Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Monday's GH "I'm Good With Horses"

Morgan and Sonny....BC is the best with Maurice. Truth. Is it me or are people acting like Kiki is some vestal virgin that's married to Morgan? I mean GEESH! 

Ava waiting for news of Silas and Julian walking in.  "Why you so jumpy"? 

Nina... so funny. Her shirt is so white. Lipstick perfect.  Loved she and Todd.  So they didn't do it.  He strokes her HAIR!! EEE!! And I loved Nina talking to Silas. Yep.
I still say Donna Mills. 

Hayden is AWAKE!  She remembers..but...she thinks he's Jake.  Do you notice how Jake is shaky and on the edge. He's getting Jason to the surface!! 

Ric and Nathan... Ut Oh Search warrant!  Ric says it's his blanket. 

Laura/Nikolas/Liz. That is a total Laura move, btw..to protect Nikolas. She's a liar from WAY back.  She'll protect her kids at all costs. She leaves to protect herself from telling the truth. 

Ya know, if Julian isn't in the mob...what's his purpose other than kissing Alexis? 


Anyway, great show again. Dovetailed, woven...soapy goodness!! 


  1. "BC is the best with Maurice."

    Yes he is!!!! :)

    "Is it me or are people acting like Kiki is some vestal virgin that's married to Morgan? I mean GEESH!"

    What?!!?!!? She's not?!!! But but but I thought she was!!! :0

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. New promo - Who killed Silas! A month long murder mystery! Glad it's not going to drag for months!


    Watch Kiwi look upset! ROFL!

  4. kd said... Is it me or are people acting like Kiki is some vestal virgin that's married to Morgan?

    No, it's not just you. It's ridiculous. The whole story is ridiculous. Morgan cheated on her before with her mother and she survived. She cheated on him with Michael, and they survived. The world isn't going to come to an end if she finds out. They're just going to break up AGAIN. I'm sure she'll be mad for a whole day or two but then she'll be in bed with someone else too.

    It won't let me play that video, sonya. Did you put me on a no peek list? *shifty eyes*

  5. "Di says It won't let me play that video, sonya. Did you put me on a no peek list? *shifty eyes*"

    ROFL! No I did not! :) I can't find it on youtube.. Hmm damn.

  6. "Nina... so funny. Her shirt is so white. Lipstick perfect. Loved she and Todd. So they didn't do it. He strokes her HAIR!! EEE!! And I loved Nina talking to Silas. Yep."

    When I first read this I thought "Yeah I'm bummed they didn't do it either." then I realized you were talking about the murder. Yep, glad they are innocent. Nina and Franco are so sexy. I'm really rooting for them.

    Another good day! I even like the Sonny scenes! The meeting of the five families stuff is ridiculous though. Stop with the repeat mob wars please!

  7. I loved Nina lying down flat on the floor to talk to dead Silas. It was a perfectly Nina thing to do.

    Anyone have any thoughts on what "shipments" Sonny deals with? He doesn't deal in drugs. What does the Corinthos mob organization peddle?

  8. Well I can't see anyone willing to kill over counterfeit purses. lol Maybe he's a people smuggler. Or weapons. Although he gets shipments from South America and there's no big weapons manufacturers there that I'm aware of.

  9. Wanda Woman said Anyone have any thoughts on what "shipments" Sonny deals with? He doesn't deal in drugs. What does the Corinthos mob organization peddle?

    Uh...coffee...duh (Lol...I really don't know)

    I have this dream for Kristina's return and her siblings. I imagine Kristina returning and taking an immediate disliking to Kiki because you know once Kiki finds out about Morgan/DNAva, she's going to run back to Michael (and hopefully he turns her away because he's got a good thing going with Sabrina), which is going to set up a rivalry between Kiki and Kristina where they compete over everything but I hope that eventually it forces Kiki to leave (or unintentional death). Then Kristina figures out what's going on with Dante/Valerie and knocks some sense into him and helps him and Lulu repair their relationship. I also hope that she and Dylan have a flirty relationship (even though they are in different age groups) that turns into something more. Kristina's always been into older guys, right? I wasn't watching during the Lindsey Morgan era. I also wants lots of sisterly/motherly bonding with all the Davis women.

    As a result of Dante/Lulu reuniting and Dylan taking an interest in Kristina, I want Valerie to go stalker/swimfan levels of crazy about Dante and end up in jail/Shadybrook where they set her up as the next long-term villain that terrorizes GH like Heather webber or Helena because they can't live forever. Wouldn't it be interesting if she actually sort of became the "bad" Spencer like their grandpa? Valerie's character was interesting in theory and good to bring more Spencer's and POC's on the show (and the actress is gorgeous) but they never fully realized her potential once they had her start pining after her cousin's husband.

  10. Monday's Ep

    Andrea Archer Compton
    Elizabeth Korte

    Chris Van Etten
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Katherine Schock

    Director: Phideaux Xavier

  11. I think Val is TJ's sister. Shawn is their dad! Molly will not let Kristina hurt her.



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...