Thursday, October 6, 2022

Meeting For Me! So Sorry!


There's no new GH tomorrow due to A BASEBALL GAME (no comment) so I'll watch today's show then. I have a meeting at 2:30 so I couldn't watch most of it anyway. 

Hope you are having fun and I hope Carly's story is OVER SOON. I hope Kristina gets a lot of airtime and I hope the killer is surprising. Liz's whole tale better shake a leg as well! 


  1. MISSED Karen today----great show
    ------Esme must be pregnant cause of 'change of plans'-----must be going to tell Nik
    -----she didn't deny she was the hooker and I thought that was to throw us off and yet then the drug dealer is attacked so NOW I am thinking she IS the attacker cause she said, "I have a more important matter to deal with'.. he must die cause he SAW the face
    ------so confused - plus Esme had no bracelet on today
    -----Elizabeth is whiny - wow didn't like her today - I STILL don't understand the timeline of Finn/Jeff/falling down steps
    -----Finn and Yuri so cute as the talked
    -----IF Holly IS the attacker via Victor - gonna be mad!
    -----new character listed in SOD - I think Esme's mother/think the writers are gonna make Cody = Mac's and not Esme = Felicia's......
    -----We DID see Virginia Benson die, right? New character wouldn't be her?
    SOOO fun to guess..
    -----love to know Chase's band - they were great

  2. I don't think Esme is the general hookster, oh my...GH, but that she is the one who attacks what's his name. He is certainly a disposable character. She probably is pregnant. How creative is that. Nelle.
    Very well could be Holly but I'm still going with Rory and his jangling cuffs. Hasn't been on much lately.
    Yes, Alley Mills is joining GH. We all know that GH needs more cast members.

    1. ooooo that IS good.....she didn't attack the others but did Oz....

  3. Alley Mills maybe Liz's mom? Then again probably has to do with Snarly

    1. She’s been on B&B for years. Will be someone’s mother.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.


    Trina and Portia: Trina is so still angry with Curtis. So unforgiving. Trina you are NEVER to old for milkshakes!!!! You will always be your mother's little girl!!

    Spa jail:

    Vampira and daddy Ryan: A fisherman found her! Did he think he caught a fish? She was at a hostel? Someone nursed her back to health? Daddy grabbed Vampira's arm because he thinks she is he hook person and tried to kill Ava! Nah she isn't. She read it on the internet. Daddy Ryan wins the line of the day.

    Ryan: What was in that water you fell into?

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh Vampira has a new plan.. Too bad we didn't get to hear it. Just daddy Ryan was allowed to hear it.

    Police station:

    Oz, Robert, and Jordan: OZ! YAY! I'm so glad he is better!!!! Well, Jordan Oz is right. He IS the victim. So you shouldn't be judging him.

    Oz: No need to be nasty.


    The Savoy:

    Fiz and Turi: Oooo a double date!!! I'm glad we get to finally see Turi on a date! Finchy and Terry gushing over each other hahahaha.

    Liz: If you hadn't experienced that loss you whole life would have been different.

    Whoa what's with Liz being so serious all of a sudden?

    Yuri and Finchy: Well well well, they both have something in common. They both have bearded animals. ROFL!

    Liz and Terry: Liz thinks her family could be responsible for Raiko's death or maybe it's her. Liz talks about Finchy's love. This is so strange. I'm starting to not like Fiz together. Liz tells Terry that she will tell Finchy the truth, once she finds out what it is. Uh huh. Yeah right.

    Maxie and Cowboy Cody: Maxie is being all nice to him and he is trying to avoid Dante and drinking a lot.

    Curtis and Chase: CHASE MISSES BEING A COP! Yes Chase I miss you being a cop too!!! And yes once you hold back in a relationship, it's the beginning of the end. Yes Curtis. Very true.

    Dante and 1dayrecast Brooky: Yup. I heard about the recast coming back for 1 day. Nice to see you again! :) WAIT DANTE WHAT?! Chase is going to be a cop again?!??!! WHAT? YAY! :)

    Maxie and 1dayrecast Brooky: Brooky not happy that Chase is gonna be a cop again. Well, too bad! :) I love Brooky's dress!!!

    1dayrecast Brooky and Chase: Chase wants a kiss from Brooky before he goes on to sing. Awwwwww. :)

    Curtis, Trina, and Portia: Oh boy. Trina gonna let Curtis have it? Oh no! She doesn't. She forgives him awwwwww. :)

    Ms Wu and Cody: Oh oh Cody you don't want to mess with Ms. Wu!

    The pier:


    Sidenote: Forgot to mention yesterday with the Sonny and Ava scene, great scene. :) More scenes with them please!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to May 13th 2013.* Kiwi, Morgan and Michael. Morgan kept coughing and all I kept thinking of is Covid.. At 4:28 look who's there as a nurse!!! Vernee Watson! She doesn't play Stella here. I don't remember her being on GH before! Have you all?

    1. She played a nurse in one ep in 013... then started being on regularly as Stella in 2017.
      - Episode #1.13827 (2017) ... Stella Henry
      - Episode #1.12806 (2013) ... Nurse

    2. Ryan's water comment was a hoot! So was the "don't be nasty". Seriously, the throw away one liners are almost the best part of GH, lol!
      Yuri and Finn were also a hoot, hahahah!
      Trina and Liz were both whiny. Sheesh!
      I enjoyed temp BLQ. I like the actress. You just know old Brooky is going to sabotage Chase's chances of being reinstated as a cop. Boo!
      Cody is such a weasel. That's all I've got. Mac Daddy is too good for him.
      It's always great to see Robert and I'm so glad Esme is back.

      I'm with Karen. Baseball - no comment.

    3. "Di says,s She played a nurse in one ep in 013... then started being on regularly as Stella in 2017.
      - Episode #1.13827 (2017) ... Stella Henry
      - Episode #1.12806 (2013) ... Nurse"

      Yeah!!!! Do you remember when she played a nurse in 2013?

      "Julie H says, Ryan's water comment was a hoot! So was the "don't be nasty". Seriously, the throw away one liners are almost the best part of GH, lol!"

      Hahahahaha yes!!! :D

      "You just know old Brooky is going to sabotage Chase's chances of being reinstated as a cop. Boo!"

      I didn't even think about that. Oh she better not!!!! Or I won't want them together anymore.

      "I'm with Karen. Baseball - no comment."

      Yeah... :(

    4. I must admit I'm always amused at the way life comes to a grinding halt when sports is on there. I mean we love our sports but we don't assume that everyone in the country is watching it....little women just hovering in the background with food and drink for their men, and children who don't watch are shooed outside.. lol We assume poor Americans who don't watch do not have a secnd tv or streaming device...offices and workplaces are closed for the day or tv's are placed in the break rooms because sports must be watched. ( although how they watch every channel at once I haven't figured out yet. lol)

    5. "Di says, I mean we love our sports but we don't assume that everyone in the country is watching it..."

      Hahahahaha. True! Yeah I love my football, and I am glad it's on Sundays! Sometimes it's on during the week, but always in the evening.

      "little women just hovering in the background with food and drink for their men, and children who don't watch are shooed outside.. lol"


      "although how they watch every channel at once I haven't figured out yet. lol)"

      Picture in picture? Or have a lot of tv's? ROFL!

  5. Kelly Thiebaud was on Station 19 season opener tonight.

  6. no one else thinks Esme is preggers and that is her plan???

    1. I'm definitely hoping that's not her plan. I'd prefer she blackmail Nicholas because the closet with all the unwanted babies at GH must be getting pretty full now. And after the fall and injuries she suffered it's highly unlikely. And I also don't think Esme attacked anyone.

    2. Either real or faked...probably. Such an over used story line. Maybe they came up with something more creative. That would be new. LOL



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...