Thursday, October 13, 2022

Yesterday's GH


YEP... Esme had Nikolas feel her BELLY!! ooff!!  She's HUGE all of a sudden LOL LOVED He locked her into a Tower!! 

Michael is just so... nothing. blah. Dex also does NOT come off as a mercenary.  He is wanting Sonny to go to prison or get kicked out of the USA NOT because he murdered AJ but--NIXON FALLS? ahahahaha WHAT? 

Joss and Cam in Grunge Flannel.  And SO Disney. And Michael is so DERP, he drops the information about Dex to Cam AHAHHAA. 

Ava and Sonny: SUPERB!! More. Thank You. I love Ava  They were SO GOOD TOGETHER. 

Anna and Val find out about the Deputy Mayor being in on Victor's plan AND Victor finds Lucy's lip gloss LOL 

I Fast Forwarded Carly and Drew. Don't care. 


  1. I find it hilarious that Esme is showing much more than Willow who is no doubt now applying to Guiness for the world's longest first trimester in a human.

    1. ROFL! I know!!!! It's crazy! I bet one day Willow will show and look like she is 8 months preggers! Hahahahaha.

  2. "Victor finds Lucy's lip gloss LOL"

    He is just jealous that the lip gloss isn't on his lips, You know, cus he hasn't kissed her yet. ROFL! Anyway no GH today, so I'll just copy and paste from October 11, 2013, make new comments, and then do Throwback Thursday.

    "Switzerland jail: Poor Faison is disgusted with Dr O ROFL! He even hits his head on the hard wall! OUCH! The Anna mask is hanging on the hook! ROFL! Wait Faison vaguely remembers his daughter? HUH?! By the way Britch and Dr O have been talking about Faison, they have been acting like he has been in Britch's life!!! I'm confused. Faison wants to see his grandson. :) I want to see that scene. :) Duke calling Anna about Olivia's vision hahaha! Yeah Anna you tell him that kissing Faison would be repulsive haha! OH "Anna" sees Anna! Delicious! :)

    Sabrina and Patrick: Wait a second! Today is Sabrina's birthday? Happy 19th birthday Sabrina! Er I mean 28. :)

    Cassadine Island: Man Luke looks awful! And what is this?!!?! Telling Tracy he wuvs her? And wanting to give her what she wants! And that they are soul mates? I think I threw up a little in my mouth. Well at least the Robin and Jax scene isn't disappointing. Wow I think Jerry cares about Robin. :) OH! Jerry left his phone!!!! OH SHE IS CALLING PATRICK YESSSSSSSSSSS! :)

    Wyndemere: Oh! Finally Britch tells Nik who her father is!!! :)"

    New comments: Sabrina aka Betty acted and looked like a 16 year old, until she had that transformation.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 2nd 2006* King Foo Barbie's funeral and Nik calling out the hypocrites.. I love when people call out the hypocrites!!!! :)

  3. Karen I agree I also FF through Carly and Drew and Michael acts like a spoiled child

  4. My only hope of making Michael's storyline make sense is that he eventually realizes (maybe with Kevin's help) the real source of his anger is unresolved rage over AJ's murder, which he has been repressing.

    1. "Kevin says, the real source of his anger is unresolved rage over AJ's murder, which he has been repressing."

      Ooooo! I like that!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    2. Me too and be mad at your mother too

    3. "Linda says, Me too and be mad at your mother too"

      Why be mad at his mother too? Because of AJ?

  5. Cannot tolerate Michael - maybe when he finds out Willow has leukemia, he will change....


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