Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My New Theme Song!

Here we are--Look what I found. Now, yes, the ending is a bit tragic but this is the best theme song for me--EVER. 

Since it's my birthday, I shall be taking a GH break today--lunch and fun with my parents. Have a great one! 

Also born today:

Sean Connery

Tim Burton
Gene Simmons
Elvis Costello.

Now you know why I'm a little weird LOL 


  1. Happy Birthday Karen!! Have a wonderful day!!!

  2. Happy birthday. You're weird? I hadn't noticed. Enjoy every moment of your day.
    : )

  3. Writers for Tuesday ep:

    Suzanne Flynn
    Elizabeth Korte

    Daniel James O'Connor
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Jean Passanante
    Chris Van Etten

    Xavier Phideux


  4. "MatchboxGinny said...
    Writers for Tuesday ep:

    Suzanne Flynn
    Elizabeth Korte

    Daniel James O'Connor
    Anna Theresa Cascio
    Jean Passanante
    Chris Van Etten

    Xavier Phideux"

    When was the last time Scott Sickles wrote? I'm curious with the news of Kate Hall hopping to YR if there are any other writer changes.

  5. Happy birthday Karen!!!!! And happy birthday to Sean Connery
    Tim Burton,Gene Simmons, and Elvis Costello!


    BobTodd's court room: BobTodd is trying to convince the judge he killed McSilas! ROFL! He wins the lines of the day!

    BobTodd: Silas and I got into a big fight, so I stabbed him and then he died. That's pretty much it. Case closed. I find Nina there after I STABBED Silas, and I told Nina you go back to Shadybrook or I will stab you too. Yeah um that's pretty much it.

    ROFL! And the look on his face, and how animated he was! Hahahahaha! So Ric wants to have everything sorted out! So BobTodd, Nina, and Ava are all going to be in jail! Hahahaha! And then Kiwi wants to see her mommy, but Morgan doesn't want her to! She is wondering why he is all pissed off. That she should be the one to be pissed off.

    Sonny's home: Carly comes in to tell Sonny about Magda and what he told her about Nina, and Sonny tells her about Moochie being really Ava. Carly pees on herself. Morgan comes in and Carly hugging Morgan, and Sonny touching his shoulder, well that was really funny! ROFL!

    Police station: Val is rubbing her tummy. Aww what's the matta Val? Not feeling well? Val and Dante talking about the sex! Nina and Ava cat fight! Awww it was short lived. :(

    Haunted star: OH Dillon tricked Lulu when he told her that Val is pregnant. So basically,

    Dillon: Val is pregnant!

    *Lulu pees on herself*


    Dillon: Gotcha!

    Whew. It's too soon for Val to find out yet! :) Oh Dillon wants Lulu to help him read the script! Oh very nice! Looks like Lulu is affected by it! Oh in comes Dante and Val! :)

    Q home: Tracy sees Dillon's script! She is tempted to read it!

    Dillon's script: Oh come on Tracy! You can read me! Go ahead. Nobody has to know. You know you want to.

    Tracy picks it up! :) Oh hi Paul! :) They have a nice conversation, and decide to be friends, and have dinner together! Awwww! :)

  6. That scene with Carly, Sonny and Morgan was beyond ridiculous. "We're here for you" *hug8 *hug* ....because the woman you were cheating on your girlfriend with turned out to be her mother instead of her aunt? Big deal. You were still cheating you little twit!

    And his attitude with Kiki that HE had more reason to be upset than her just showed what a self absorbed idiot he is.

    Val standing in the squad room watching while two prisoners were arguing was ridiculous. She's a PA. She should never be in the middle of a fracas. And her constant need to lay her hands on Dante is getting old fast. Have we ever seen her lay hands on Nathan or any other cop in the station? Between that and the need to constantly be bringing up the fact that she slept with him is definitely bordering on harassment.

    I really like Paul and Tracy together. They have great chemistry.

  7. New GH promo!! We will find out who killed McSilas this week! :)


  8. 2 reveals in one week? OMG what has happened to this show?

    I thought the Ava reveal was scheduled for 2016 and Silas at least until 2017.

    Next thing you'll tell me is that the will announce that Val is pregnant!

  9. Happy Birthday Karen!! Enjoy your scotch!! Did Paul look VERY ORANGE, or was it just me?

  10. Well, the writers from yesterday should be walking the walk of shame. The courtroom scenes were just so absurd, and Morgan the idiot getting consoled by mom and dad was unbelievable. The PCPD scenes were also ridiculous. There needs to be some semblance of reality since this is supposed to be a drama. Love Paul and Tracy, though.

  11. "sonya said..Haunted star: OH Dillon tricked Lulu when he told her that Val is pregnant."

    I really hope Val isn't actually pregnant. I just want it to be a pregnancy scare that makes both Dante and Val come clean. I do not want Dillon acting as Val's baby daddy to cover it all up.

  12. Sonny: "She's [Ava] laughing her a** off, running around free."

    Uh, like you are?

    "I'm gonna make her PAY for what she did to Connie!"

    Uh, the way you paid for killing AJ Quartermaine??

    Either the writers want us to marvel at the hypocrisy or they truly feel like Sonny is the "good" mobster and everyone else is "bad." I still haven't figured out which.

    Di, I totally agree w/you about Valerie. I'm just not feeling the character or the actress. She seems to stand around awkwardly in scenes where she doesn't really belong. Yes she works at the PCPD but why would a civilian worker go right up to a confrontation between two prisoners? I know, to put her in Dante's face so she can touch him yet again. The character was only created to bring angst to Lante. I'd like her better if she had a more natural purpose on the show. She had an apartment and presumably a job in PA. Why give all that up to come crash on the couch of relatives you don't even know especially when she got off to such a bad start with Lulu and Luke? I wish she would have been a nurse like her Aunt Bobbie, then she could have worked at the hospital and be more than just a spoiler for Lante.

    Glad to see Jane Elliot on again. I want Roger Howarth to just leave already, no offense to his many fans. A lot of things seem to be happening this week which is good!

  13. "jher said..I really hope Val isn't actually pregnant. I just want it to be a pregnancy scare that makes both Dante and Val come clean. I do not want Dillon acting as Val's baby daddy to cover it all up."

    I want Val to be pregnant, but I don't want Dillon to pretend he is the father to protect Lulu! I want the whole truth to come out!

  14. I also don't want Dillon covering for Val if she is pregnant. Just had that with Ned and Olivia. I'm not thrilled with Val either, especially since she is a Spencer and should have more of a presence. And Sonny immediately blames Ava for kidnapping Avery when that whole scenario was Silas. Ava didn't want him to take bone marrow from Avery.

  15. Another pregnancy at this time would be ridiculous. They already have all kinds of kids who don't get screen time. Ava has a baby, Olivia just had a baby, speculation is that Sabrina may be pregnant. ( if they write in the actress's pregnancy) Why in heaven's name would they now write in a pregnancy for Val?

  16. Roger Howarth is such a good actor, with quick wit, and so much fun to watch on screen. He is playing a much better Franco than the original actor and he is showing the many facets of his personality. Franco loves Nina and will do anything for her. I hope they get past her illness and give them some good story lines to showcase the actors' abilities.

  17. OMG could KIWi be any more stupider. lol I know thats not a word, but jeesh, she loves her mother forgives her for all the suff Ava has done, COME ON... and I suppose she will say its all Morgans fault when she finds out the two of them were sleeping together. I wish Kiki and Ava would just go away, I;m really glad the original actress who played Kiki left, she would have been so embarrassed to play such a twit And Valerie? there is no point to her except they want to give Lante angst. So be it, but don't have her preggers, I agree too many babies lately. What are they going to do SORA's all these kids too. Heck we don't even see the other SORA's kids they have on that show.

  18. "sonya said..I want Val to be pregnant, but I don't want Dillon to pretend he is the father to protect Lulu! I want the whole truth to come out!"

    The show does not need anymore children from one night stands. I think it would be more interesting if Dante and Val go into a huge panic thinking that Val is pregnant and are forced to come clean to Lulu. After Dante and Val come clean, they find out it was just a false alarm and now they have to deal with all the fallout.

    I've grown to like Nu-Dillon and I don't want him to be Lulu's rebound. I hope they bring him a new love interest (maybe Christina???) and get him out of the love square. I don't think a good love story needs to be driven by love triangles or love squares.

  19. "jher said...The show does not need anymore children from one night stands. I think it would be more interesting if Dante and Val go into a huge panic thinking that Val is pregnant and are forced to come clean to Lulu. After Dante and Val come clean, they find out it was just a false alarm and now they have to deal with all the fallout."

    They could go that route. :) Altho I don't think they used any protection that night! :0 ROFL!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...