Sunday, October 16, 2022

Sunday Surgery: Eye Spy


This week was unremarkable in many ways. YET, I did love the VAnna spy-nannigans with Lucy and Robert was also in the mix so win-win. Not a lot of movement in anything though and of course, we were interrupted again this week. Poor GH--we will never get our Friday's back on cliff-hanger track!

Grab your Grub and let's GO! 

The show as all over the place again and I found myself wondering about the timeline, especially when it came to the Hooker. Time moved so slow that Dante seemingly found out about 4 days after we saw Oz get killed. It wasn't your imagination; 24 hours lasted forever.  Oh, and another week with NO Elizabeth movement. I mean-- seriously? There are TOO MANY THINGS HAPPENING ON THIS SHOW for me to keep interest in stories!! The building gets lost in all the other junk going on. *Sigh* 

 MEMORIAL OF THE WEEK:  Right in the middle of the whole Hooker thing, Brando is buried. They have a wake at the Metro where a few people show up. The interesting thing? It was  less about Sasha than it was about Sonny dishing out advice to Gladys and having his 400th run in with Michael. Did Michael accept his apology (I think that's what it was?) No he did not. :eyeroll: And so it goes. 

GUESS WHAT OF THE WEEK: You're the father! Oh, Esme.. we knew you'd have a baby with you but a lot of us thought it would be fake. Now, unless they have some "mask" that feels real, it sure looks like she's got a Cassadine heir in there! Nikolas even felt it!! Poor dumb Nikolas. He did make me sit up when he locked Esme in that tower room though! Good ol' Rapunzel story going on. Maybe she'll start to crave Kelly's BLTs!

I DO DECLARE OF THE WEEK: WHY LUCY!!  Oh, who doesn't love our Lucy. Falling for diamonds every time. First she listens in on a phone call with Victor (good thing) then she accepts another present from him --a diamond necklace (bad thing). Martin comes home. He's not happy. Victor is happy however, because Lucy's necklace has a listening device and he hears everything when she goes to Anna's. Robert was right--Lucy is NO spy!! 

AVA OF THE WEEK:  She looked stunning and was in the mix! Meeting Trina at Kelly's, going to Sonny after finding out about The Hook and getting over to Wyndemere to let Nikolas know. Did she go back to Nikolas? Nope--she is having the staff collect her things. Good.  The Ava and Sonny scenes were my fave of the week. Mo and Maura play off each other so well. 

FAST FORWARD OF  THE WEEK: Florida. Yep. The entire thing on Wed because I was seeing it on Hulu. DID. NOT. CARE. Bobbie showed up Friday to tell Carly how proud she was of her. Drew wasn't around (he was in a meeting, then at the gym) so they could dish on whether or not Carly "likes" him instead of just likes him.  Please tell me when it's over. 

SET OF THE WEEK:  Oh, a great gothic bedchamber that's all draped in sheets!! Squee! There's no internet! No WiFi! Nikolas tells Esme to read a book LOL!! 

PUZZLERS OF THE WEEK: Willow looks fresh as a daisy and not ill at all! Not only that, she has the tiniest baby-bump ever and Esme is all busting out like she's about to give birth in 2 months! (that bump grew every time I saw her!!) Also: How did Esme get to Wyndemere? Surely the ferry boat guy knows her? Did she swim? She did seem to swim to some fisherman in the middle of Lake Ontario so...? Who knows! 


Lucy, Anna and Valentin found out the Deputy Mayor was helping Victor with his 'plan'. 

Martin Gray came home only to find Lucy getting jewels from Victor.

Brando is laid to rest, Sonny gives a toast at his memorial 

Nina suspects Willow and TJ of having an affair; TJ tries to set her straight

Everyone figures out the hooker isn't targeting Sonny; the ties are to Trina 

Cam is feeling like Joss doesn't like him anymore 

Dex tells Dante that Sonny didn't attack him. Dante calls Michael a liar 

Ava talks Dex up to Sonny; also wants him to protect Trina 

Britt mentions Peter's BOX to Maxie ... so that might be a thing. 

Do Britt and Cody like each other or naw? 

Rory asked Trina to go away with him but she's unsure. 

NEWS OF THE WEEK:   Emma Samms is finally back to the show !! yeah!! Her health kept her away and she'll only be on for a bit but I don't care. It's going to be a lot of fun. All the other stories will be backburnered I hope. I'd love for ONE tale to just be told in detail for X amount of weeks!!  I am also hoping Genie shows up...I thought it was supposed to be around this time?  Also, I just saw a blurb that Ethan (Nathan Parsons)  might be back; Luke and Holly's son? Remember him? We shall see!! 

Well, that's that!! I probably missed a ton of things and I'm sorry for that. I could have gone into detail about Maxie and Britt's talk about CODY or.. Spin's nervous energy about his dating app but why bother? I do have a bone to pick about the TJ/Willow story. Why isn't Molly around? Wouldn't it be great for Nina to go to Molly to plant a seed of doubt? How's Alexis' newspaper articles coming? Austin hasn't been seen since Sept 28th (yes, I'm keeping track). I don't know. This month has just moved at a glacial pace. Let's hope when Holly shows up the whole thing gets going. 


  1. I have never cared for LW as lead actress when there are others on the show with more talent. now the writers are pairing her up with the boring CM. great

  2. Thinking the deputy mayor is the hook killer...

    1. Deputy Mayor sure was annoying with Robert. I want him to "claw her eyes out" lol

    2. her height doesn't work----but the writers often change things-----thinking it's Assistant DA

  3. Thanks for another great SS!
    Hoping that Holly's return reboots everything is a long shot but it will be nice to see her. Time for Laura to return as well. But GH continues to add cast members to an already bloated roster.
    This Carly crap is not even watchable, although seeing Bobbie was good.

  4. I have tried to give him a chance, but Cameron Mathison's version of Drew is a snooze. It really is not the same character, at all. Why didn't they just introduce him as someone new if they wanted to change the character this much?

    The Drew of old, given his past ties to Liz and Franco, would've swooped in to help Liz and her kids. That would also be the most logical love match for her, at this point.

  5. Yup, will be nice to have Holly back and Laura back. The Vets are the only reason I watch frankly. Too sad. And, of course JPS and Charles S., I do love those actors. Wonder how long that Charles S. was originally being brought on for. Oh, I do like Britt and Obrecht. NOT Britt with Cody though. Obrecht and Scott are magic too, but we don't see much of them either.

    1. I do like Ava now too; didn't use to

    2. Oh, I am glad to see Marty though; he has really grown on me. I like him with our Lucy

    3. I like Marty too, especially with Lucy! When he first came on everyone was calling him Kentucky Fried Tad because of the accent, but he and the accent have really grown on me, lol!

  6. If Holly is only back a short time, I HOPE it's about Robert and Holly and not she is the hooker and needs to be deprogrammed...
    Where is Phyllis?
    GH is all over the place-----------it's really bad.........the editing......
    SURELY Anna will realize the NECKLACE is bugged!

    1. The old Anna would know the diamonds were bugged.

    2. Agreed about Robert and Holly. I also hope they will take this moment to "right a wrong" and make Ethan Robert's son!!

  7. Nik should tell Victor about Esme - HE would take care of her!!! Nik is too weak...LOL

  8. FYI Dominic Zamprogna was on NCIS Los Angeles tonight.

    1. I think Dom is underused on GH. He shouldn't be with Sam for one and he is a good actor. Give him a meaty storyline.

    2. Thanks for the info Di! I'll watch it this afternoon. Another one of my shows that starts past my bedtime, lol!

    3. You're welcome., Julie. It starts at 11 here too.

  9. Those fans still mourning Brando’s untimely demise may take some comfort in knowing that they can soon see Johnny Wactor back on screen — in Supercell, an upcoming disaster film starring Alec Baldwin and the late Anne Heche.

    1. You're welcome. There's a few articles online under GH news. He's done some films himself too. A very talented man.

  10. I read an interview with Emma Samms on and she is still having problems with long covid. She said she has problems walking long distances and if she talks too much her voice gets raspy. She said Frank V gave her his parking spot since it was the closest to the set. I'm expecting to see Holly sitting and not talking a lot but I'm just so glad that they are making some accommodations for Emma to get Holly back on our screens. I can't wait to see her and Robert together again. And they better not mess it up!

    1. I think I put a link up for that article a while back. Poor woman. Long covid can haunt you for years. I'm just glad she's making an effort to be here at all.

      I'm also thinking she won't be up to running around swinging a hook. So Holly guessers are out of luck.

    2. I missed the link you put up Di. Yeah, that pretty much puts Holly as not being the Hooker. I'm hoping that Holly gets into the story about finding out what happened to Luke and that Robert and Holly rekindle their romance. They were one of my favorite couples.

    3. Ahhh yes. I loved them as a couple too.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...