Thursday, August 27, 2015

You are under arrest.

Franco's hair grew about 8" overnight. Seriously, they didn't catch that? 

Um..Morgan talks to Ava. I wish she'd flash him. 

Kiki talks to Franco. Franco may tell her about Morgan/Ava...? He almost does but the show ends. 

Carly and about Morgan and his wub for Ava. 

Maxie and Dillon on the HS about the movie. He wants her to do costume design. She wants to get "Reeves" 

Nate, Dante and Jordan think they know who killed Silas but won't tell us (it's none of those 3). 

Ric and Julian. Just talking. Posturing. Ric leaves... Jules goes to get the flash drive. Jordan walks in

AND RIC gets arrested for Silas' murder. He's all confused. I love how Nate was all giddy about solving the mystery.  Is it "solved" though? Seems tidy. Maybe Donna Mills did it and they missed something? Maybe they faked Ric's arrest to get him to give info? 


  1. Maxie and Dillon: Maxie is all why didn't you go to Georgie's funeral!!! And he tells her why! Ummmmm WHAT?!!?!?! Really? Then who the hell was this guy at the funeral?!

    Starts at 8 seconds!

    Police station:

    Ric's office: So?!!?! Did Julian get that flash drive or what?! That poor thing is claustrophobic! Someone save it!

    Flash drive: Help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Doesn't anybody hear the poor thing?!!?!

    Nathan, Dante, and Ric: Hmmmm. Ric is arrested for the murder of McSilas? Did he REALLY do it? Or is Magda setting him up because SHE did it? Hmmmmmm.

    BobTodd's jail cell: Oh come on BobTodd just tell her that her mother and Morgan slept together!!! Yes you two are at a stand still. He thinks Nina is innocent, and Kiwi thinks her mother is innocent.

    Ava's jail cell:

    Ava: Oh Morgan! I wuv you! I want you! Can you feel my heart racing?

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwww! Ava! Morgan and your daughter are a couple!!! And you say you don't want to hurt her! I don't believe what you say!

    Sonny's home: Again with Morgan and the bipolar talk?! STOP THE MADNESS! Just get him checked! You don't have to go on and on and on and on talking about it.

    Sonny's meds: Are you going to share me Sonny with your son?

  2. Today's writers:

    Suzanne Flynn
    Elizabeth Korte

    Chris Van Etten
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Jean Passanante

    Director: William Ludel

  3. didnt ric fake his death for the greater good?

    is he now faking his arrest for the greater good?

    if he does, then this show has no originality and the head writer should be FIRED!!!!

  4. out of curiosity...

    if morgan had a little headache one morning, would carly talk non stop about morgan having brain cancer and diagnosing him with sonny and insisting he get tested by an oncologist and go to a hospital for his headache?

    god, i hate this storyline.

  5. david said...if morgan had a little headache one morning, would carly talk non stop about morgan having brain cancer and diagnosing him with sonny and insisting he get tested by an oncologist and go to a hospital for his headache?


  6. Omgosh,I took a plunge and watched today and seriously wanted to punch Carly in the face if she said bipolar one more time. And not for nothing but I was impressed when MB spoke openly about his mental illness and they did,in the past,do a decent job working it into his character. I wonder if he's been happy with the sloppy way they've been using mental illness lately in story lines. Hmm...

  7. while GH writing staff is revising history left and right (holly and bill and now dillon at georgie's funeral) can they PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE rewrite some other history as well?

    for instance, Georgie dying in the first place. Just say she was off at college and then expect the viewers to buy it.

    Alan's death. hmmm. medical conference with monica? yeah, we wouldnt notice.

    AJ's death. love him or hate him, he was a good adversary for just about everyone. maybe he was at Promises in Malibu this whole time?

    seriously, this show no longer cares about history, and even worse, they dont think that we care either. so if you are going to rewrite it, make it count.

  8. "David says Georgie dying in the first place. Just say she was off at college and then expect the viewers to buy it.

    Alan's death. hmmm. medical conference with monica? yeah, we wouldnt notice.

    AJ's death. love him or hate him, he was a good adversary for just about everyone. maybe he was at Promises in Malibu this whole time?"

    Sure! Why not? Nobody cares about history right? Go ahead writers, I dare you!

  9. I just finished working and then watching GH. As the resident psychotherapist, who actually has bipolar patients, I can't believe this stupid writing. Morgan is neither manic, hypomanic or depressed, so how can he be bipolar? How stupid are the writers, or how stupid do they think we are?

  10. I wonder how RC would have justified the Dillon error when viewers would inevitably have asked him on Twitter like the Bill/Holly mistake, although that boo-boo was allegedly Tony Geary's doing.

    This Ric thing better be a fakeout.

  11. Panda, I agree, the Ric thing better be a fake-out. Cartini wants credit for bringing back true GH characters but then they go and destroy or kill off those characters (ie., AJ, Duke). And it is usually done to prop up their OLTL pets or other newbies. Silas murder was a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and also get rid of Nina, Franco, Kiki, or Madeline, etc.

    I anyone else finding it weird that Private Investigator and Sila's ex lovah Sam is not more involved in investigating the murder?

    Also, has Carly forgot about wanting to find out where Jocelyn's kidney came from?

  12. Well, they never found out who murdered Epiphany's son, either, and, BTW, where is she? It is bothering me that "Denise," who was supposed to be a cosmetologist, has such a bad dye job, makes no sense.

  13. Ric is great when he is a good man, or trying to be one, I always feel sad when he reverts to sleaze. I know this is not important, but, until Ric came back this time, I never realized how short he is, I always had thought he was kinda tall. It makes sense, him being Sonny's brother . . .

  14. "friscogh said...Also, has Carly forgot about wanting to find out where Jocelyn's kidney came from?"

    I knew it would be dropped.

    "AntJoan said...Well, they never found out who murdered Epiphany's son, either, and, BTW, where is she?"

    Oh she is probably on a date with Milo! UGH!

  15. I think the whole Rick thing is a fake out. Madeline planted evidence to implicate Rick because she knew he was going to take the money and leave her with none OR Nate already knows it's Madeline and is using Rick to trick Madeline to admitting she's guilty.

  16. Ant Joan, Rick H. isn't really that short. I was next to him with low heels I'm 5'6", and he is a few inches taller than me. Michelle S. is tall. I haven't seen MB in person, but I think he is shorter. LW is starting to look really big next to him.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...