Thursday, August 13, 2015

Break Day

I needs a break!

Have at it, let me know how the show was...


  1. Writers for 8/13 episode:

    Katherine Schock
    Elizabeth Korte

    Breakdown writers:
    Jean Passanante - reminder, she is one of the new headwriters
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Daniel James O'Connor
    Chris Van Etten

    Larry Carpenter

  2. Sonny's home:

    Sonny: Let's go upstairs and have sex.

    Carly: Oh no Sonny we can't! I need to go and get a wedding dress that I found in the magazine! I love that dress!!

    Sonny: Oh come on. You don't need a new dress. Let's go upstairs.

    Basically that's what it was!!! He was horny, and he didn't want her to go, but she won! :) Don't worry Sonny! When she gets back, then you can have sex.

    Julian's home: Nina vs MoochieAva!!! LOVE the scene!!! Fight over the picture! Come on Nina! Pull off the wig!!! :) Nina erased the picture! Oh oh but Ava made copies and it's in the cloud!!!! Nina had no idea what a cloud is! ROFL! Nina got the last word! GO NINA!! :)

    Hotel room: Nathan and Dante go find the two guys that used to work for Julian to bring them to Jordan. Nathan and Dante hear sex noises.. Oh wait no that's not sex noises! It's someone who got shot and is on the ground. Sounded like sex noises to me. The guy is still alive, barely! The guy grabs Dante with his bloody hands!! The guy is grunting. Is this guy a smoker? This was horrible acting! ROFL! What the hell?! I rather go back to Shadybrook to see the patients there! Oh oh the guy dies! Is this guy going to meet McSilas in heaven? Or is he going to hell and meet Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos?

    Police station:

    Cop, BobTodd, and Val: The cop had BobTodd handcuffed to Val's desk and he is sitting on her chair! She comes in and wonders why he is sitting on her chair! ROFL!

    BobTodd wins the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: Can I get a dounut? Please? I know you have them. Detective West gave me one the other day. It had sprinkles on it.

    ROFL! BobTodd is all whiny cus he is hungry!

    Val: Can I ask why the prisoner is doing here, in my chair?

    BobTodd:And don't worry I'm not going to get killer cooties all over your chair. It's all yours. And you need some lumbar support.


    BobTodd and Scotty: I'm disappointed that BobTodd didn't call Mrs. Shipley the wrong name. Scotty is upset that BobTodd didn't tell him that he had a heated argument with McSilas! Poor Scotty! He is just trying to help his son!

    Maxie and Val: Maxie what the hell are you wearing? ROFL! 1950's housewife Maxie shows up and asks for Val's apology over thinking Val wanted Dante! UGH! More talk about this!?!?!!! Val again made it clear that she isn't interested in Dante! Dante shows up with blood all over his shirt, and Val freaks out!

    Val: DANTE! Are you alright?!!?! Oh thank God! I don't know what I would have done!!!

    Val calm down! What is wrong with you? Are you pregnant? :)

    Jordan's office: Jordan was bugging me over her pestering of Julian! Those two guys do not work for Julian!!!! Leave the man alone!! Nathan shows up and tells Jordan that one of the guy's is dead. Jordan is still bugging Julian! UGH!

    The haunted star: Oh no! More talk about Valante kiss! UGH! Oh now the talk is about Lulu's sex life. So basically,

    Lulu: Dante and I had sex last night. Did you and Val have sex?

    Dillon: No. We did have a second date and we had fun.

    Uhhhhh ooookayyyyyyyyyyyy. And then they talk about Johnny Depp. Oh now they are talking about Dillon's movie, which he wants to film at the haunted Star! Awesome. Sounds like an interesting storyline.

    Lulu: Dante and I could really use the extra income. Especially if we decide to have another baby.

    OH BABY TALK!!! That means Val is going to be pregnant VERY soon!!! :)

  3. Karen, it was another record fast forward day. Did not care about a single thing that happened. Really. Fell to sleep shortly thereafter, watching something else, but the fatigue was left over from GH.

  4. "kdmask said..WELL how was it?!"

    Well the BobTodd and Scotty scenes were great. You could watch their scenes.

  5. Today actually sounds good except for the CarSon stuff. Yuck! Laura Wrigth deserves better than this. Looking forward to Nina vs. Ava.

  6. Anyone taking odds on Mob violence effecting TJ at the CarSon wedding?

  7. "SaveOurSuds said...Looking forward to Nina vs. Ava."

    OOPS! Forgot about them! Karen you should watch the Nina vs Ava scene! :) They were great! :)

  8. I was just reading Laura wright's twitter and someone said that Carly doesn't spend enough time with her daughter- her response was that she is with her dad (and on Broadway!) That explains the long absence of Joss.

  9. sonya said...Well the BobTodd and Scotty scenes were great. You could watch their scenes.

    It was a good scene but BobTodd still spent most of the time havinf eyesex with the camerman on his right. It must be a major crush. PMSL

    The Nina/Ava scene was good.

    Carly actually said she could relate to Jordan because of the rift between her and michael. I was hoping she'd also remember that she sent her son Morgan away for years too, and not to do an important job like Jordan did. How soon these things are forgotten.

    There will definitely be mob violence sometime. The wedding is the most obvious event.

  10. becky said....someone said that Carly doesn't spend enough time with her daughter- her response was that she is with her dad (and on Broadway!) That explains the long absence of Joss.

    But Lucas was supposedly over babysitting her a few weeks ago and she's been missing for months.

  11. "Di said...It was a good scene but BobTodd still spent most of the time havinf eyesex with the camerman on his right. It must be a major crush. PMSL"

    OH! I forgot to mention that in my recap! Yes I noticed that! :) He didn't look in his dad's eye most of the time! ROFL! He loves the cameraman! :)

  12. That's the main reason I don't like him. He's never "in the scene." He always looks away when someone else is talking to draw the attention back to himself. I find it very disrespectful of the other actor.And very egotistical.

  13. I agree with Di - he is always just playing himself. He never does appearances for fans obviously because he thinks he is some kind of superstar.

  14. In all fairness, I think Roger stopped doing fan events after his terrible experiences with "TODD" back during the Marty gang-rape stuff. Much like Tony Geary he got really creeped out by fans yelling "Rape me Todd" and the like. Plus I think he's private-- I don't know how some actors get away with not doing events tho-- sometimes that's right in your contract (PR for the show)

  15. "LSV422 said...
    He never does appearances for fans obviously because he thinks he is some kind of superstar."

    I know people who have met him and say that he's very nice but shy around fans. If the fan events aren't his thing then it's probably fine that he doesn't go. Karen's right, he stopped doing the fan events due to some bad experiences with some creepy fans. Be mad at those fans for ruining it for the rest of us.

  16. "Di said...That's the main reason I don't like him. He's never "in the scene." He always looks away when someone else is talking to draw the attention back to himself."

    No not always. When he is with Nina he looks at her.. When he had that argument with McSilas the other day in Scotty's office, he looked at him.

  17. Yesterday's episode had some nice moments in it. Like a lot of dialog. The Scotty/Franco scenes were fun. Nina vs. Ava was definitely the highlight. The worst part of the episode were the Sonny & Carly scenes. Really really boring. The actors even looked bored and over it. The chemistry is just not there. Sonny and Carly do not look excited at all to be getting married. I don't know why this pairing has been put frontburner. And now we have the actors on twitter begging fans to watch. rme

  18. "kdmask said...In all fairness, I think Roger stopped doing fan events after his terrible experiences with "TODD" back during the Marty gang-rape stuff. Much like Tony Geary he got really creeped out by fans yelling "Rape me Todd" and the like."

    OH! I remember that!!! I don't blame him. Very creepy.

  19. sonya said....No not always. When he is with Nina he looks at her.. When he had that argument with McSilas the other day in Scotty's office, he looked at him.

    True. I noticed that too. Maybe his favourite cameraman was off. lol

    When he was arguing, it was a quicker scene and definitely required eye contact for effect. Longer scenes he always starts gazing elsewhere or flitting his eyes (for comic effect) though and I find that really annoying, especially if the other actor is having a serious conversation.

    Like I said, just a personal gripe.

  20. Di says True. I noticed that too. Maybe his favourite cameraman was off. lol

    ROFL! Yeah maybe so! :)

    "When he was arguing, it was a quicker scene and definitely required eye contact for effect. Longer scenes he always starts gazing elsewhere or flitting his eyes (for comic effect) though and I find that really annoying, especially if the other actor is having a serious conversation."

    Well, maybe that's what Roger Howarth wants the character to be like. :) I don't know! :)

  21. I had no idea about RH and personal appearances. Don't blame him a bit.


Monday Monday

  WOW, do we have a nice weather here!! Just gorgeous. All weekend was beautiful and now it's up into the 70s and maybe 80s tomorrow.  T...