Monday, August 10, 2015

"He never said NO"

Is there ANYONE hot enough on this show for Jordan?

Did you see her outfit? WOW... sexy and all official. I wish I looked 1/4 that good at any point in my life lol

Ava looks so good too.  She's got the photo on her phone of Nina over Silas. If Franco knows she's Ava, wouldn't that trump anything she'd have on Nina? I would think so.

Liz and Jake..Jake talks to her about Nikolas. He doesn't like him. He tells her that he and Sam have been investigating Nikolas Cassadine. She is all @@. 
Jake pops the question to her at the end of the eppy! 

KIKI .ugh. And Sam. Don't care. 

Nikolas and Hayden. She says she has "holes in her memory" . He flashes back to their making the hot love.  He wants her to move into Wyndemere with him. I guess to keep an eye on her. 

Sonny says: "Tell us if you did it so we can bury it and no one will find out" LMAO!!! ahahaha
That worked SO WELL for Michael, no???? They don't know that Franco's been arrested. Morgan gets all pouty that Daddy and Mama would think he did this. Carly notes that he never said he DIDN'T kill Silas.

Mayor Lomax says she thinks there's enough evidence to keep Franco in jail.  She tells Scotty he has to do the prosecution of Franco to keep his job. 

So today was Fake Flashback day. Carly and Sonny say how they think Morgan did it. Franco says how he thinks Ava did it.  Ava says how she thinks Nina did it. (Three fake flashers today) 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree with you about Jordan. She is sooooo fantastic looking!! She is too glamorous for words. It would be so nice to keep her single, and working her job, and doing it well. HA HA HA HA HA. Like that would ever happen. (No woman on this show is "good" at doing her job. See Sam, the private detective, who NEVER works; Tracy who is an executive who never fails to lose control of her company; Carly allegedly runs a four star hotel, but who ever sees her working? Elizabeth is a nurse who spends her days talking, and occasionally "filing a chart." Even Anna was a police commissioner who hid a dangerous criminal in a hole in a barn.)
    Hmmm talking about all the career women on the show was more interesting to me than the show.

  3. VA is seriously one of the best looking ladies in daytime! I say make Ric DA or ADA and pair Jordan and Ric. Karen did you see the photo of VA, RiH and KG from this weekend? All kinds of pretty.

  4. Man the show today was so boring! And so many fake flashbacks!

    The hospital:

    Jake Doe and Liz: Talk talk talk talk. Then they go up the stairs and near the railing and talk talk talk. The last time they were up there, he said I'M KING OF THE WORLD! He didn't do it this time! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Jake Doe: Will you marry me?

    Woah! I'm awake now! :) Get down on your knee!! Go get a ring!!!

    GreenHaden's room: Blah blah blah. I don't know who you are. Blah blah blah on and off again relationship. Blah blah blah live with me. Not once did GreenHayden say she wants to have sex!!!! What a bummer!

    Police station:

    Scotty's office:

    Scotty: You don't want me as your enemy.

    Hmmm. Hate sex? :)

    Mayor Lomax: He is staying where he is.

    Ra ro! Hmmm Lomax vs Scotty! LOVE IT! Yeah Scotty you tell Lomax off! Of course you are not going to stand there and have Lomax bully you! :) And why the hell is Jordan all smug?!!?! I want to smack her face!!! Jordan is so annoying today! UGH!

    Scotty wins the line of the day.

    Scotty: Your second banana here suffers from a case of overreach. I think she needs a big of a reprimand.

    ROFL! And I never heard of slapdash before. :)

    BobTodd and MoochieAva: Oh no! Not only are we getting flashbacks, but now we are getting fake flashbacks, AND a picture! Well, it IS nice seeing ME again. :) Now all we need to see, is ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos! :) BobTodd! Call Dr O! She can help you get that audio thing that Ava wants in Scotty's office!

    Sonny's home:

    Carly: Oh Morgan! Did you stab and kill Silas?! Did you did you?!!?

    Sonny: We can cover it up! Just let us know!

    Morgan's thoughts: How could they think that I killed Silas?!?!! Oh I'm horny. I need to find Denise. No no. I need to be with Kiki.

    Carly's home: Nice dream you had there Kiwi! Oh she is doing her facial exercises again. She is so distraught over her father's death, she doesn't know how to dress herself! What the hell are you wearing Kiwi!?!?! Does it glow in the dark?! Awww Sam is there for her.

    Shadybrook: Oh! Love the drawing Nina did!!! :)

  5. Sonya, After watching today I was thinking that the writers must have misinterpreted our FF comments. They knew we loved FF but maybe they thought it meant Faux Flashbacks.

    Sonya said..." And why the hell is Jordan all smug?!!?! I want to smack her face!!! "

    At one point she looked so smug I was expecting a nananananana to come out of her mouth. Doesn't she know that there are some times when it's best to try to remain neutral, especially if you're new at your job and two superiors are fighting.

  6. Franco - you'd have a MUCH easier time stealing and destroying Ava's cell phone, than you would getting the evidence from Scotty's office. Turn her @ss in! This murder mystery has me so bored already ... SO ready for the new writers.

  7. "Di said...Sonya, After watching today I was thinking that the writers must have misinterpreted our FF comments. They knew we loved FF but maybe they thought it meant Faux Flashbacks."

    FF? Oh you mean fast forward? :)

    "At one point she looked so smug I was expecting a nananananana to come out of her mouth."

    ROFL! She would sound like a child!

    "Doesn't she know that there are some times when it's best to try to remain neutral, especially if you're new at your job and two superiors are fighting."


  8. sonya said...She would sound like a child!

    That's exactly what she looked like. A child who'd just gotten a sibling in trouble and was watching Mom ream them out.

  9. "Di said.. That's exactly what she looked like. A child who'd just gotten a sibling in trouble and was watching Mom ream them out."

    Yeah I agree!!! She should have left. The Lomax vs Scotty scene didn't need her.

  10. Karen, did you say that Lomax wants Scottie to prosecute Franco (didn't watch the show yet, just finished working)? HOW can someone prosecute their own son? Of course, as everyone on GH is related to each other, I know they have conflicts of interest all over the place . . .

  11. Did anyone notice Billy M said Michael instead of Nikolas?

  12. AntJoan, Sonny and Dante. Enough said! Sorry, I'm not a fan of Jordon's lace sleeves. I don't know, black lace is something you would wear going out in the evening. Not business wear. Her hair is a little longer, less Anna.
    I hope Scotty buries Lomax. She's a crook and is in office through less than honest means!

  13. Julie...NO!! Dang wish I had caught that...

    and yes, Lomax said to Scotty to prosecute him. Which is stupid. I think it's to make Scotty quit and Ric will run for DA?

  14. I will be super pissed if they reduce Kin Shriner's role on GH! They need more of Scotty, not less!

  15. I love Scotty - he is always entertaining. I read that ME was fired so they could pay Rebecca B. - that really stinks. Now I don't even want to watch her, not that she is someone they really needed. Jordan looked great but rather inappropriate for the office, unlike Anna, who always looked great and businesslike. Ava shouldn't have even been in the interrogation room but in PC anything goes.

  16. Writers for Monday 8/10 episode:
    Suzanne Flynn
    Elizabeth Korte

    Breakdown Writers:
    Chris Van Etten
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Katherine Schock

    Director: Phideaux Xavier ( I really like his directing!) He also directed last Monday's episode.

  17. I'm bored with the murder mystery too, I know who did it, Ron, Frank and ABC. Rebecca B is not worth Michael E to me. I stopped liking her when she was still Greenlee



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...