them go. 

Maxie, Sasha and AUSTIN (remember him?) are at GH wondering where Lucy is.. Sasha and Maxie go to the cafeteria and Austin and Mason talk. It's about family yada yada. 

Holly has no clue why people thought she was dead. She only knows she was on a boat. Robert wants her to go to the doctor. They go to GH. Holly is scared. Robert says he'll be right there. They see Austin. She's going to get an MRI. The last thing she remembers is being in a casino in Monte Carlo. She wants to talk to Ethan (her son)..Robert leaves her with his phone. Holly stares at it...looks like she might really remember something ?? she puts Robert's phone on Do Not Disturb!! 

Looks like Anna on that tape that shot Lucy. Martin yells at Anna that it was HER and she did it! Anna says NO WAY, it's a set up. She charges into Victor's waiting area (haha) and confronts him. She yells..he acts shocked. Scared about Lucy==Anna CHASES HIM AROUND THE ROOM! AHAHHAA. Jordan kicks her out of the room. Martin wants her arrested and gets the ADA. Jordan lets Anna go.. ADA says Jordan's off the case because she's friends with Anna. Victor says he thinks Lucy was afraid of Anna. :eyeroll: 

Anna goes to the parking lot and searches her car for planted evidence. I think Johan planted it in her house? 

Chase tells Ned that he's really not happy singing-- he wants to be a policeman again. OMG Brook Lynn sees an email from Dante that is reinstating Chase and I think she erases it????????? WHAT the hell? She says Linc called and their plan is going to work. 


Anna finds the shooter outfit AND GUN in her trunk!!! 

Holly is going to check herself out of GH and go to the Metro

Monday : Mac Daddy is on! 


  1. great show except fake Florida----just don't get it....
    -----Is Anna so stupid as to check out her car in the parking lot of the PCPD where there are cameras? I think the evidence was planted when Anna was on the pier talking/no cameras around...
    -----I am thinking it's Holly ----- and for sure a NORMAL person would want to know where he/she has been - she is too calm - and remembers things ----- thus the phone issue-----so I am officially thinking it's Holly programmed and not Alex back.....
    -----come on Brook Lynn - really? Deleted the email?
    -----CS was SOOOO good today!!!! Funny!
    -----Robert is DA - so get your ADA outta there.....and she is taller than I thought so I don't think she is the attacker now.....gonna go back to Rory LOL
    -----don't feel sorry for Anna at all------she caused this but when will she realize the necklace was bugged???
    -----wonder where Lucy is? Maybe she is with Phyllis.............LOL

    1. "Mufasa says, Wonder where Lucy is? Maybe she is with Phyllis.............LOL"

      Hahahaha. Maybe Lucy is in Nixon Falls!!!

    2. Wouldn't that be funny. Phyllis went back to Nixon Falls to open a new diner. Lucy has no memory and becomes a waitress. Lol

  2. They need Spinelli working on that tape. He'd be able to tell if it was a deep fake.

    1. I think it is real but not Anna and that is what Victor wanted

    2. Probably doctored footage somehow on Victors part ????????

  3. So many funny one liners today.

    Jacksonville Florida:

    "Karen says It's SO California AHAHAHA I mean, at least TRY."

    OH! Is it California? I was wondering where they really were.

    Crew: The drone shots are so beautiful!!!!! :) It was so windy that the camera was shaky. I like when Drew asks her if it's okay.. You know, to kiss her.. He is a gentleman. I like when guys ask. I never used to, but I do now. I love Crew.. A lot of people don't, but I don't have a problem with them. Although the fans tell who is a supercouple!! Not the writers or whomever!!

    Port Chuckles:

    The Q boathouse:

    Holly and Robert: Yes! Time to go to the hospital Holly!!! Awwww they are so great together! :)

    Nedlia: Oh yes Ned. Olivia is dyyyyyyyyyying to know what is going on with Holly! :D

    Brase: Wait what? Is Robert and Holly still married?

    Police station: Okay Victor was killing me today! Hahahahahaha! He wins all the lines of the day today. His acting surprised and scared that Lucy got shot! Victor is a really good actor pretending he doesn't know what happened to Lucy. Also just found out that there is a video hahahahahahahahaha! *DEAD* Anna chasing Victor! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Show Victor the video! See what his reaction to that is! :)

    Anna and Marty: It is great seeing Marty tell off Anna, but she is innocent! And no Anna it's not an exaggeration. You did bully Lucy! I mean you were awful to her. Where IS Lucy?!?!

    Jordan and Anna:

    Jordan: Where do you think you are going?

    ROFL! It's either Alex in that video or someone in a mask. I prefer it to be a mask. I don't want Alex alive!

    Anna's car: I was thinking, Anna, the evidence won't be in your car! It would be upstairs! Oh wait! The evidence IS in her car! Hmmm. Yohan did say where is it? Maybe he planted the evidence in her house, then Victor told him to put it in her car. Hmmmmm. Or Victor put it in her house and told Yohan to put it in her car.

    The hospital:

    Maxie and Sasha: The cafeteria!!! SHOW IT PLEASE!

    Maxie, Sasha, Pawtucket Holtster, and Mason Jar: Uhhhh. Thanksgiving? Well okay.. Show them there at Thanksgiving with the family! :D

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: Did you kill that guy with that needle Pawtucket Holtster? Hmmmm?

    Pawtucket Holtster and Dante: Hahahaha Dante! You know he can't give you any details!!! :)

    Olivia and Robert: Awwwwwww friendship. :) OH! So Holly and Robert ARE divorced.. Okay!

    Holly and Robert: Hmmmm. Does Holly really not remember anything? Or is she lying? Calling Ethan? Is she lying about calling him and him not answering?

    Q breakfast nook:

    Chase and Ned: I MISS YOU BEING A COP TOO CHASE!!!!!!!!!!! :(

    Brooky on the phone: Hmmm. Is that Chase's phone? Deleting emails? Don't you think that Dante would talk to Chase about the email Brooky? Duh!

    Brase: Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Chase isn't that excited about singing. Being a cop is his livelihood Brooky!!!!!!!!!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Bobbie's home and Wyndemere* Bobbie, Stefan, and Nik.

    1. sonya said:" Although the fans tell who is a supercouple!! Not the writers or whomever!!"
      *** Maybe it's the writer of the article that has dubbed them the new supercouple, not the writers.

      Maybe Lucy is now on the boat in Holly's place.

      I hope Brooky gets caught out for deleting Dante's text. I know she's self centered and selfish but she's playing with a man's life here like he's her little toy. I want Chase back with the police. I hope Dante comes looking for him to help with the Lucy case.

      And I hate that Pawtuck is Holly's doctor. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!

      And if you're not sure that they could be fooled by a deep fake, have a look at this.

    2. "Di says, Maybe it's the writer of the article that has dubbed them the new supercouple, not the writers."

      OH! Yes very good point.

      "Maybe Lucy is now on the boat in Holly's place."

      Maybe!!!! I hope they show Lucy soon!

      "I hope Brooky gets caught out for deleting Dante's text. I know she's self centered and selfish but she's playing with a man's life here like he's her little toy. I want Chase back with the police. I hope Dante comes looking for him to help with the Lucy case."

      Yeah I don't like this and hope she gets caught too.

      "And I hate that Pawtuck is Holly's doctor. Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel!"

      Yeah that made me wonder what he is up to!

      "And if you're not sure that they could be fooled by a deep fake, have a look at this."

      WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

    3. I suppose it could be someone that looks so similar to Anna.

    4. My only problem with Drew and Carly as a couple is that you know that Sonny and Carly are endgame and poor Drew will get his heart broken. I actually sorta like Carly when she is away from Sonny.

      I remember the days when many a plot was advanced and a lot of gossip happened in the cafeteria. They should bring it back.

      You are not allowed to scatter ashes on the coast. My mother-in-law was cremated - I loved that woman, she told me that if we divorced she was keeping me and my folks kept my ex - and my ex and his sister weren't allowed to do that.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. They wasted half the show with Carly and drew

    1. It wasn't anywhere near half the show.

    2. I agree carly and drew are a waste

    3. I'm not a Carly and Drew fan either.

    4. I had to fast forward Crew-up to my eyeballs with Carly and can’t stand anymore. They may look pretty together but they are so blah. The show really thinks we are dumb enough to believe they are in Jacksonville.

  6. Here's an article about the beach scene and laura had pics taken without makeup or a hair stylist to celebrate her birthday, and the reality of her age.

    1. Oh and they were being interviewed by ET's Matt Cohen! So maybe that cue card we saw in the car a while back was for that scene since he refers to them as CREW...! #crew @generalhospital.

  7. I forgot no differing opinions allowed

    1. that is why I don't comment as much as I used to

    2. Nobody said that. Giving a different opinion doesn't nullify anyone else's, neither does posting an article about someone . Or are we all supposed to say " I agree" and then leave? (And this is why I don't post as much as I used too. )

    3. I'll chime in - LOL - I have thought this too - I think the tone of writing is sometimes misunderstood or the difference in opinions are replied in such a way that I/others feel we are being chastised???? Hard to tell when reading comments often.

    4. I like coming on here and sharing different views in a friendly way. Everyone is different in the world and Everyone likes different actors or different storyline or couples. That is a good thing. The world is so nasty. It is nice to have differing views without being mean. Whatever I say on here is my opinion and I know others have different views.

    5. I like to add in a little humor too. Sonya and I can disagree and both leave the thread laughing.

  8. I think it was Holly programmed. But, I thought Victor couldn't do the programming. Guess he learned. lol I think the hooker will be Esme's nanny (probably Ally Mills)

  9. Who is Holly slapping in the promo?

    1. I was wondering the same thing. And I hope he didn't program Holly but on this show anything goes.

    2. Actually I checked the recording again and it looks like she threw something. maybe she's mad because Robert won't let her leave the hospital.

  10. Holly is definitely working for Victor IMO, all the signs point that way. Austin is acting so weird. Wonder if he is working for Victor too; probably not but he's acting strange. Victor sure has everyone distracted so he can do whatever plan he's been trying to do since his arrival. Big nothing burger on his plan so far. Valentin gone on a plane and distracted, Anna going to be arrested, Robert busy with Holly. Now Jordan taken off the case. We need Dante front and center and solving a case here. He is one that is never used properly on this show too

    1. At least the show is a bit better recently. Still too big of a cast and super choppy. Nice to see Emma Samms even if it is for a short time. She's a trooper; I read that she is still suffering from the long COVID and needed "accommodations" for filming. Kind of funny that Holly blocked Anna's call on Roberts phone given their history. I was a huge Robert and Holly fan at the beginning and hated Anna for coming between them. Then at some point, forget when, I became a huge Robert and Anna fan. It's funny though, I don't quite see the chemistry now between Robert and Holly that I do with Robert and Anna. We shall see when Holly is on more.

    2. "lindie says, I was a huge Robert and Holly fan at the beginning and hated Anna for coming between them. Then at some point, forget when, I became a huge Robert and Anna fan."

      Oh yeah I loved Robert and Holly together!!!! Hated Anna coming between them too! I didn't like Robert and Anna together, until they went on their honeymoon. It was so funny. So many things went wrong! Including the train! Hahahahahahaha!

  11. Holly crawled face down in water and mud and yet her makeup is intact. She is one actress who has grown much prettier over the years, and love seeing Robert with her. I guess Austin-Holt will be disappearing for another month. Poor Maxie was dressed so badly once again and her hair is a mess. Surely this lovely lady can look so much better. Next week should be quite interesting.

    1. Perfect makeup. Hair didn't look wet but lots of mousse or something

    2. Her hair is much better than in the 80s that's for sure. She always had that perm of sorts.

    3. This is probably why we haven't seen too much of Roger for a while.

      Release date
      October 14, 2022 (United States)

    4. l indie I think just about everyone had a perm at one time in the 80s. I know I did. I wanted Holly's hair but it was a miserable failure.😊

  12. "lindie says Her hair is much better than in the 80s that's for sure. She always had that perm of sorts."

    That was the style back then. I liked her curly hair. It was cute on her. I like her hair now.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...