Wednesday, October 19, 2022

On the Waterfront


Diane and Alexis. I think Diane had her hair colored at the hospital LOL They talk about the serial killer. Then Robert pops in all twinkling "You're a sight for sore eyes". He asks if there's anything else she remembers and she says no. Just a woman/jingle bracelets and nothing else.  Cute scene with the 2 of them. Robert even mentions his cancer scar! 

Spencer and Cyrus talk in the jail. They talk about family. Cy wants to help him but that mean guy Booker walks in. Booker wants his library job back. Spencer says no. Booker moves to him and Cyrus steps in front. Booker punches Cyrus. Cyrus punches him back. Guard comes in and then finds a shiv on Booker. Cyrus planted it. Spencer is impressed. 

Sonny, Dante and Kristina grab lunch. YIPPEE!! Krissy is going to a management training session (trip) soon. Guess we won't see her for awhile. Dante has to leave for the PCPD. Alexis comes over. They talk about Diane's condition and Kristine's job. 

Ava goes to Wyndemere. Nik tries to get rid of her. She says Scotty said Nik wanted a divorce. He says no-- Victor got it wrong.  She has to go up to the tower to get some files for the Gallery. He's like NO! YOU CAN'T GO UP THERE! He says the tower had a pipe break. She's like FINE--whatever. She's having dinner with Nina. Leaves. 

Esme is trying to get out of the tower. The wire doesn't work. She screams and throws stuff all over the place. No one hears her. Then she finally gets the lock open. "We did it Ace" she says.  She opens the door and Nikolas is there. He tells her to shut up, no one is coming for her. 

Lucy is shot; Anna hears it and runs from Pier 45 to 55...She only finds Lucy's shoe. Victor walks down the stairs yelling for Lucy. He sees her shoe too.  He pretends that she went to the wrong pier and he doesn't know where she is. Dante shows up. Anna says she thinks it's Lucy. She and Victor banter. She's mad Valentin went to see Charlotte. Victor leaves. Anna shares her worries with Dante. 


Nikolas is clearing Esme's room..she's locked in the bathroom

Someone is seen crawling to shore...they want us to think it's Lucy but I think it's Holly


  1. Well whoever is crawling to shore must be who Willow sees when she opens the boat house door and screams.

    hmmm I thought the shooter had on a uniform but they'd only enlarged a square of their plaid shirt....sneaky, very sneaky. I know it's not Cody as he's with Britt in a plain shirt.... hmmm Where is pawtucket and company?

    Today's show was good. Didn't drag, and we got some good conversations. Loved
    Robert and Diane. Hope we see more of them together. Kristina seems to have made peace with her parents, and Esme is getting her just desserts. lol

    I loved Spencer and Cyrus too. And Spencer did look impressed. Maybe he will "se the light." lol

    1. I agree a good show... I loved our Ava asking Nik if he was trying to get rid of her. Normally they make us think she's stupid. Although all the back and forth of divorce or no divorce is boring as I can't root for them any more.

    2. Another thing that didn't cross my mind. Willow screaming at whoever crawled to shore. Mmmmmmm! :)

      Totally agree about yesterday's show. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

  2. It's Lucy coming out of the water

    1. Oops I read this too fast and thought you said it's Lucky coming out of the water!! HAHAHAHAHA!

  3. Holly was supposed to be on screen the 18th she wrote but with delayed episode, it was today-----so pretty sure she is coming out of the water...
    Thinking MARTIN kidnapped Lucy------to get her away from Victor and that Victor said something to Martin to make him think 'kidnap Lucy'.......there just aren't any other choices---"What are you doing here" was her quote ---so she knew the person and wasn't surprised to see who it was but not happy the person was there? and no yesterday there was no PLAID shirt/jacket/coat - I went back and looked .....come on writers...
    LOVE LOVE Robert and Diane-----
    Rmind me - when was the last time we saw Austin? LOL!
    Nicholas Chavin can hold his own with Jeff Kober......

  4. Wyndemere:

    Nik and Ava: Oh come on Nik! Tell Ava you got Vampira aka Repunzel! She should know!!! I have been meaning to mention that Ava's hair grew! I like it!

    Repunzel and baby: Repunzel Repunzel just let down your hair! Obviously you can't Macgyver the door. Repunzel is having a temper tantrum! ROFL! She wins the lines of the day. Repunzel

    Repunzel: Just wait until you meet your brother Spencer. Are you moving around or just giving me indigestion.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Your brother Spencer!!! YUCK! ROFL! Oooo ACE! Is she going to name her baby Ace? I like it!!!! Ace Cassadine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Nik and Repunzel: WHAT?! Locked up for 6 months.. So she is saying she is 3 months preggers? HAHAHAHAHAHA! She is not 3 months preggers! 6 months yes. :) Come on writers! ROFL!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Dante, Krissy, and Sonny: Awww sweet family. :) When Krissy kissed her father, I thought she was going to kiss Dante too.

    Alexis and Dexxy: Ooooo they met! Aww how nice. :) If Krissy dates him, then he would have already met Alexis! Hahaha! :)

    Krissy and Alexis: Awwww nice and sweet scene. :)

    Ava and Victor: Yes Ava! Victor has someone in mind for you.. HIM! :D Ava calling him uncle Victor! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    The hospital:

    Robert on the phone with Anna: Awwwwwwww love it! :)

    Alexis and Diane: Awwww besties! How long is Diane going to be in the hospital?

    Robert and Diane: Oooo they like each other. :) He is going to keep visiting her at the hospital.. I like them together.. MillScorp! :)

    Jail library:

    Booker, Cyrus, and Spencer: Great scene!!!! That was pretty funny when Cyrus set Booker up with a shiv hahaha!

    Cyrus and Spencer: Spencer looks older with that beard and mustache! Awwww family.. :) Great scene!

    The pier: Who shot Lucy?!!?!! Was it the Tribbles?! Badger Bob? LUCY'S SHOE! I knew she went into the water!!

    Victor and Anna: I love how Victor is pretending to be concerned and worried! ROFL!

    Victor, Anna, and Dante: Victor pretending he doesn't know anything! Hahahahahaha! Victor you crack me up!

    Anna and Dante: I like that Anna told Dante the whole story.

    Dante: We know Lucy and what she is capable of. She is relentless.

    DAMN STRAIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT! :) AND it's about time Lucy got a storyline!!!!!!

    An island: Or wherever the heck this place is.. LUCY!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!

    "Karen says they want us to think it's Lucy but I think it's Holly"

    OH MY! I didn't even think about that!!!!! OO

    1. Great comments from everybody today and I agree with them all! Good show and great pairings yesterday! :)

      Spence/Cyrus, Anna/Dante, Victor with everybody, Alexis/Krissy....I loved everybody. :) But Diane and Robert were the best. I want them together, like now!

      I could get behind the name Ace Cassadine, lol!

      Never crossed my mind that it could be Holly crawling out of the water. Holy Cow!!

    2. We'll most likely see her today...hopefully. And Lucy is on the list of the missing.

    3. "Julie H says, But Diane and Robert were the best. I want them together, like now!"

      Me too me too me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also like Holly and Robert together too. :)

      "I could get behind the name Ace Cassadine, lol!"

      Hahaha yeah!!!!! :D

      "Never crossed my mind that it could be Holly crawling out of the water. Holy Cow!!"

      She could have escaped!!!!!!!! :0

  5. More Lexi Ainsworth please. She can hold her own against the vets. History with the character, so why isn't she on contract? Nicholas Chavez and Jeff Kober, another pair to can just see Nick Chavez soaking it all in and learning from a more experienced actor and matching him. Great scenes. I wouldn't count out Esme yet. Avery Pohl continues to amaze. And Robert and! And unexpected. And I see Rory's on tomorrow. And we're supposed even remember him because he was on last month? LOL. Who cares? No build up for him and Trina. At some point I guess we'll get back to Liz's story.

  6. Valentin getting on that plane is stupid as hell. He would know Victor is going to kill him

    1. He does know.. So does Anna. They talked about it. Anna did tell him not to go because it's a trap. He wants to see his daughter! He would do anything to see his daughter! :( Awwwww!

    2. He can't see Chalotte if he's dead though.

    3. "lindie says, He can't see Chalotte if he's dead though."

      Maybe he will see her, and then when he leaves, that is when Victor will strike. Then that is when V.C. will go missing. :(

  7. What did Victor's goon go after in Anna's house?

  8. So who is in tbe water and who is in the boathouse at the Qs?

    1. Holly----although the rocks DID look like Wyndemere?


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