Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Felicia and Holly at the Nail Spa.  Felicia says that she knows Holly is feeling worse than she's letting on. Holly says that she's English, that's how she is. 

Mac sees Anna in the jail. Then Robert comes in. He's happy Holly is back. They talk about Anna's frame up. He says he has to recuse himself from the case. Anna wants him to find Valentin. She tells Mac that the Deputy Mayor is working with Victor. 

Cody and Dante at the gym.  They talk about Britt..Cody flashes back to the giant necklace they found. They box, talk about fathers. Then he has to go to GH for his DNA test. 

Georgie, Maxie and Austin. OMG, Georgie hates Austin! ahahahaha she hugs Sam but says "Ewwwwwww" when she sees Britt ahahahhaa! Maxie tells Georgie to apologize to Austin, she says no. Maxie tells Austin about Spinelli's dating app and the data point stuff. 

Sam and Britt go to her office to chat. Britt wants to ask Sam about her past; were you a jewel thief??? She wants Sam to find out where the necklace came from. Sam takes the case. 

Ava shows Nina the empty note and thinks Nikolas stole it. Then she figures out he didn't because he knew about the recording on her phone. Must be Victor! 

Victor and Nikolas are still arguing in the Metro. Victor tells Nikolas he's moving into Wyndemere! 


Are Britt's diamonds the ice princess? 

Cody and Mac are at GH for their DNA tests 


  1. Now I am just angry at wardrobe dressing Maxie the way she is dressed......
    I am also angry that Anna, Mac, nor Robert THINK of Alex? or a mask???????? COME ON..
    Wow, Holly acts guilty - especially when she said, 'lots of people have trench coats'---please...
    Victor should know that Esme is in the house--------where are the cameras at Wyndemere?
    AND Anna's house?????? Scream----
    SOOOO if the writers are good (LOL) the necklace WILL be part of the Ice Princess----but I thought Tracy had the fake one???? and Victor had the original????
    Sam + Felicia = SO solving this case (that Cody knows about)
    so yes so many storylines can work together...
    I hope Nik and Ava work together pretending to hate each other....Nik threatening Victor 'you know Helena tried to control me and that didn't end well'......
    When Britt leaves I am seeing Maxie and Cody??????

  2. The gym:

    Cowboy Cody and Dante: When Dante was hitting the bag I heard jangling! I'm thinking is Dante the hook person? He could dress up like a woman and do it. But oh wait it's the bag! Hahahahaha! Oh so Mac DID set up the DNA test. Glad he wasn't too busy to do it! Oh Cowboy Cody quit stalling and go take that DNA test! :D They had a great scene today. Love how Dante is acting like a good friend! I love that Cowboy Code told Dante that Mac could be his dad.. Mac is the best Cowboy Cody and you would be lucky to have a father like him! Forget that evil Leo Taub! And you get unkie Robby! :)

    Sante: Awwww wuv. :) Hmm I like her sweater, but not the pants.

    The salon:

    Holly and Felicia: Emma Samms sitting down again. :( They are having a great conversation! Holly does not have amnesia come on!!

    The jail cell:

    Anna and Mac: Mac wins the lines of the day.

    Mac: Sorry just the better looking brother.

    ROFL! AND,

    Anna, Mac and Robert:

    Mac: Well that's very unprofessional!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Holly did it!!!!! :) I love seeing the Scorpio brothers together in a scene.. And love seeing them hug awwwwwwwwwww. :) I can't believe Anna isn't thinking about her TWIN sister. I hate if anybody talks about her, BUT it's not really realistic that Anna isn't talking about her. COME ON ANNA! You saw the video!

    Anna, Mac, Robert, and Holly: HOLLY! So glad she can stand and walk even if it's just for a little bit. :) Wonderful reunion! :) Oh so THAT is what Yohan was looking for in Anna's home. Her coat, her gun, and her hat. The ice princess talk! Wait a second. Is that necklace that Britch has, is that part of the ice princess? Hmmmmmmmmmm.

    The hospital:

    Georgie, Maxie, and Pawtucket Holtster: Ooooooo Georgie HATES him! Hahahahaha. Where is Spinny? He should be in this scene!!!! Georgie looks exactly like Maxie when she was younger! :) Mini me!!!!

    Maxie and Pawtucket Holtster: OH MAXIE SHUT UP! I can't believe you spilled Spinny's secret!!! OY! Hmmm Georgie wants her mama and daddy back together? So do I Georgie.. So do I!

    Georgie, Maxie, Sam, and Britch: Georgie hates Britch too?!?!?! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *DEAD*

    The Scorpio family and Cowboy Cody: When the door to the hospital opened, Cowboy Cody was not there! ROFL! Oh there he is! Hahahaha. Blooper there. :) Hey Georgie admits she is 9! Hahahhaha. Time for the DNA test!!!

    Sam and Britch: Ooooo The queen Elizabeth II's necklace is beautiful. :) YES! Sam can help and so can Felicia!!!

    Sam: Are you wearing a wire?


    Nina's home:

    Ava and Nina: I love how Nina won't let Ava leave hahahahahaha! I'm glad Ava figured it out that Victor did it. :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nik and Victor: Time for Victor to move in to Wyndemere.. Will Fran move in too? ;)

    Nik and Ava: Yeah Ava not a good idea to confront Victor! Just remember what he did to Lucy! Victor don't play around!

    1. Sonya, I know Victor had Lucy shot but Ava is the Queen and a Jerome. She will be harder to get rid of.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, I know Victor had Lucy shot but Ava is the Queen and a Jerome. She will be harder to get rid of."

      Oh very good point!!!! :) Especially when V.C. pushed her off the parapet!!! Hahahaha. :D

    3. Totally agree about hard to kill Ava. And she is Queen!

      Sonya from yesterday, I don't want it to be Alex either. I'm voting for Deputy Mayor. I so don't want it to be Holly, though she sure is hiding something! :)

      Little Georgie cracked me up! Figures she bonded with Cowboy Cody, lol!

    4. "Julie H says, Totally agree about hard to kill Ava. And she is Queen!"

      YES QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forever! :D

      "Sonya from yesterday, I don't want it to be Alex either. I'm voting for Deputy Mayor. I so don't want it to be Holly, though she sure is hiding something! :)"

      Yeah she is hiding something I know it! Deputy Mayor is good. :) Deputy Mayor can be the hook person too.

      "Figures she bonded with Cowboy Cody, lol!"

      Of course she would hahahahahaha.

  3. Where is Alexis? And why isn't she involved at all with thd Cassadine storyline? Is NLG off-contract now?

  4. Wasn't there a story about someone attacking people with a hook?
    Maxie just looks sad. Between wardrobe, hair and makeup it's hard to believe they can't make some magic for her. This is one story line that can go away now. As much as I love RoHo. He's so wasted.

  5. I guess the "hooker" story will be dropped until February. It wasn't half bad, but now I've lost interest.

  6. I forgot that Anna and Holly were friends. The brain washing must have really taken.

    1. Not so much friends Go to 2:30 and play forward - OldSchoolGHfan

    2. "OldSchoolGHfan says, Not so much friends Go to 2:30 and play forward - "

      Hahahahahaha. Ah yes. True.. But they can be friends now! :D

  7. As a mother to a 9 yo girl I will say the writing with Maxie and Georgie was SPOT ON. :-)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...