Friday, October 14, 2022



Bobbie goes to Jacksonville to check on Carly. They have lunch. Drew is in a Aurora meeting. They talk about Peyton. Reeses' accident. Nothing. 

Maxie and Britt talk about Cody.  It was just blabbering about how bad Britt's dates are. Then Sam says she wants to go talk to Cody. 

Cody talks to Dante about Britt. Then about their past. Dante has to go..text from PCPD 

Sam and Spinelli talk about his dating app and his data mining of people. It's boring. 

Anna tells Robert about Eileen ..Deputy Mayor being in cahoots with Victor. Robert isn't happy Lucy was involved. They vow to both get Victor for Luke's murder. 

Victor says he'll take care of Lucy Coe in his own time. Then he goes to visit her at Deception and he brings her a diamond necklace. It's really nice. Oh! Martin walks in. He sees Lucy's jewelry. 

Ok, I just couldn't finish today. That hasn't happened in awhile. zzzzzzzzzzz. They should have followed up with Esme. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You left because no one cares about these stories:
    Robert and Anna were just 'eh' today....leading up to Holly returning though...maybe this leads to Valentin having to 'kill' Anna to get Victor's approval????
    Victor/Lucy/Martin----we all knew it was bugged/bet Anna figures it out when she sees the necklace....
    Anna's blue was gorgeous----------but Maxie's dress code AGAIN is BEYOND ridiculous----Maxie would never dress like that even at the hospital......she is beautiful---dress her accordingly....
    Cody ain't gonna be Mac's son--------too much build-up and it's lost its impact...

  3. kd....Well the last 5 minutes got a bit more interesting. Think Jack's Evil Eye, a gift from Franco. lol

  4. Why can't they, the writers etc., devise a way to balance this show. There are too many episodes that fall flat like today and an occasional episode that is really good. Mostly it's about editing and good content which is sorely missing in quite a few of the many story lines that are currently open.
    I really like Kirsten Storms. Why can't they fix Maxie's hair and wardrobe? Sad.
    Cody has used every facial expression that exists. Alright already.

  5. Agree, agree, agree about Maxie what r they doing to her??????

  6. Also about Cody's expressions. That has been his acting style since day one

    1. Can’t stand his acting style of side eyes. Could watch a whole hour of Robert and Anna. They are just so delightful to watch.

  7. There were some funny one liners today.

    Jacksonville Florida:

    Carly and Bobbie: BOBBIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Awww Bobbie is a good mama! :) Bobbie did you bring the Tribbles with you? Oh guess not. :(

    Carly and Linda Purl's character: Oh geez! Did Bobbie not see Linda Purl's character? Oy! That would have been a great scene.. Stay the hell away from my daughter!!! Hahaha.

    Port Chuckles:

    Lucy's office:

    Lucy on the phone with Anna: Oh Anna! Give me a break on this. I don't buy that you are so concerned about her since you were a bully before. So hush up.

    Lucy and Victor: Ooooo more jewelry! Someone on twitter said that the necklace could have a bug in it.. MARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D *Twirls around* I feel all twirly seeing Marty! :)

    Lucy, Victor, and Marty: Marty all jelly and suspicious of Victor! Hahahaha. Great scene! :) Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: He is interested in my brains.

    BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! How many brains do you have Lucy? :)

    Mucy: I'm glad they worked it out and they are not breaking up. Ooooo so Anna told you to come home Marty eh? Anna is a sly fox. :)

    The hospital:

    Sam and Spinny: Blah blah blah zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Maxie and Spinny: I really like Maxie's top. The symphony???!!? With Pawtucket Holtster? Yeah Maxie and symphony are two words I would never think to put together.. No no no this is all wrong. Maxie and Spinny should be together.. And where the hell is Pawtucket Holtster? Is he still with his cousin giving a shot to that guy? Writers you should not leave us hanging like that.. Maybe a day okay, but not for weeks!!!!!

    Maxie and Britch: Well, now Britch knows about Cowboy Cody could be Mac's son.. Sooooo who else is going to know? Do the Tribbles know? Does Badger Bob know? Oh Britch stop whining about Cowboy Cody! If he isn't interested in you, who cares. Move on! Hmm Britch kept Hiney's stuff still? Is that why Cowboy Cody is interested in Britch? He has something in that box that belongs to him? Hmmmmmmmmm.

    Britch and Dante: Dante don't like Britch ROFL! Oh Oz's autopsy report.. So I guess that text Dante got was about Oz.. *facepalm*

    Kelly's: IT'S LUNCHTIME! :)

    Dante and Cowboy Cody: Cowboy Cody is having breakfast at lunch. :) Mmmmmm. :)

    Sam and Cowboy Cody: Is he blackmailing Sam to keep quiet and not tell Dante? I'm glad Sam threatened him about hurting Spinny! :)

    Britch and Cowboy Cody: Oy!

    Chandler Mansion:


    Robert: You brought in a civilian? A Lucy Coe civilian?

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day. :) Great scene with them!!! He don't trust V.C. and Anna talks about his lack of love life. Is this going to coincide with Holly? Are the writers going to get Holly and Robert back together? Will he have a love scene finally? Does he still have a hairy chest? :) Robert is right about Lucy's Achilles' heel for jewelry!!!

    Lucy and Anna: Wow the camera just loves that necklace!!!! Close up anyone? :) Yeah Lucy you tell Anna!!! :)

    Victor's hotel room:

    Victor and Yohan: AH HA! So there IS a bug in the necklace!!!! :) You are a sly fox too Victor! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to April 23rd, 1963* Jessie and Phil!

    1. Sonya said -
      And where the hell is Pawtucket Holtster? Is he still with his cousin giving a shot to that guy? Writers you should not leave us hanging like that.. Maybe a day okay, but not for weeks!!!!!
      - Well said - wish the writers would read that

    2. sony said: "? Is he still with his cousin giving a shot to that guy?"
      *** It has been weeks. The needle in his arm is probably rusty by now.

      My line of the day was when Maxie said to Spinelli, "I am anything but descreet". lol The Iook on his face after was hilarious.

    3. "Johnny 265120 says, Well said"

      Thank you. :)

      "wish the writers would read that"

      Me too!!!!

      "Di says, It has been weeks. The needle in his arm is probably rusty by now."

      Hahahahahaha. Yeah I'm sure!!

      "My line of the day was when Maxie said to Spinelli, "I am anything but descreet". lol The Iook on his face after was hilarious."

      Hahaha yeah that was good too! :)

    4. Oh forgot to mention that Robert said he had a dog!!! I didn't know he had a dog!!! Awwwwwwwwwww. :) I want to see his doggie! :)

  8. previews next week = Lucy on Haunted Star/Hooker/she recognizes--------------I'm gonna be SOOOOOOOO mad if VICTOR has HOLLY doing these attacks.....WHY would Victor want people around Trina killed (if true)........

  9. The best thing is your "Good times" 90's picture of the cast. Wow, babies back then. lol Jon Lindstrom was getting friendly with Vanessa


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...