Monday, August 17, 2015

Phone Twins


Liz and Nik are such phone buddies....they are either playing phone cute or talking all huddle together in a room or restaurant. Feels like months since they've been doing that-- Oh it HAS been months since they've been doing that!! 

Olivia feels badly now about telling Julian the baby is dead? Erm.. you went to all that trouble and are now thinking it wasn't such a good idea?  Olivia's baby is Leonardo. She goes to see Julian, who just happens to be talking to Alexis about his dead son. 

Brad and Rosie got married just because of his parents and his gay-ness. No big secret of who Rosie is or arranged marriage. They just met in college.  Brad is all "my parents loved me so much...they loved Rosie" so we got married to make them happy. 
Twitter chat has it that Ron wanted to do a transgender story but ABC nixed it. Not sure if this was before/after Bold and Beautiful did theirs. I would hope it would have been. 
It comes out that they are staying married so they can't testify against each other in a court of law.
Seriously? LOL Ok then!  BTW, that is such a myth and doesn't apply in almost every state anymore. Certainly not NY.
Wonder what they did? Switch out dead kids for Helena? 

Sonny and Jordan: Hot air. 


  1. I like Lucas, Brad & Rosalie so I'm happy they are getting story line but this all seems very....rewritten.

  2. It does seem rewritten, SaveOurSuds, but I'll take it too. I like those three. And at least they're elaborating on the story to incorporate her "dirty little secret."

    A good writer could do a lot with this story. At least we won't have seen it play out on another soap already, with different characters. Can't wait to see who they killed and how it happened.

    And you just know that Olivia will talk about the baby all week but nothing will happen. There's a mob war brewing.

    Sonny and Jordan, Nik and Liz...yawn....

  3. *Sigh* I miss Heidi!!!!

    Lante home: OLIVIA! YAY! She looks good! Ohhh the teeny tiny baby with no name, finally has a name!!! :) Leonardo!! AKA Leo!!! :) Love it! Now I want to meet baby Leo!! I never met him! Did he grow? Is he still teeny tiny microscopic? Awww Olivia feels bad that she is keeping the baby a secret from Julian.... WELL TELL HIM! GEEZ! Love the Lante and Rocco scene awwww! :)

    Sonny's home: More harassment from Jordan!?! Zzzzzzzzzzzz. There were times when Sonny kept looking to the side when talking to Jordan! ROFL! I guess he was bored too. Or he has been hanging out with BobTodd and Kiwi a lot! ROFL!

    Julian's home: Bobby calls Julian to tell him about Lucas and Brad's wedding is off! Love that Bobby called him. Julian is upset about that. Poor Julian, He misses his baby! :( Come on Olivia tell Julian his baby is alive! He is sad and crying!!!! :( Oh there is Olivia! Hmmm she looks shocked to see him. Uh Olivia, did you think he wouldn't answer? I mean since he lives there and all.

    Liz's home:

    Jake Doe: There is nothing that he can remember that's going to change the way I feel about you. There is nothing that I can learn about my past, that can make me stop loving you.

    Yes there is!!!! Only 1 thing!!!! Oh boy the secret is coming out soon isn't it?!!?!

    Wyndemere: Ohhh GreenHayden remembers murdering that vase!! She remembers a woman was with them! She wants to know what she was so mad about with that woman! Quick Nik! Tell her you cheated on GreenHayden with Liz!!! :) No? Oh rats. Oh my! Nik almost kissed her!! :)

    Brad, Lucas, and Rosie: Awwww Rosie and Brad met in college and were besties!!! :) Love it! :) I knew it!! Brad's parents don't know he is gay! :) Lucas wins the line of the day!

    Lucas: Either this is the most open marriage I've ever seen, or I'm being punked. Do they still do that?


    Brad: Rosalie and I have to stay married, so that we won't ever be able to testify against each other in a court of law.


    "Karen says it comes out that they are staying married so they can't testify against each other in a court of law.Seriously? LOL Ok then! BTW, that is such a myth and doesn't apply in almost every state anymore. Certainly not NY."

    Really?!!?! I have no idea. Thanks Karen for sharing that! :)

  4. sonya said...There were times when Sonny kept looking to the side when talking to Jordan! ROFL! I guess he was bored too. Or he has been hanging out with BobTodd and Kiwi a lot!

    Maybe he thinks it will make him a favorite with the bosses too. lol (Or that's where the cue cards are. hehe

    sonya said...Lucas: Either this is the most open marriage I've ever seen, or I'm being punked. Do they still do that?


    I laughed out loud at that too. In fact, I think I said..."Yeah! Go for it!" PMSL

  5. The Rosalie transgender story is another example of the writers taking TOO DAMN LONG to tell a story. Someone else beat you to it because you DRAG EVERYTHING OUT!

    Just like the Fluke fiasco, where he was originally supposed to be Bill Eckert (which made better sense), but they decided to change it mid-stream because the audience was guessing he was Bill. Because they took so damn long for the reveal!

    Quicker stories. Fast resolution! Keep us on our toes. Hopefully the new writers will give us that!

  6. Ok so if GH really wanted to make the Brad reveal serious, they should have had Brad admit that he was married to a plastic doll or a blow-up doll like the movie "Lars and the Real Girl".

    I could have bought that A LOT MORE than this scenrario.

  7. "Di says Maybe he thinks it will make him a favorite with the bosses too. lol (Or that's where the cue cards are. hehe"

    Hahaha! That's where the cue cards are! :) Kiwi has her own, BobTodd has his own, and Sonny has his own. :)

    "I laughed out loud at that too. In fact, I think I said..."Yeah! Go for it!" PMSL"


  8. ‘General Hospital’ Is About To Get Emotional: Nathan Varni Gives Details On What Is Ahead

    It sounds like fans of ABC’s General Hospital are being heard, and Nathan Varni is listening. The ABC executive sat down with Daytime After Dark to discuss some of the happenings that have been going on and the future of GH with the new head writers coming in to revamp the current storylines.

    Shelly Altman and Jean Passanante have a huge task ahead of them as they began this week as brand new writers to replace Ron Carlivati, who was recently fired from his job as head writer for this beloved daytime drama. We Love Soaps posted the entire interview with Varni, and he said some interesting tidbits on what fans can expect in the coming weeks and months.

    With all of the negative talk among devoted General Hospital fans lately and ratings that seem to be dropping once again, something needs to be done to get the show back on track, and that is exactly what Varni says they are working on. He wants to see more emotion and family ties coming back to the storylines.

    “We’re trying to get back to the emotional storytelling for the show. Just a lot more romance, and really kind of honing in on our core characters, and making it the show everybody has loved over the years. I feel like we got off course just a little bit over the last year or so, but we’re really trying to bring the focus back to our core central characters.”

    One thing that viewers really hate about General Hospital is that they seem to drop certain storylines and never go back, or they even change it up so the back history doesn’t jive with the current storyline. Longtime fans will take to social media in an instant to gripe on how things are changed from the rich history of GH. Varni addressed that sort of thing.

    “Our goal is not to tell stories then drop stories. Our goal is to tell really detail emotional type stories with our main characters, and bring the families together. Shelly [Altman] and Jean [Passanante] have a lot of work to do.”

    He also mentioned that the door is always open for Anthony Geary to come back to his role as Luke Spencer. However, he says that it probably won’t happen anytime soon. There have also been rumors flying around that Kristen Alderson is returning to her role as Kiki Jerome, but Varni said it is not true at this point.

    Okay, so when is Jason Morgan finally going to be revealed? Fans are getting quite impatient! Nathan Varni said it will be soon. He seems to be hearing the pain of the viewers. He mentioned that he is aware that the long-awaited reveal of Jason has angered many fans, but he promises that it is coming soon and that Billy Miller is going to “knock it out of the park.”

    What do viewers have to look forward to in the coming weeks on General Hospital? Well, things just got a lot more complicated now that Jason/Jake just proposed to Elizabeth, and she has no intention of making the reveal herself anytime soon. The Inquisitr has previously mentioned that Elizabeth is still keeping her secret but struggling with it.

    There is also the big reveal on Friday’s episode when fans found out at the hospital who Brad’s wife really is. How is this all going to work out between Brad and Rosalie… and Lucas?

    Who really killed Silas? That should be revealed soon as well. Hopefully that won’t be dragged out too long.

    Are you ready for a new “emotional” General Hospital?

    I'll believe it when I see it. :)The only thing I believe though, is that Billy Miller WILL knock it out of the park! He is a great actor! :)

  9. i still dont have tv. i should on weds. until then...

    has lucas brought up the fact that at the nurses ball, brad is the one who went up on stage and sang and asked lucas to married him, only he knew all along he was married and could never really go through with a wedding.

    that's cruel. simply cruel.

  10. sonya, thanks for posting the article. you know what? it is a bunch of rhetoric and feel-good public relation words made to appease the fan base. with NO SPECIFICS.

    they claim to be writers but they cannot write a complete coherent sentence with specifics in regarding the characters?

  11. David,
    Lucas did bring that up as did Julian. Brad had no real answer - something about being swept away by the moment.

  12. I can't believe no one picked up on what I considered the line of the day. Brad, when referring to his rural home town said something to the effect of "there were corn fields. Lots of them. Jocelyn would have loved it". I thought of Karen right away!

    Interesting post Sonya. GH to focus on its "core" central characters. I should like the sound of that but at this point I don't even know who GH considers its core characters. I believe the core characters are Tracy, Monica, Liz, Anna, Nicholas, Patrick, Michael, Lucas, Bobbie, Maxie, Lulu, Mac, Felicia, Scotty, Laura, etc. Lately however it seems like Franco, Kiki, Nina, fakeAva, etc. are being considered the new core.

    And "bringing the families together". I certainly hope he means the Quartermaines, Webbers, Spencers, Devane/Scorpio/Drakes and not the five families...

    This last year or two has turned me into such a skeptic. I just want my GH back.

  13. "david said...sonya, thanks for posting the article."

    You're welcome! :)

    "you know what? it is a bunch of rhetoric and feel-good public relation words made to appease the fan base. with NO SPECIFICS."

    Yeah I know. Same ol same ol. *sigh*

    "friscogh said...I can't believe no one picked up on what I considered the line of the day. Brad, when referring to his rural home town said something to the effect of "there were corn fields. Lots of them. Jocelyn would have loved it".

    OH! I completely forgot about that line! Hey how does Brad know Joss?!?! :) Where did they talk?

  14. Writers for Monday's show:

    Katherine Schock
    Elizabeth Korte

    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Jean Passanante
    Chris Van Etten

    Director: Penny Pengra

    Good grief. What snoozer ep. Rosalie's lame. The dumbing down of the GH audience continues.

    I'm with you FRISCOGH - I just want my GH back too. *siiiighhhh

  15. I laughed at the Joss line too, Sonya. And probably Lucas has told him about Joss. Or they've been babysitting her. Lucas has supposedly done that before.

    And I second what you said about the core characters and the families, friscogh.

  16. "MatchboxGinny said...The dumbing down of the GH audience"

    Sonny is a great guy! He doesn't do anything illegal! Morgan is so smart! So is Kiwi!!! Morgan can't help himself with Moochie! There is this thing that happens!

    "Di says And probably Lucas has told him about Joss. Or they've been babysitting her."

    HAHAHAHAHHA! Can you imagine Lucas and Brad babysitting Joss?!!?! That would be comedy gold right there!!!

  17. "david said...
    sonya, thanks for posting the article. you know what? it is a bunch of rhetoric and feel-good public relation words made to appease the fan base. with NO SPECIFICS."

    It's dawned on me that nobody really should be saying any specifics right now. The new writers JUST started last week. So that new story line that both Maurice Benard and Bryan Craig were so excited about at GHFCW? It's the story line that The Writer wrote because Jelly hadn't even started yet. A little ridiculous when you think about it. When Nathan Varni did the podcast he had no specifics yet to really even share so we only got generalized responses. I don't think we're going to know much until October about how the New GH is going to look. Hopefully though Jelly themselves does an interview soon.

  18. sonya said... Can you imagine Lucas and Brad babysitting Joss?!!?! That would be comedy gold right there!!!

    You're absolutely right. lol If Joss was actually in the scene. Last time Lucas was babysitting Joss was "up in her room."

  19. "Di says You're absolutely right. lol If Joss was actually in the scene. Last time Lucas was babysitting Joss was "up in her room."

    Yeah it's too bad Joss wasn't in the scene. :(

  20. These people who keep writing kids, quiet as church mice up in their rooms, obviously don't have kids. I can see Joss, who's alone, sitting with headphones on playing a gane or something, but those two boys of Liz's ignoring company coming and going is just unreal. Their little faces would at least be hanging out on the stairs seeing who's just come in.


A Woman in Need.

A photo from this week's spoilers.  MONDAY again.  Not enough coffee!!  Heater and Laura at GH. Laura's horrified. Alexis comes over...