Thursday, October 27, 2022

Oh what a day!! I actually got here to watch the show the last 30 min!! Better late than never! 

Spencer is with Joss and Cam.. it's about time they visited. 

TRINA SAW Spencer instead of RORY!! giggle. Rory sleeps on a cot on the floor. 

Brook and Chase on a date-- and she's just waiting and waiting for a call, right? I don't think ANYONE likes this-- 

Felicia is with Sam and Britt! Talking JEWELS! 

MS WU!! WOO HOO!! She wants Cody as her ringer! 



Brook and Chase

Joss and Cam


Nina and SONNY--and they say they love each other!! 


  1. Well, Trina breaking Rory's heart = maybe he is the attacker since they don't know what else to do with him? - I feel sorry for him.
    ---Cody is growing on me - must be hard to have the happy Scorpio family and all that involves---I think now he will be since Mac cautioned him about Mrs. Wu/until today I didn't think he was...
    ---wow, Sam is so condescending...
    ---Not happy at all that Sonny told Nina he loved her ------her character is just annoying
    ----the BEST part of today and the BEST sex scene was Felicia and Mac - LOVE LOVE it!
    Brook Lynn is so pretty but she must have some reason she won't be seen with 'few clothes' on - LOL - even in the previews.....
    --------it's almost like they have forgotten the hooker storyline......

  2. Some funny one liners today!

    Out of town hotel room:

    Cabrina: Oh one bedroom! Oh come on Rory you are telling me you didn't do this on purpose? ROFL! They about to have some zex, but she is fantasizing about Spencer hahahaha. That mood is ruined.

    Port Chuckles:

    Jail visit:

    Jam and Spencer: Awwwwwwwwwwww how sweet that they are visiting Spencer!!! :D

    Joss: You know what I mean jackass.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Spencer fakes being happy when they talk about Trina, cus you can see the pain in his face! :(

    Spencer calling Trina: Awwwwwwww! Too bad she is in bed on her way to sleep and not answering her phone. It's okay Spencer. She will see that you called in the morning. :)

    PC Grille:

    Sona ninny nanny goat: Wuv!!! :D

    Nina and Victor: Victor sticking that knife in and Nina defends herself really well.

    Sona ninny nanny goat and Victor: Even though Nina can defend herself, I love that Sonny is sticking up for her! :D Victor wins the line of the day.

    Victor: I too am bereft about Lucy.


    The hospital:

    Britch and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody waiting for Britch so he could whine.. Want some whine with that cheese?

    The Savoy:

    Mac's table:

    Maclecia: Awww I'm glad Felicia is there for Mac. He is going through a lot!

    MacLecia, Sante, Britch and Cowboy Cody: Oh now Sam knows that Cowboy Cody could be a Scorpio! Now that everyone in town knows, does that mean Cowboy Cody won't be Mac's son? Cowboy Cody didn't like hearing that Britch has Sam helping her with the necklace!

    The bar:

    Ms. Wu and Cowboy Cody: Time for you to work for her! :D Mac shows up and Ms. Wu got out there right quick! Hahahahaha!

    Mac and Cowboy Cody: Awwwwwwww Mac isn't going to pressure him. They can have any kind of relationship Cowboy Cody wants, if they are father and son! :D

    Sam and Cowboy Cody: Yeah Cowboy Cody. Answer Sam about why you left the table really quick when you found out that Sam is going to help Britch with the necklace. Hmmmmm?

    Metrocourt lounge:

    Brase: Uh Chase, Brooky doesn't deserve all the praise you are giving her including in the interview! She is a snake and you can't trust her!

    Sex Bedrooms:

    Cam's bedroom at home: Yeah it's not Cam's dorm room. It's his bedroom in his house.

    Jam: Ooooooo they are gonna make the wuv!!!! :D Is she doing it for the wrong reason? Because she doesn't want to lose him.

    Sonny's bedroom:

    Sona ninny nanny goat: They are making the wuv! Is Nina gonna get the preggers this time? We all know Sonny's sperm is strong!!!

    Brase's bedroom:

    Brase: Oh NOW they are gonna make the wuv! Sure why not? Might as well.. Once he finds out she betrayed him, he is gonna break up with her anyway.

    Maclecia's bedroom:

    Maclecia: MACLECIA?!!?!?!?!? :0 I love that they are showing the older generation making wuv!!!! :D They both have great bodies. Love scenes are not just for the younger set!!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the police station* Carly finds out Michael has "died"

    1. It's not every day that someone uses "bereft" in a sentence. HAHAHAHAH! That Victor, he's such a card!

      All the love scenes were very much appreciated by me. :)
      I really like Sam and Felicia together. They need to interact more. They should work together on this necklace caper AND expose Cowboy Cody for the shyster he is. BLQ is going to be in a heap of trouble real soon. I'm a little disappointed in her. And of course any sighting of Madame Wu is always a pleasure!

    2. "Julie H says, It's not every day that someone uses "bereft" in a sentence."

      I know hahahahaha!

      "HAHAHAHAH! That Victor, he's such a card!"

      He is!!!! :D

      "All the love scenes were very much appreciated by me. :)"

      Me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

      "I really like Sam and Felicia together. They need to interact more. They should work together on this necklace caper "

      Yes they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      "AND expose Cowboy Cody for the shyster he is."

      Hahaha! Delicious. :) What does he want with the necklace? Hmmm.

      "BLQ is going to be in a heap of trouble real soon. I'm a little disappointed in her. "

      Yeah I'm disappointed in her too. :(

      "And of course any sighting of Madame Wu is always a pleasure!"


  3. I enjoyed today's show. Loved Joss and Cam visiting Spencer. Loved Trina thinking of Spencer... The love scenes were classic and I want more please! I know I am one of the few, but I still like Sonny and Nina together. Let's move the Willow story along so they stop making Nina so annoying in other scenes other than with Sonny or BFF Ava.


Sunday Surgery: Tie Me UP!

  GH was certainly back to Soap 101 certain times this week! This is when I seriously think at 30 min show would really work. Cut that fat r...