Monday, May 11, 2015

Death Be Not Proud

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Duke is dying.
Don't care.
Even if he dies. Don't care. They cheapened death WAY too many times.
He appears to "die". 
Whoops, false alarm. He makes it to GH. Patrick works on him. (after working on the baby Jerome). 
Anna sees Julian and goes IN on him. BIG TIME!! Patrick tells her Duke is dead. (See Below)
SO..if you believe in Death in PC, This is as dead as it gets. He flatlines, she's in there and he's dead.

Olivia gets into GH...I hope she names that baby Jerome Jerome hahaha. Jules wants to fight Nedly. 
The baby goes to the neonatal unit. 

Carlos is with Sabrina. "Let me in", I know he kisses better than Mikey! Carlos is all crying. WHY? I mean... he wanted to kill Duke right? And why no kill shot? I mean..ugh duh
He's lying to her to stay there the night. HE says someone saw him shoot Ava. NOT that he shot Duke. 

Tracy is watching TV. Wants to see the "Port Charles Fashion Police" but it's cancelled because 'someone said something offensive" lol..get it?  BAHAHAA. Why Tracy couldn't go to the Ball, I'll never know. Or Monica Or Bobbie or...Michael tells Tracy about Ned giving his stock to Franco. Tracy is concerned. 

Shawn finds out Jordan almost got killed. She tells him it was a "Jerome hit" ..not that Duke ordered it.  She wants to go home with Shawn. 

For some reason Sloane is going to let everyone think Jake did the shooting. 

Anna "I'm not going to wait for due process..I'm coming at you with my own hands...and I'm gonna OWN IT"... Mic Drop


  1. They can travel to New York City during a commercial break but it takes 15 minutes for the ambulance to appear. So stupid.

  2. I was thinking that the ambulance must have come by way of NY and yet Duke still didn't take the time to tell Anna who shot him!!!

  3. So sad that Duke died. But there is hope. I am sure with a new writing regime in about 3 years, it will be revealed that Helena snuck into the operating room and gave him a sedative and then whisked him away after Anna said her goodbyes and in Spring 2018, we will see a refreshed and Dapper Duke showing up at the nurses ball to tango with Emma.

    (cmon, you are all thinking this)

    So, let's play a little game shall we? It's kinda like a Soap Opera SAT test. I'll make it an easy one.

    Carrrrrrrlos spends the night with Sabrina. Therefore, in Soap Opera Terms, the following must happen:

    a) Sabrina and Carrrrrrlos have sex
    b) Sabrina gets pregnant and doesnt know if father is Michael or Carrrrrrlos
    c) A and B

    Give up? (ha ha ha)

    Finola. OMG. How in hell has she NOT won an emmy yet? She is gold.

    Just once (and I know for legal reasons this cannot happen) I want to see an asshole relative push their way into an operating room or ER room (Julian) and the doctor says "fine. YOU work on your child. I am leaving the room until you grow up and let me do my job" and then walk out and not help the injured party. I know, Hippo oath and all. But wouldnt that be priceless.

    I loved Alexis and Sam standing to the side while Anna tore into Julian. It was very believable. Do you think any of Anna's rant was adlibbed? She touched Sam's breast at one point and then bumped into Julian HARD. Totally believable on every level. I love that woman.

    We ALL noticed the ambulance delay.

    ok so. Karen. Any details on the 2 live episodes? It looks like a funeral for Duke. But is there any other spoilers? Tidbits? Flashbacks? Robin appearance?

  4. Pier: Boy that ambulance is taking forever to show up!!! Where is it coming from? New Jersey?!!?! Anna talks to Duke about the places they are going and she want to get two dogs. Which means, Duke is gonna die soon!!!

    Jordan's home: Shaun shows up. Hey Shaun! Did you and TJ have fun at the college party?! Oh oh Jordan tells Shaun that Julian was the one who tried to have her killed! Why is she lying to Shaun? Is she protecting Anna cus she knows Anna love Duke?!

    Q home: Tracy wins the line of the day!

    Tracy: I suppose your arrive, means that Ned's latest outer burrow conquest is still at the after party?


    Sabrina and Felix's home: Ah ha! Felix is having sex with that red carpet announcer guy! YESSSSSSSS! :)Oh Caaaaaarlos are you feeling guilty?!!?! You have got to stop going to Sabrina. Caaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is a really good liar! A boy with a telescope caught him?!!? I kept wondering if that is true or not hahahaha. Did he figure that lie on the fly, or did he think that up awhile ago?

    The hospital:

    Alexis and Julian: Oh well I'm glad Alexis admitted that the baby is born prematurely!

    Baby Jerome: He looks so tiny for an 8 pound baby!

    Alexis and Sam: They are so worried about baby Jerome! And so are Alexis's cleavage and Sam's cleavage.

    Alexis's cleavage: I hope baby Jerome is okay. I'm so worried.

    Sam's cleavage: Yeah I'm worried too.

    Patrick and Anna: Oh man! He had to tell her Duke didn't make it!!!! Oh Caaaaaaaaaaarlos! I forgive you for killing Duke!!!!! Damn you writers!!!! :(

    Anna and dead Duke: Anna made me cry!!!! :'(

    Police station:

    Jake Doe and Nathan: Oh what the hell is the point of this scene?!!?! So dumb! Sam's cleavage, and Alexis's cleavage should go visit Jake Doe! That would make the scene more interesting!

    Jake Doe and Robot Sloan: Oh come on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH! Please I beg of you! Bring Sam's cleavage and Alexis's cleavage in to talk to Jake Doe!!!!

    "Karen says Tracy is watching TV. Wants to see the "Port Charles Fashion Police" but it's cancelled because 'someone said something offensive" lol..get it?"

    Oh is that what the tv man said? ROFL! Oh too funny! I didn't hear what the man said.

    "Karen says, Olivia gets into GH...I hope she names that baby Jerome Jerome hahaha."

    Hahahahahaaha! Well, now I hope so too! :)

    "Karen says Anna "I'm not going to wait for due process..I'm coming at you with my own hands...and I'm gonna OWN IT"...
    Mic Drop #GH"

    Hell yeah!!! WOOT WOOT!

  5. "Delcodave says She touched Sam's breast at one point"

    Yeah! I noticed that too!!!!!! What the hell? ROFL!

  6. delcodave said:Just once (and I know for legal reasons this cannot happen) I want to see an asshole relative push their way into an operating room or ER room (Julian) and the doctor says "fine. YOU work on your child. I am leaving the room until you grow up and let me do my job" and then walk out and not help the injured party. I know, Hippo oath and all. But wouldnt that be priceless.

    OMG....I'd pay to see that!

    sonya said: Jake Doe and Nathan: Oh what the hell is the point of this scene?!!?! So dumb!

    I know. A simple gun powder residue test would answer the question (And even poor brain damaged Jake knew that) But no...We have to have a few more time wasting scenes...blah...blah...blah...

  7. I was yelling on twitter about the residue test! GOOD LORD... ughhhh

    I haven't looked at details for the Live shows. It's the funeral--- but other than that? Nada. I haven't looked either. I kinda want to be surprised.


  8. "Di says I know. A simple gun powder residue test would answer the question (And even poor brain damaged Jake knew that) But no...We have to have a few more time wasting scenes...blah...blah...blah"

    YES! Come on people!!! Sam's and Alexis's cleavage could have done the test!!!

  9. Finola was just superb! This should be her Emmy reel. I thought Ian was very good, too. Nathan was his usual inept self. Loved Tracy's new do!

  10. OK, first, Duke should have TEXTED Bruce to call of the hit, c'mon, VOICE MAIL?? I guess I noticed what others have fixated on also--how Alexis's and Sam's cleavages became extra characters on the show; how the ambulance took forever to come. Also, WHY DIDN'T DUKE JUST TELL ANNA THAT CAAAARRRRRLOS DID IT, and why didn't she ask again instead of prattling on about their house in Scotland? I guess Sloan thinks that, by officially charging Jake, the real killer will feel free to move about, and so get caught.

  11. the texting thing..yes, although I thought about it and went...well, maybe they think Duke is too old.?? AHAHAHA.

    Like I sawid During Sunday Surgery: STUPID. If you can't write mob/crime with ANY kind of decency, welp.

  12. I thought Finola Hughes was great in her scene w/Julian. I do not like Julian at all, he comes across to me as smug and smarmy.

    Sonya, I love your dialogue for Sam's and Alexis's cleavage. I was thinking yesterday, like mother, like daughter. Robot Sloan - LOL!

    A gun residue test would have been helpful. Sloan and Nathan in a scene together - very stilted and mechanical acting. I read that Grayson McCouch is an accomplished theater actor. I know he's been on other soaps too, maybe theater acting doesn't translate well onto the small screen. Sometimes he's OK though.

    I thought for sure Shawn heard the federal agent comment about Jordan and that her secret was out, but they glossed over it, so that bombshell is still a secret for now.

  13. Shawn can rest easy now....Bruce is officially the worst hit man ever

  14. Panda said...Sonya, I love your dialogue for Sam's and Alexis's cleavage.

    Oh thanks hahaha!

    "I was thinking yesterday, like mother, like daughter. Robot Sloan - LOL!"


    "Sloan and Nathan in a scene together - very stilted and mechanical acting."

    Why yes it is!!!

    "I read that Grayson McCouch is an accomplished theater actor. I know he's been on other soaps too, maybe theater acting doesn't translate well onto the small screen. Sometimes he's OK though."

    Yeah maybe not all the time.

    "nance24 said...Shawn can rest easy now....Bruce is officially the worst hit man ever"

    YAY! ROFL!

  15. Sad we have to lose Duke and Ian.

    Grayson McCouch is a good actor, as I remember from having seen him on Another World and other shows. I always liked him, but it is taking longer to warm up to him this time and he hasn't been brought into story very well. If they work on just letting him pine for Anna--that might soften him a bit and draw us in. If only they don't hurry it.

    It does seem they are cutting the cast just a bit, which we all agree they need to do. But to take away a fave like Duke is not really desired. And it isn't good to lose Ned either, but that wasn't TPTB's fault (unless you can call hesitating too long to offer contract a fault).

    Carlos looks on the way out, and there is talk of Maurey West leaving. Anyway, they could lose Valerie and I wouldn't even notice her disappearance. She is not needed. I wouldn't mind Greenley/Hadley going either. But I'd love to see them bring back Brit.

    Pruning the cast is OK, as long as they take out unnecessaries.


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