Thursday, May 14, 2015

Amazing Grace

Anna is grieving..

AND SLOANE is there..touching HER. GET OFF...........GET off my ANNA. ugh!! 

Mac and Flea and Lucy make it to the funeral! Yeah!! Lucy tells Anna that Duke really loved her. They hug. Glad they could get Mac and Flea there. Maxie, Lulu, Dante and Nate all come in too. Little Emma says "I'm here for you too, Grandma"! 

Sonny fakes us out. He sees Duke at the door. Duke says I'm alive! Sonny goes to the living room and Carly is there. SHE SEES HIM TOO!
BUT it's a dream. Seemed pretty real.
Sonny says to Carly he's giving Julian a day to "deal with the shooter" or..Julian is dead.

Sonny walks in and Anna gives him a nasty look. She tells him she's going to get Duke's killer. 

Sam stays behind to "look for a purse" and then finds the rings and sits on the couch and mopes looking at them. :eyeroll: Then she cries and puts them away. 

Jake and Julian blabber blabber.

Nik tells Liz Hayden knows Jake is Jason. Liz freaks out. She says she doesn't care about a mob war..she's gonna be with Jason. And then she says she 'wants to take care of Hayden" LMAO 


TONS of Flashbacks of Duke/Anna. least we have that! 


  1. ok so i missed a few days this week. and I will miss tomorrow but will watch on youtube at night.

    was robin called? was robin even mentioned? duke was one of her many godfathers. is robin even able to be called or is she still under helena control? which makes her character look horrible as she is not someone to abandon her daughter.

    did anyone else think that john york looked about 10 yrs younger?

  2. Sonny's home: When Duke showed up, I was thinking okay who is dreaming? AH HA it was Sonny that was dreaming!!!

    Sonny: SON OF A BITCH!

    Carly's boobs: Awww Sonny. Everything will be okay. I will comfort you. I will make you feel better.

    Sam and Patrick's home: Woah! Sam's cha cha's almost fell out! Be careful when you bend over Sam!! Sam is still obsessed over those rings!!! Oh and by the way, The Ring and the key, are still dating, and are happy. :)

    Sam: I bet you keep hoping and praying that it was all a big mistake, and that person didn't die and will walk right through that door.

    Emma: But it doesn't happen does it?

    Sam: No. It doesn't.

    What are you talking about!?!?! This is Port Chuckles!!!! Where people come back from the "dead". This conversation would really mean a lot more, if people wouldn't keep coming back from the "dead"

    The funeral: Boy it took forever for the funeral to start, but then it ended quickly! At first I thought the funeral will be at the live show tomorrow, since the funeral was taking forever. I love what Lucy said to Anna, and was waiting for them to hug!!! I loved the hug! Oh Robot Sloan, stop touching Anna! UGH!

    "Karen says AND SLOANE is there..touching HER. GET OFF...........GET off my ANNA. ugh!!"

    I know right!?!?! UGH!

    The garage: The clock on the wall was very distracting. At first I thought it wasn't working, but it is! But the clock was moving very slowly. Ummm why is Sam visiting Jake Doe?! HUH?!


    Liz: Jason is mine!!! He is mine!!! I am not giving up on him!!! Not this time! And I won't let Haden ruin this for me!!!!

    Duke and Anna flashbacks: My cup runneth over!!! I remember! I love!!!! So young they were!!!! In one flashback, Duke mentions 1987 haha. :)

  3. Is tomorrow the live show? The show description on my cable box for tomorrow says "Someone gets shot. Nina has a surprise for Franco."

  4. "Delcodave says was robin called? was robin even mentioned? duke was one of her many godfathers."

    "Anna said today that she tired to get ahold of Robin, but couldn't. Patrick didn't hear from her."

    "is robin even able to be called or is she still under helena control?"

    Beats me. She probably is.

    "did anyone else think that john york looked about 10 yrs younger?"

    Yeah he did look different. Must have been the hair. :)

  5. Dukes funeral was short but McDreamys on Greys was barely non existent. As a huge fan I felt totally cheated. Anyways I loved the Duke Anna flashbacks, first time I got misty eyed since Carlos killed him!

  6. They never should have brought him back in a "real" Duke role. Should have just brought him onboard temporarily as the Faison disguise and then once Faison was unmasked let that be the end of Ian's stay. Bringing back the actual character of Duke was dumb, but then again Cartini doesn't surprise me anymore which shortsighted wasteful tactics like this.

  7. Finola Hughes. Amazing. The most believable actress on television. She played every interaction in an incredibly sincere way. (Except maybe that Sloane touching her piece. That's useless). Outside of that creepiness, she was tremendous.

    Anyone else lose it as Sam explained to Emma that people do not come back after they die? What soap is she living in!! Duke was dead. Robin was dead. Anna and Robert were dead. Resurrection runs in her family!

  8. "patrix said...Anyone else lose it as Sam explained to Emma that people do not come back after they die? What soap is she living in!!"

    Haha. You mean what town is she living in? ROFL!

  9. So sorry to see Ian gone. I didn't see their romance years ago, but could tell it was special...

  10. Delco: Robin was mentioned, no one "could get in touch with her." Mac was grey for a while, now his hair is brown again, he does look amazing, and so does Flea, I wish they were on more.

  11. I think they couldn't pay for Mac/Flea to be on both for the Ball AND the funeral?

    And yes, Sam's comment was stupid. 1/2 the town are zombies

  12. "kdmask said...And yes, Sam's comment was stupid. 1/2 the town are zombies."

    ROFL! Good one and true. :)

  13. Finola was amazing once again. I get the impression Duke isn't really dead because Anna said he was cremated (no body) and Patrick has been very quiet about the whole thing considering he was with Duke in the hospital. At least I hope he isn't dead. When you have legacy characters like that and are able to show scenes from way back when it is truly priceless. John York looked great! I do think Liz is being totally selfish. Funny that now Jake is having no more flashbacks.

  14. Finola was flawless, she deserves an emmy. I am so sick of this stupid mob crap, I cringe every time Sonny is on these days blah


She's OUT!

  It's another day, another GH episode. How are we all doing about the impending Sam-doom? Holly-Sasha situation? You still watching?? M...