Monday, October 10, 2022



OZ in a body bag. Esme walks down the stairs.-- She says "too bad for you Oz, but good for me". She stands there and looks in her wallet. Its' almost empty so she's going to Wyndemere-- on the FERRY? Esme goes to Wyndemere. 

Victor tells Nikolas he has to divorce Ava. Nikolas remembers her taping his confession on her phone. 

Ava is in getting a check up from Portia . Portia is sad Ava had to close her gallery but they both want Trina safe. Amy tells them Oz was stabbed. Ava leaves GH fast. 

THEN AT WYNDEMERE: Ava gets there and is with Victor and Nikolas 

Curtis is with Jordan. He gets the divorce papers. Now they talk FOREVER about the damn divorce. I'm so sick of it. Jordan gets a call that Oz was killed. 

Dex and Joss at his apartment. He has contour make up on his abs LOL . She has to button his shirt up because his wrists hurt. She wants him to go to the cops. He says no. Yes. No..Yes No. 

BRANDO'S MEMORIAL They do a toast. TJ is there too--sits with Willow. Michael doesn't want to be there so he's being a sulky baby. Not that much happens, really. Lots of hugging and such. Sonny tells Gladys she needs to stay in Port Charles for Sasha. 


Portia figures out the victims are connected to her daughter. 

Nik sees Esme at the safe "who the hell are you"? 

Dante goes to talk to Dex about what Sonny did to him

Sonny wants to make up with Michael 



  1. I'm fine with it, but the memorial wasn't shown - just the reception afterwards SO was Joss at Brando's service or not? Molly? Lucy????
    ----okay final thought (again!) - Dex HAS to be a Fed or undercover------at the end saying 'damn it' when Joss left AFTER saying Sonny will do this again-------gotta be something bigger and not about Michael....
    -----I cannot WAIT to see Nina's face when she finds out about WIllow--such an annoying pious attitude....
    -----calling it again (LOL) HAS to be assistant DA - please don't let it be Holly who has nothing to do with anything and even Victor wouldn't have Oz killed.....
    Olivia looked gorgeous-----

    1. "Mufasa says, okay final thought (again!) - Dex HAS to be a Fed or undercover------at the end saying 'damn it' when Joss left AFTER saying Sonny will do this again-------gotta be something bigger and not about Michael."

      YES! I think he is a fed too. Well, he said son of a bitch! For what reason? And besides, that is Sonny's line!!! :)

  2. Maybe I missed something, but Nik and Ava had a stipulation that if either one cheated, the other would get all of the Cassadine assets. Wouldn't Ava take advantage of the situation and get a divorce? I think the writers changed the story and the stipulation has been written out of the script.

    1. On December 11, Nikolas took Ava to the Metro Court on a date. He gave her the post-nup papers they signed and she initially snapped at him because she thought he was throwing the post-nup in her face, but Nikolas told her that he was giving them to her so they could destroy it. Ava was relieved and asked why didn't he say so before she tore up the post-nup papers.

    2. I DO remember that - I guess I didn't realize official papers were filed---oooo maybe Stella sent in those papers?????????LOL

  3. oooooh I think you're right AntJoan

  4. The pier: Oh dammit! Why did Oz have to die!!?!?! :( I like him!!!! Hey Linc! Your lookalike brother died. I hope you go to his funeral! Oh hi Vampira.. Vampira just flew in! :)

    Jordan's office:

    Jordan and Curtis: Uhhhh Curtis is big in the front today! It's either tight pants, or uhhh ;)

    Jordan and Portis: Common denominator isn't Sonny. It's Trina. Sorry so distracted by Curtis and his bigness today. Also, why is his shirt bunched up like that?

    The hospital:

    Portia and Ava: I'm so glad Ava is coming back home! I'm so glad that they didn't let Ava go home right after she got hooked. That wouldn't have been so realistic. Yes protect Trina sure, but don't forget you Ava. You have to be protected too!!!!

    Amy, Portia, and Trina: AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIPAA!!!!!!


    Victor and Nik: I thought Nik was going to be stupid and tell him there is a video confession! Glad he didn't.

    Nik: What Ava and I have, happens once in a lifetime.

    Oh I guess Nik forgot about Emily! BAHAHAHAHA! Oh oh there is a noise!!! Vampira?

    Victor, Nik, and Ava: OH! It's Ava! :) Vampira must be flying around and trying to find a door to open. Or a window to fly in.

    Nik and Vampira: OH OH HAHAHAHA. Turn around Vampira. Let him see you! *Evil smile*

    Brando's memorial:

    Gladys and Sonny: Geez with this conversation, I thought Gladys was leaving. I'm glad the actress isn't leaving. I don't want her to go. Gladys giving good advice to Sonny about Michael!

    TJ and Willow: Oh sure! Willow just HAD to tell TJ that Nina thinks they are having an affair. Well, that could happen someday soon. :) Nina planting that seed!! Then it will grow to #TreeJ! :)

    TJ and Nina: Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You do NOT want Michael Corinthos as an enemy.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! WHAT?!!?! *DEAD* All Michael does is whine and is a rat fink.

    Michael and Dante: Oh look! There is an example right there.. :) Michael whining and being a rat fink. Dante save your breath. Michael isn't listening to you.

    Sonny and Michael: Will Michael mend and bury the hatchet? Hmmm nahhhhhhhhhhh.

    Dexxy poo's apartment:

    Dexxy and Jossy: Dexxy was told to stay away from Jossy. I don't think Jossy got that memo! ROFL! Oh of course she had to button up his shirt! Hahahahaha. Sparks are a flyin! Yeah he wants to kiss her. :) Now will she tell Cam what's been going on? Noooooooooooo! Jossy you are late for the memorial!!

    1. Sonya, you know both Michael and Joss will both be all team Sonny once he reunites with Carly.

    2. "Gary says, Sonya, you know both Michael and Joss will both be all team Sonny once he reunites with Carly."

      Hahahaha. I know!!! Of course they will!!!! :)

  5. Anyone else hoping that Nic wacks the hooded burgler with the poker? lol We know it won't happen but why would you just ask what they were doing there when they're trying to open your safe. lol

    Loved how Willow gave Nina the finger by asking TJ to drive her home. lol

    1. "Di says, Anyone else hoping that Nic wacks the hooded burgler with the poker? lol"

      ROFL! He could have!

      "We know it won't happen but why would you just ask what they were doing there when they're trying to open your safe. lol"

      Hahahaha. He doesn't know what she wants in the safe. He wasn't expecting anybody to be there! :)

      "Loved how Willow gave Nina the finger by asking TJ to drive her home. lol"

      ROFL! And Michael has no idea what is going on. He was just all whiny. He don't care about Brando and the memorial. All he had on his mind was Sonny and how to get him.

  6. one more thing - as I scream --- LOL
    Esme fell OFF the thing---------------in the water--------------found by someone-----------------and yet yet yet - she has the KEYS to Wyndemere? HOW? and a brand new wallet????? and goes everywhere free, not even a ride share??? These are the silly details that drive me nuts...

    1. "mufasa says, Esme fell OFF the thing---------------in the water--------------found by someone-----------------and yet yet yet - she has the KEYS to Wyndemere? HOW?"

      I guess she didn't lose her keys. :)

      "and a brand new wallet?????"

      Maybe the fisherman felt so bad for her, that he bought her a wallet. :)

    2. Yes...details like Esme trying to work her key in the door and next scene Ava rushes in the parlor door. Both of them arriving at the same time but not. Making me crazier than I already am.

  7. She didn't lose her keys and she got a brand new wallet

    Why would DA lady "hook" those people? What is the motive?

    1. I laughed because Esme when last we saw her had on a short shirt and top---no pockets and no keys-----no wallet----two months later she still had a key to get in the house!
      I thin Assistant DA wanted to win the case-----Just trying to think like the writers----can't be Esme so either Holly or assistant DA!

  8. Unpopular opinion, but Avery Pohl's Esme is the reason to tune in these Heather was way, way back in the late 70s/early 80s. The Brando memorial was odd. All the build up with Molly way back and she doesn't even appear onscreen during any of the scenes about his death. Gladys was an annoying riot when they first introduced her. Remember the scenes at Carly and Jason's wedding when she showed up with one of the heads of the 5 families? But she's been neutered. Far less interesting. And I have to say last week...Briana Lane was a pleasant surprise. I think i prefer her as Brook Lynn over Amanda Setton. And don't get me started on Carly's stinkeroo of a story. Poor Laura Wright. This is the thanks she gets after 20+ years on the show? The story could've been powerful and poignant going back to Carly's roots before she came to Port Charles. Instead, nothing is even remotely accurate to the past. So many sloppy mistakes. Apparently the GH writers don't have Wikipedia or can't look up story history. ZZZZZ though between Carly and Drew. Cameron Mathison is too...polished...I'm sure the marketing types at ABC are wetting themselves. But his portrayal of Drew does nothing for me. And Liz' the time we get to the end will we even care or have our eyes open? Anyone remember the Laurelton murder mystery and how that dragged on and on with no connection to anything? That's kind of how I feel with this story. Too many things dropped. No continuity.

    1. agree agree on all-----one thing I DO think though - I truly think Laura Wright has such power that she ASKED for this storyline/away from PC//away from Sonny etc......but the CHANGING of history is ridiculous!!!!

    2. Perfectly said. Gladys has been neutered! LOL Yes, and so many characters before her and probably after. Frustrating.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...