Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Get To the Graveyard


Um, Willow still has cancer LOL. Totally forgot about her. TJ thinks she needs to push her schedule down. He says she's scaring him with her choices. 

Ava leaves Ryan-- tells him she's going to get another neuro exam for him from Kevin. Later, Ryan has a dream where he tells Ava about Esme being his daughter and he's going to take her hostage. 

Ava then goes to have lunch with Trina. Esme is stalking them outside of Kelly's and overhears Ava talking about Ryan. 

Ava then goes to Sonny and wants to put in a good word for Dex. 

Nina talks to Curtis about next year's nurses ball at the Metro. Um..wasn't Chase singing at The Savoy?? Huh? Whatever. Nina's still in her dress from forever ago. 

Oh Nina sees TJ and Willow hug after she thanks him. Nina's like "Look who's having an affair now"! 

Joss wants to call the cops on Sonny about Dex.  Dex says no. Joss says he's stupid and walks out. Dex follows her. Michael is disgusted with his dad. He leaves. Sonny asks the goon 'What with the knives"?? AHAHHAHA, um, didn't Sonny want him tortured? Oh! Turns out no!! Sonny had NO IDEA that guy had knives and he's damn lucky he didn't cut Dex up in 'his name"!! OMG!! ahahahahaa. 

Crew is talking to some  reporter in Florida about the graves. They are putting it on the news but the reporter warns that 'people won't be happy".  The reporter is real from the local ABC station. They talk about Virginia some more. Carly thinks she should change her name from Corinthos to something new. 

Michael goes to Dex's apartment (it's Chases' but gray) ... Michael wants to fire him. Dex says no. They talk and Michael says ok. BUT Stay AWAY FROM JOSS. 


  1. the chemistry between Maura and Maurice is OFF THE CHARTS!
    ---Nina was so annoying today with Willow - I just can't stand her----
    ---okay I AM thinking Dex is a Fed OR that person who is obsessed with power------
    ----Michael gave him a CHECK for 50 thousand? Come on...
    ------Willow and TJ pairing works for me!
    -----Too much Trina/Curtis talk-----she must be going to be attacked and Curtis saves her...
    ----so Ryan DIDN'T know about Esme after months of not seeing her???
    ---Carly and Drew-----just don't get it but I suppose others like

    1. I think Maura has chemistry with everyone and I adore her relationship with Trina. A Willow/TJ pairing would give Willow some spark that is missing with Michael. A Willow/TJ/Molly triangle would also give Molly and TJ a needed storyline. And Carly and Drew are a snooze fest for me. If the writers are determined to pair the two there could have been a better way to do it.

    2. I like Nina, but she did irritate me today

    3. "Mufasa says, Michael gave him a CHECK for 50 thousand? Come on..."

      Should he have given him more? 50 million? :)

      "Willow and TJ pairing works for me!"

      Me too!!!!! #TreeJ!!

      "Gary says, A Willow/TJ pairing would give Willow some spark that is missing with Michael."

      YES! I AGREE!!!

      "A Willow/TJ/Molly triangle would also give Molly and TJ a needed storyline."

      YES!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    4. sorry Sonya - a meant a CHECK that can be traced!! LOL

    5. "mufasa says, sorry Sonya - a meant a CHECK that can be traced!! LOL"

      OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ROFLMAPMP! Yes yes. I didn't even think about the check being traced!!

  2. Karen, your tweet about how it should have been Liz at her old high school instead of Carly made one of the opinion pieces on on how this story about Carly's history has been rewritten badly.

    1. "Gary says, Karen, your tweet about how it should have been Liz at her old high school instead of Carly made one of the opinion pieces on"

      Really?!?!! YAY! :D

    2. Sonya, here is the link:

    3. No problem. I was reading it, saw Alberta and went Yah! I know who that is.

    4. That's awesome, and thanks for the link!

  3. Curtis has been lurking at the hospital since Ava was attacked. Repeating conversations with whoever will listen.
    What's up with Carly's outdated shirtdress?
    Sorry, but GH is all over the place and not getting better. Mostly I comment here because you all have interesting spins and ideas about the show and I really enjoy what comes up.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Jacksonville Florida:

    Carly, Drew, the reporter and the crew: I'm glad Carly is doing this. The truth must come out!!!! I liked Virgina! She doesn't deserve the disrespect!

    Carly and Drew: Yeah Carly don't change your last name to Quartermaine! Hahahahhahhaha! They don't even show Monica. :( Drew had a good point about Donna and Avery having the same last name as her. Oh oh the story leaked out!! Too bad. Hey why wait til tonight.. Just do it now!!! :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Sonny's fake restaurant:

    Carver, Sonny, Joss, and Michael:

    Sonny: OO


    Michael: GRRRRRRRRRR!

    Sonny: OO

    Poor Dexxy needs a blanket!!!! Where is the blanket?!?! Joss grab Badger Bob and save him!! They all leave, and Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: What's with the knives?


    Sonny's office:

    Carver and Sonny: Oh oh Joss forgot to grab Badger Bob!!! Sonny is angry! RUN BADGER BOB RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!

    Dexxy's home: Ooooo Chase's set!! :D

    Dexxy and Michael: Take the money Dexxy! I'm glad Michael fired you. I don't want you to die!!! Oh oh I like Dexxy now. *Facepalm* What do you mean no Dexxy? Are you an undercover FBI agent?!?!?!!


    Trina and Ava: Awwwwwwwww. Sweet scene. Sweet Trina.. Trina's hair looks really soft. :)
    Trina, Joss, and Ava: Oh great! Joss tells them about Dexxy poo and what Sonny did, but is she going to tell Cam? Noooooooooooooo! More secrets!!!! *Facepalm*

    Trina and Joss: Oh boy. Joss just admit that you have it bad for Dexxy!!!! :) Vampira is getting an earful all episode hahahaha.

    Spa jail:

    Ava and Ryan: Ooooooooo GREAT SCENE! Too bad it was a dream! DAMMIT! I thought she was kissing him, because she was going to hurt him!

    Vampira and Ryan:

    Vampira: Hello daddy. Did you miss me?

    Ryan: :D

    *Evil smile*

    The hospital:

    Nina and Curtis: Awwww friendship. :)

    TJ and Willow: Oh come on! She should be in the 2nd trimester by now!!!! She was a month pregnant in July! Oy! The angle they are showing TJ, man he has a huge adam's apple!!! They are friends awwwww. :) Love the hugs. Be careful TJ if you even disagree with her, she might not want to be friends with you anymore. Oh hi Nina.. :) I thought when Willow was alone, after TJ left, I thought she was going to turn around and see Nina! :)

    Nina alone near the elevator:

    Nina: Well well well. Who are the cheaters now?


    TJ and Curtis: Yeah I agree with TJ! Trina won't be mad at Curtis for long. She will love him to death! :)

    Willow and Nina: Nina thinking Willow is cheating on Michael is hysterical.. Too bad it's not true. Nina dragged Willow and I enjoyed it. :)

    1. Sonya, if no barware was thrown then Sonny wasn't that mad.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, if no barware was thrown then Sonny wasn't that mad."

      Hahahahaha! Okay that's true. :) All he did was pound on the desk.. Badger Bob is safe from Sonny then, but not from Carver!!!!! OO

    3. Carver is the one who has to look out. Ms. Wu will not be pleased that he upset Sonny boy and went rogue.

    4. "Di says, Carver is the one who has to look out. Ms. Wu will not be pleased that he upset Sonny boy and went rogue."

      Oooooo! Yes! Watch out for Ms. Wu, Carver!!! Hmm we don't even know if Carver is his first name or last name! :)

    5. I thought it was your nickname for him. lol

    6. Good show today for the most part, because I was annoyed with the usual suspects, lol!
      Nina needs to shut up and then exit my screen. And her STILL whining about Carly and the Metro Court. Get over it already, all of Port Charles (accept for Curtis, apparently) is sick to death of hearing about it.
      Really Sonny? Good grief. The dude's name is Carver. You asked him to get a confession. Was he supposed to tickle him to death? And I am VERY sure Madame Wu knows exactly how that guy works.
      I like Dex now. I don't know how that happened.
      I agree with everyone, the chemistry between Maura and Mo is a really pretty thing. I think she's one of those that has chemistry with a phone book.
      Ryan's evil grin at the end was a thing of beauty!
      Sonya...I want to make sure your face is ok. All that face palming could leave a bruise, lol! :)

    7. lol to your face palming comment.

      I've found I'm liking Dex more and more too. I think there are definitely more layers to him and can't wait to see where this goes.

      Loved Ryan's grin at the end too.

    8. "Di says, I thought it was your nickname for him. lol"

      What? Carver? No! Hahaha. That's what Sonny called him. Sonny said that's his name. I could give him a nickname Carvy.. ROFL!

      "Julie H says, Really Sonny? Good grief. The dude's name is Carver. You asked him to get a confession. Was he supposed to tickle him to death?"

      ROFL! Well, he almost talked to him to death! :)

      "And I am VERY sure Madame Wu knows exactly how that guy works."

      Yes I am very sure too!!

      "I like Dex now. I don't know how that happened."

      Yeah me neither!!!

      "Ryan's evil grin at the end was a thing of beauty!"

      Yes it was!!!! :D

      "Sonya...I want to make sure your face is ok. All that face palming could leave a bruise, lol! :)"

      Hahahahahaha. No no. I'm okay. No bruise! :)


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...