Tuesday, October 18, 2022

My Father


Esme in the tower, holding her belly; talking to it. NIkolas tells the handy- guy not to fix the south tower AT ALL..NO TOUCHIN IT.  Nikolas comes into the tower with a tray of food. Esme tries to hit him with a candlestick but he deflects it. He tells her the baby will be born and she's 'expendable" "No one will miss you" says Nikolas. Esme says her father will...he knows I'm alive. 

Ava and Scotty at the Metro Bar . He tells her to leave Nikolas, he says to get divorce papers drawn up. 

Lucy and Victor at the Metro eating. Talking about nothing. He wants to take a cruise with her around the harbor. She says yes and goes to change. 

Valentin tells Anna Victor is trying to get rid of him. She thinks it's a trap. He doesn't care he wants to visit Charlotte. Valentin leaves. Anna calls someone for help but no idea who it is? 

Britt and Cody talking about Peter's Possessions. It's just.. meh. He keeps trying to get her to tell him her 'secret" (Huntington's). Hem..haw... they go to her room at the Metro. It's messy. 



  1. Wow! What an ending. Who do you think it was...not the Hooker as there was no hook. Not Victor's man as he was talking to Victor at the time. Maybe the mayor's assistant as she's in Victor's pocket. Any other guesses? This should be interesting.

  2. And Cody seems very interested in Peter's stuff, and now he doesn't want her looking into the safety deposit box...hmmmm Could he be related to Peter? or did he work for him at some point?

    1. Hmmm. Probably worked with him at some point..

  3. I wonder if Cody is also Faison's son which I KNOW is creepy----maybe Britt isn't Faison's??? I dunno
    the shots at the end was weird and I kinda thought it was fake - like Anna possibly used fake bullets and they will pretend Lucy fell in the river? NO WAY Lucy dies - but 3 shots is a lot....
    ----I so want Diane and Robert together.

    1. "Mufasa says, but 3 shots is a lot...."

      Wait 3 shots? It looked like 1 shot!!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Victor and Lucy: Victor wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: He is a dear.

    Victor: So is Bambi.

    BAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh a cruise eh? Don't go Lucy!

    Lucy's home: Oh oh! Don't go Lucy!!! You look great, but don't go!!

    Scotty and Lucy: Lucy kissing him on the cheek. I will always love my Lotty. :)

    Scotty and Ava: We haven't had them in a scene together in awhile!!! Ava listen to Scotty!

    Scotty, Ava, and Victor: Victor is a sly tongued fox. :)

    Victor: Oops. Was it something I said?


    Chandler Mansion:

    Vanna: A TRAP! YES! Don't go V.C. don't go! :( I'll miss you. :(

    Anna on the phone: I hope she got someone to follow V.C. and Victor!

    Yohan: Oh look it's Yohan and a million other Yohans. ROFL! What is he looking for?

    Britch's hotel room:

    Britch and Cowboy Cody: Man Cowboy Cody is looking inside that box intently. What is in that box that is yours Cowboy Cody? Hmmmmmmmm? So a key from a safe deposit box.. What do you have in that safe deposit box Cowboy Cody? Do you know Hiney? How do you know him?


    Nik and Vampira: Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair. :) Wow that baby is growing fast. Nik doesn't care if she is alive or dead! ROFL! Oh yes Nik, Vampira has a daddy.. Daddy Ryan Chamberlin!!! :D

    Nik and groundskeeper guy: Oh that groundskeeper guy is hunching over!! He needs a chiropractor ASAP! They are magical. :)

    Nik and Ava: Ava I can't believe you let Victor manipulate you like that!

    Victor's plane: No V.C.! Don't drink the champagne!!!! Okay whew. :) I was thinking is Lucy going to go on that plane? Kill 2 birds with 1 stone Victor?

    The pier: Wrong pier number!!!!!!


    1. Bambi was perfect, lol! Loved that line.
      Nik and Esme....I wish he would just walk away from her. And that baby bump?! She'll be giving birth by Monday. :)
      I'm gonna miss Valentin. I have a love/hate situation that JSP has another job that takes him away from GH.
      SO surprised Lucy got shot. Holy cow! I heard 2 shots. You heard one, Mufasa heard 3.....we're all a mess, lol!!

    2. "Julie H says, Bambi was perfect, lol! Loved that line."

      Yeah me too!!!! :D

      "And that baby bump?! She'll be giving birth by Monday. :)"

      YES!!!! Repunzel will be in labor in that tower and then give birth on Monday!

      "I'm gonna miss Valentin. I have a love/hate situation that JSP has another job that takes him away from GH."

      Yeah I'm going to miss him too even though it's just temporary! :(

      "SO surprised Lucy got shot. Holy cow!"

      Yeah me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0

      "I heard 2 shots. You heard one, Mufasa heard 3.....we're all a mess, lol!!"

      Hahahahaha yeah we are! If they show her today, the number of shots could be changed. ROFL!

  5. Replies
    1. I don't think it's Holly, sonya. And Lucy seemed to know who it was. I'm thinking the Deputy Mayor, or her own secretary since she sent Anna to the wrong dock.

      And if it was a fake shooting Lucy would have needed to be in on it.

    2. Hmmm. Maybe it is fake and it was Anna's plan? Maybe it's Anna who fake shot her? Maybe Lucy didn't know? Hmmmmmm.

    3. lol But Lucy wouldn't fall down with fake blood on her if she wasn't in on it. And she'd have to have some kevlar on because even blanks have an impact on the body from that close.

    4. "Di says, lol But Lucy wouldn't fall down with fake blood on her if she wasn't in on it. And she'd have to have some kevlar on because even blanks have an impact on the body from that close."

      Hmmm true.. GAH! I DON'T KNOW! ROFL!

    5. You two are trying to be logical. This is GH for crying out loud, lol! :)

    6. "Julie H says, You two are trying to be logical. This is GH for crying out loud, lol! :)"

      ROFL! We are sorry! :D

  6. I just thought it might be fake that Anna and Lucy were in on - thinking Victor might be watching----for sure not Holly-----so when she said, "What are you doing here?" it sounded like she was talking to Anna.....
    still don't understand Vanna not using burner phones - LOL

  7. https://www.soapoperadigest.com/content/exclusive-gh-casts-lizs-parents/

    1. FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      "lindie says, Liz has parents"

      She does?!?!! I thought she was born in a pod! ROFL! Boy she had invisible parents for years.

    2. Hopefully the story will be shown more than once every 10 days.

  8. I just saw Carolyn Hennesy (Diane) will be playing the new Secretary of the Navy (SecNav) on NCIS. Awesome!

    1. That is fantastic! Can't wait! :)

    2. That's excellent news! I still watch that show!

  9. I can't believe Lynn Herring isn't on contract. She's as fun to watch today as she was in the late 80s. Lynn has a lot of range and I'd rather see her more often than some of the newbies.

    1. I agree. Lynn Herring is great. Glad she's been on screen more lately.

  10. Y'all may have saw it, but Holly will first reappear now on Thursday, Oct. 20. Emma Samms said the storyline is her favorite since the '80s, so I am hopeful it will be fun.

  11. My guess is Anna had Lucy stopped with fake bullets to save her from Victor.
    Re preview: Diane is still in the hospital. Time stands still for no one, unless you are on GH.

  12. Looks like the shooter is wearing some kind of uniform, like a doorman or a chauffeur.

  13. Nik is such a dumb ass - turning his back twice on Esme. They have so dumbed down and weakened this character. Loving seeing Lucy up front and center - so entertaining. Looks like great casting for Liz's parents.


Sunday Surgery: Gender Reveal

  Another 'catch-up' week for me. I didn't get to watch live every day but I did see them on Hulu. No commercials makes it fly b...