Monday, August 3, 2015

Aunt Judy Day today!

Going to visit my Aunt Julia blog until I sit down to watch the show on DVR.  I actually wanted to see it today but-- oh well.  That's her up there. Fabulous at 80! :) 

You can fill in for me! Let me know if the soapy goodness that was last Thurs/Friday continues! 


  1. Still the same soapy goodness as Thursday and Friday! It's a friggin' miracle!! LOL!

    Script Writer: Andrea Archer Compton

    Breakdown Writers:
    Chris Van Etten
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Katherine Schock

  2. The only part that I ff'd through was Nina on the floor talking to Silas. That was a bit over the top for me but I guess they had to slow Franco down...sigh....

    I guess Nick had a little chat with Hayden. That girl knows which side her bread is buttered. lol Now I guess the secret's safe till laura gets back IN TWO MONTHS! grrrr

    Kudos to the writers today.

    My laugh for today.

    Morgan: I slept with Denise. It was an accident.

    PMSL. Right, Morgan. You slipped and fell and your lower brain fell into Denise's hooha.

  3. LOL Di!!! My laugh of the day was when Nina layed down next to dead :( Silas and started talking to him, the whole Morgan having sex being an accident was pretty funny too. Yeh uh dad I just fell into her! Haha!!! Karen it's watchable but not nearly as good as Thurs.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Wow! Your aunt Judy is 80! God bless her! :)

    McSilas's home: Nina has the knife! SHE HAS THE KNIFE!!! Which means she didn't do it! ROFL! Poor McSilas!!! :( Wake up!!!! Wake up!!!

    BobTodd: Silas is dead.

    DAMMIT! :( Oh Nina wants to say goodbye!

    Nina: Hi. Can you hear me?

    McSilas: Sure I can hear you. I'm dead, but I can hear you.

    Oh look BobTodd is cleaning the room! Oh and BobTodd and Nina are making out over the body! So romantic! Oh there is Kiwi!!! She is back! Is BobTodd going to let Kiwi walk in and see her daddy dead? Who really has great hearing for a dead guy just ask him.

    GreenHayden's hospital room: Hey GreenHayden is awake and doesn't remember a whole hell of a lot! I think Sam is right and she is lying!!!

    GreenHayden's thoughts: I'm horny.

    Sonny and Morgan: Great scene between them!!! Listen to your father moron!!! And all Morgan can say is, Silas is a hypocrite, he doesn't have any right to judge. Oh shut up IDIOT!!!

    Julian's home: Moochie is watching the news and is obsessed with it! Seeing if McSilas's death is in the news? It's a little too early for that. Oh oh more inappropriate chemistry between Julian and Moochie!!! So glad Alexis showed up! :)

    Nina and Ric's home: Wow Ric! You are so very nervous! What the matta? Did you kill McSilas?! Oh hi Nathan! Yes your sister is at Shadybrook! Go get her! Oh hi Magda! Did you kill McSilas?!

    Shadybrook: Nathan is all angsty about finding his sister! And there she is all calm as can be holding cards. I wonder where that other patient is.. The one who was excited to see BobTodd hahaha.

    Liz's home: Flashbacks about Laura and Liz's conversation, but no flashbacks of the angel letter. Oh Laura is leaving town! She will be back! :)

    Sidenote: Did anybody hear about this? General Hospital Spoilers: Kristen Alderson Returning as Kiki Jerome – Hayley Erin Out as GH Replaces Recast?

    I have whiplash!!!

  6. "Di says PMSL. Right, Morgan. You slipped and fell and your lower brain fell into Denise's hooha."

    ROFL! Yup that's what happened! Hahahaha!

  7. Di - LOL re. Morgan's 'accident'. He should just hook up with Hayden, 'cuz as Sonya said, girl has got to be looking for action ASAP! Ha. (Great job, Sonya).

    Hope you had a great day with your aunt, Karen. :-)

  8. The article says...General Hospital is replacing and recasting a recent recast.

    Maybe they're going to replace Sloan. He and Dillon were the most recent recasts. That would make a lot of fans happy.

    I'd rather Kiki was just gone.

  9. Sidenote: Did anybody hear about this? General Hospital Spoilers: Kristen Alderson Returning as Kiki Jerome – Hayley Erin Out as GH Replaces Recast?

    Can we just get rid of KiKi altogether? Hated the character regardless of who played her.

  10. Kristen Alderson said on twitter that rumor is not true. She's not coming back.

  11. "Paul773 said... Morgan's 'accident'. He should just hook up with Hayden, 'cuz as Sonya said, girl has got to be looking for action ASAP! Ha. (Great job, Sonya)."

    Oh I forgot to mention that! I've been thinking that Morgan and GreenHayden should get together! Two horny people should get together!!! :)

    "jher said...Can we just get rid of KiKi altogether?"

    Yes please!

  12. Karen, hope you are having a good time with your aunt, she looks great!! (and so do you . . .)

  13. General Hospital Spoilers: Fan Outrage Over Silas Clay’s Death – Will GH Bring Michael Easton Back?

    General Hospital spoilers explain the fan outrage over Michael Easton’s departure and as if TPTB at GH will bring Silas Clay back from the dead? We all know that Ron Carlivati’s ousting at General Hospital was way overdue, but since GH shoots scenes several weeks to more than a month in advance, the question is – when will the Carlivati chaos end? Case in point: fans are outraged at Silas Clay (Michael Easton) being written out of the show in a recent shocking murder scene. A petition has even been launched captioned “Bring Back Michael Easton to General Hospital” that has already garnered thousands of fan signatures. But will the new writers hearken the call?

    But will the new writers bring back the beloved doc? Based on Silas being face down on the floor, not moving and with a bloody stab wound in the back, it’s not likely. Plus, he’s been there a while so there’s no easy explanation for his spontaneous revival. And since Silas is already the good side of an evil doppelganger scenario, don’t look for Easton to be brought back via that plot mechanism. The sad fact is, that unless Silas somehow faked his death tableau (he is a doctor after all), he’s good and dead.

    But, never lose hope soap fans, there is still a way… Consider these options:

    Easton is brought back and everyone remarks that he looks so much like Dr Silas Clay, but it turns out he’s a cousin who just bears a remarkable resemblance (much like Luke and Bill Eckert).

    Easton is brought back as a wholly new character who was such a mega fan of Clay’s evil twin Caleb Morley that he had plastic surgery to resemble the rockstar/vampire.

    Easton is brought back as an all-new character and no one ever mentions that he looks like the deceased Dr Clay.

    YES!!! Cousin or whole new character. :) I can still call him McSomething! :) I want ME back!!! :(

  14. Sonya - Much Luv but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Let McSilas rest in peace!

  15. sonya said....Easton is brought back as a wholly new character

    Oh for Gawd's sake, Sonya. Hasn't he been brought back as enough characters already?

    Just call him mcGONE! lol

    I'm hoping Morgan killed him and Sonny sends him away. lol

    1. No no no Di! I told you before not McGone McBain! 😉
      I couldn't agree more regarding Moron, he should be the killer then we get rid of him!!
      Saw old YouTube clips of the last younger Morgan before he became Moron. What happened to this character?! Wrong, just wrong!!

  16. "SaveOurSuds said...Sonya - Much Luv but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Let McSilas rest in peace!"

    *sniff sniff* :(

    "Di said...Oh for Gawd's sake, Sonya. Hasn't he been brought back as enough characters already?"

    Yeah. Just ask Lucy! ROFL!

    "Just call him mcGONE! lol"


  17. Silas and Carly or I would love to see Silas with Olivia. We need more doctors on gh. I don't blame him I blame the writers for Silas being so boring. Did Silas die or was it his cousin? Let's bring back Silas!

  18. Silas and Carly or I would love to see Silas with Olivia. We need more doctors on gh. I don't blame him I blame the writers for Silas being so boring. Did Silas die or was it his cousin? Let's bring back Silas!

  19. I am hoping that ME can come back as John McBain one day. He was so great as a cop! There are only so many people that get cancer on one show, so the doctor idea was a stupid one. A business exec or even a regular middle class guy would have more SL to explore than the cancer doc, or maybe he could have run the clinic that Mikey started.

  20. Avlonn said...Saw old YouTube clips of the last younger Morgan before he became Moron. What happened to this character?!

    He was a smart kid, and had a great moral code. They changed him when they hired the new guy and just wanted a good looking rutting machine.


    I should add that I love the fact that we can disagree so drastically on this blog and do it in a civilized manner. It's such a great change from some of the other sites.

    1. So true Di! I honestly believe it's because we are all fans of GH and really care about "our show". That and respect difference of opinion.
      Wasn't McGone Gone Gone a song by the American Idol guy? Lol

  21. lol Close enough.... "Gone, Gone, Gone" by Phillip Phillips

    You're right about that respect for difference of opinion. Too many people online these days think if they yell, scream, threaten etc. then they win the argument. Comes from too little face time with actual human beings, I think.

  22. " Di Close enough.... "Gone, Gone, Gone" by Phillip Phillips."

    Oh I love Phil Phil!!!! :)


Uncut Filler

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