Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sunday Surgery: Of Mice and Mania

20150826 1423(4)

"Nisi unitatum iteratio potius est insania onesself ambitiosius id existimans, exitus erit different. "

I thought that if I wrote the blog in Latin it would be something different.  I am sure you are sick of  reading the same things over and over again.   Kind of like the definition of insanity.
Instead of that, perhaps I'll just recap the week and keep my comments to a minimum.
Oh who am I kidding? 

I'm having shots of tequila. know--GH .  By the way, I will also demonstrate that GH went dark during filming of 'this week's' shows just by using hairstyles. I think the gap was Wed, with the 'new' shows being aired Thurs/Friday. 

20150827 1417(10)

One of the more cheerful things was Maxie's dress. It's part of her new wardrobe-- along with that lime green suit, she looked resplendent.  Kirsten tweeted to me that she did indeed get some new clothes on the show.
Let us all celebrate Maxie's summer dress.  Drink! 

20150824 1416(45)

We found out that Lesil sold out Ava to Scotty. Scotty then turned around and exposed her in court. I'M AVAAAAAAAAAA!!  Ava then turned around and showed everyone that Nina was the one "stabbing" Silas. That's the long and short of it. Franco pleaded guilty--yada yada.. He gets thrown back in jail. Nina gets arrested and... Ava's in jail for Connie's murder. (more to come). But just know that there are a lot of people in jail, only one of whom is actually, maybe, going to stay there. 

20150826 1425(28)

In a scene straight out of 5 months ago (?) Sonny went  to scream at Ava while she was at the PCPD. This time he called her an incubator and snarled "you'll never see my daughter again"!! "You're dead to me"!! Blab blab--and scene. This right here sealed my forever Sonny boredom for the 99th time.  This and him talking to Julian like the Don Giovanni guy from Amadeus.  Sonny is SO one-note that it's getting sad to watch. 

20150826 1403(14)

HEY! With 3 folders and a decoder ring, Nathan manages to crack the entire Silas case in 1/2 of a day. They "arrest" Ric, who is really sent out to catch the real culprit...(who we think is Donna Mills). Ric goes into the courtroom, finds her and they talk about how she got Silas to sign some document. In a Faux-Flashback we see Donna go to Slias' apartment. I guess we wait to view the rest next week. 

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While in jail, Nina and Franco bond over juice boxes and act adorable. They really are a great pair and it's a shame they've been so isolated. I've said it before and I'll say it one more time: Nina needs to be Alan's daughter from a fling with Donna Mills. There's a secret will that leaves her the house (don't ask me how) and she moves into the mansion. Nina being Nina, decides to let everyone stay as long as they let Franco move in as well.

20150827 1424(14)

Well, that didn't happen. What did happen is that  Kiki found out that Morgan slept with her mother again.  By the way, if you note Franco's hairstyle between the 2 days he morphs into long-haired Todd before your very eyes.  They didn't even try for consistency.  
Hair evidence part two: 

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Monday and Tuesday "Morgan Chat" Part A  ( Note Carly's hair)

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Thursday/Friday "Morgan Chat" Part B  (seriously, same chat, different clothes/hair. It's not just curled, it's way longer). 

Carly and Sonny talk all week about Morgan. Perhaps he's bi-polar? You know, erratic behavior, the gambling, and on and on.  Sonny didn't want to believe it. Carly couldn't stop yapping about it and finally he gave in and agreed to talk to Morgan about having a psych eval. Can you guess how that talk went? 

20150829 1155(10)

Not well.  Morgan thinks it's all Ava's fault. Look,  I've discussed the whole mental illness as a story line before and I'm kinda over it so let me offer you an alternative. Since Morgan is acting like either a tweeker or a speed-baller how about this:  Morgan has been using his name to get into a side business selling drugs on a lower-level with people believing it's actually Corinthos-sanctioned. Morgan, being Morgan,  gets too big-pants, pisses people off and that's where the mobular stuff is coming from. Morgan is also sampling the goods and has an addiction. 
There. Solved that! 
*note: Look up there at Sonny's yelling face and compare to Morgan's. Same, no? 

20150825 1447(15)

In the middle of everything, very disconnected to the world, Tracy and Paul decided to become friends and share dinner., DRINK! 

20150827 1404(34)

Oh, and in case you cared, Jules failed to get Ava's "tape".  Franco's failed...Julian's failed.! 

20150827 1436(19)

Anyone care to talk about Dillon's movie? Anyone? *Crickets*.. Just know that most of the people that were going to work on it got jobs on GoT and  now Lulu and or Maxie have to fill in. Hilarity will ensue. DRINK! 

20150829 1216(17)

SCENE OF THE WEEK: To showcase the absurdity that is ABC marketing, I would like to present the ad they were running during the giant Morgan confrontation. That's for Dr. Ken. A "gaffaw" of a blow-up surgical glove high-fiving  during the drama scenes.  Just made me giggle at a very inappropriate time.  I hate those stupid pop-up ads in the corner of the TV. Just stop it. 

20150826 1402(23)

PROP OF THE WEEK: Nico's Juice Boxes!! 

20150829 1143(9)

FACE OF THE WEEK:  You know NLG was like "THIS is a COURT room scene?? When is my trip to Ireland starting"!? I actually enjoyed this because Donna Mills, Michelle and Nancy were all in a scene together. Ah, bliss. 

20150824 1419

NOT THE FACES OF THE WEEK:   Momo and Kiki finding out Ava is Ava.  Wow...don't go all overboard there with the expressions, kids.

And...there you go. NO movement in the Jake story. NOTHING about Brad/Lucas. The ratings are scary low. I've given my 2 cents and I'm tired.

One bright spot are my periscopes which I enjoy doing at 2pm. They are live and I only video the opening of GH--not the whole show. They are fun and you can view them for 24 hours. (It's an app). I would like to do podcasts but that's a whole other level I'm not ready for yet. 

I start full time work again on Wed. next week. It's school time! I have 8 lovely 3-5 year olds just waiting for me to help their speech!  If I'm not here everyday then that's why. 

Thanks for reading again this week... :) Hope you had a good weekend. Cheers. 


  1. Great SS! And going through each of your comments is the reason the ratings are tanking. Dillon's movie could be an interesting storyline and I like the actor, must he has no real charisma. I find Nina unwatchable in any shape or form. Sonny and Carly-ugh. I can't imagine anyone loving anything about this show right now with the exception of Maxie's adorable clothes. They better figure how to fix this show fast before it's too late.

  2. Karen, great SS, I can see you put lots of time and thought into this, so cheers!!

    I might be the only Sonny-lover left :( but when he spoke about his illness to Morgan, it put tears in my eyes. I know that Sonny has been speaking about his illness for years, but it still feels fresh and real when he says it.

  3. I skipped most of the week just watched the beginning and end such a bore.. Franco and Nina were it for me love them. I'm just waiting for the new writers to turn GH back into the show I couldn't wait to get home and see.

  4. Thanks, kd. I do enjoy having Sunday coffee with you.

    I LOVE Maxie's new clothes. We definitely need more of her sparkly presence on screen.

    And I'm glad you mentioned that glove. I also laughed and thought "Nice way to ruin a dramatic scene, ABC" Don't they have editors to check these things. (P.S. Good thing they didn't run it on the other side of the screen or it would have looked like he was having a prostrate exam.)

    And I'm another who doesn't like Nina and Franco. I get that she was in a coma for 20 years but how to you go to sleep in your twenties and wake up as a 13 year old or a tweener? I found her court scene beyond ridiculous.

  5. "AntJoan said...I might be the only Sonny-lover left :("

    No you are not! I'm a Sonny lover too! :) He may annoy me sometimes, and he is a terrible shot, but I'm still a fan! :)

    "but when he spoke about his illness to Morgan, it put tears in my eyes."

    Yes! He made me have tears in my eyes too!!! Great scene!

  6. Sonya, THANKS SO MUCH, now I don't feel alone in my SonnyLove (at least on this board--I know LOTS of women who still love him). I should've known that great minds think alike!

  7. *whispers quietly* "fools seldom differ." hahahahahahaha

    Just kidding ladies. You know I love you. :>D

    I like Sonny when they give him a decent story. I hate when he's in mob mode. And I hate when they have him repeat or paraphrase the same conversations day after day after day at the expense of other characters I love.

  8. "AntJoan said... Sonya, THANKS SO MUCH, now I don't feel alone in my SonnyLove (at least on this board--I know LOTS of women who still love him). I should've known that great minds think alike!"

    You're welcome!!!! :) Yup! Great minds think alike haha!

  9. Oh no!!!! Days of our lives got Vincent Irizarry!!!

    'Days of our Lives' Adds Vincent Irizarry to the Cast

    With the impending exit of quite a few actors, Days of our Lives is replenishing its cast with fresh young talent and multiple Emmy Award winners. On the heels of Emmy winners A Martinez and Jordi Vilasuso joining the cast comes word that Vincent Irizarry is the latest actor to come on board. Irizarry won his Daytime Emmy six years ago today, for his compelling portrayal of Dr. David Hayward on All My Children.

    Irizarry's other soap roles include Lujack/Nick on Guiding Light, Scott on Santa Barbara, and David on The Young and the Restless.

    Details about his new Days character have not yet been revealed. Stay tuned!

    Oh crap! :( Lucky DOOL's fans!!!! :(

  10. Thank you again Karen! And happy birthday week!!
    This may be TOO OLTL But because I am both a Roger H. fan and love Scotty..... Nina and Franco buy the newspaper with her inheritance. Scotty is the Editor. The three of them are in everyones business all the time. Lucy can join them too. They need a purpose.
    (I also would like to see a Scotty-Dr. O pairing)

    Also... I completely forgot about "jason", Liz, Nicolas etc this week. Stories are shown too random.

  11. "patrix said...(I also would like to see a Scotty-Dr. O pairing"

    I love the scenes that they had! I would love more! They would be an interesting couple. We could call them Scotty-O! :)

  12. My Gh wishlist:
    1. Franco and familyre declard innocent/escape into the sunset. I'm sorry, while they ARE good actors, there has been way too much of these characters.
    2. Ava takes over the Jeromes family.
    3. Morgan/Ava ENDS! It is disgusting!
    4. More characters working at GH
    5. No more "ignore their financial income" with Morgan and Kiki.
    6. Move to the next part of Jason's arc
    7. Speed plots to 2x normal soap speed.
    Guesses on what is to come:
    1. Silas' murder story ends on a boring note(Madeline, Sloan with a half-@$$ excuse, Insane Kiki, Silas vampire brother)
    2. TJ randomly pops back up in the Mob, and dies, Molly mourns, brief Shawn mourning in prison, A " I WILL GET REVENGE!"from Jordan and Sonny( Sonny throws barware) Continued on next post.

    1. ^Sorry Franco and Nina

      3. Lante split, and custody battle. Lulu/ Dillon and Dante/Valerie (Is she pregnant?)
      4. Actual business in the ELQ and the mob are never shown. Also the hospital gets Ignored.
      By the way Karen, Momo means peach tree in Japanese. It is also is a pet from Avatar: the last airbender.

  13. "Matthew says I WILL GET REVENGE!"from Jordan and Sonny( Sonny throws barware)"

    And then Jordan and Sonny have sex, she becomes dumb, and then goes crazy? ROFL!

  14. OH Morgan as a Peach Tree!! :)

  15. If they want some socially relevant and compiling storylines, while getting viewers back by using vets:

    * Make Sonny pay for his crimes. Have him sentenced to death (convicted of killing a cop). If you want to make it "soapy" have Alexis become Governor and faced with the question of whether or not to pardon him.
    * Alzhemiers. Have Monica reinstated as Chief of Staff. Have her begin to forget things and make mistakes, perhaps one with a fatal consequence. Have Tracy rally to her side to defend her, in full denial that something could be wrong with Monica.
    Bring back Ned and Skye.
    * Jake/Jason. Perhaps during Sonny's trial it is disclosed Jason was usually the killer. Have Jake remember he is Jason but can't tell people out of fear of getting a death sentence like Sonny. At the same time have Monica's mind fading fast and Jake struggle with whether he should reveal himself as Jason before Monica is gone totally.
    * Lucy / Monica. Build on the tense history between these two. We know Monica was adopted. Have it revealed that Lucy is actually her baby sister. Pull Lucy into the Alzhemiers story.
    * Wise Old Owl. The show lacks a senior character that is a sounding board and moral compass, like Lila use to be. Have Bobbie assume this role. Have her either back nursing at GH, running the clinic, or running the Brownstone so she can interact with a lot of people.
    * Maxie not flashbacks. Turn Maxie into a reporter, ala Tiffany Hill. Have her "reconstruct" scenes instead of using flashbacks.
    * Bring back Steve Webber, Jax, Matt Hunter, Ned, Robert, Robin, Brit, and Skye.
    * Get rid of Kiki, Franco, Nina, Madeline, Valerie, and Hayden.
    * Break up Lante. Lulu and Dillon, Dante and Anna.
    * Use the kids appropriately, not romance for 10 year olds. Make one of them dyslexic
    * Scott and Ava.
    * Make Felicia Mayor. Give her a late in life pregnancy storyline. Let it all go well. Mac needs his own kid.
    * Use supporting cast. Epiphany, Coleman, Milo, Felix.
    * Do comedy without criminality or insanity.
    * Make Nurse's Ball about hospital/HIV

  16. "friscogh said...* Make Felicia Mayor. Give her a late in life pregnancy storyline. Let it all go well. Mac needs his own kid."

    Yeah I have always wanted Mac to have his own kid. Too bad he never did. :(



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...