Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sunday Surgery: General Hospital: Where Guza Fears to Tread


Oh how wonderful is THIS photo!!? My friend Gwaddie and her hubby were in full force at the FCW, taking Alberta everywhere with them. Sigh... I hope all of you that went had a great time--and got to meet Alberta at some point! I have a half a dozen fan photos of people posing with her lobsterness.

Well, it's the beginning of the end of Francofrenia (sort of, we'll hear of him again, you can bet)-- and the start to the run up of Brenda. At least we know Ms  Marcil (I'm not spelling her new name!) is sticking around for a bit. Perhaps ol' Guza can do a nice story arc for us. We shall see. Are YOU excited to have her back? Will the S&B fan base come out of the woodwork to watch?? ABC's bankin' on it!

This brings me to my latest Guza inspired rant of the week. Let's think about this whole baby thing for a minute. Helena started the entire "Spencer/Cassadine Switcheroo" and then suddenly abandons the idea because of the kid's name. (if you go back and watch the episodes, that's exactly what happens) Well, that's hard to swallow considering it makes no sense but whatever. We're used to it.  Obviously, the story moved from she to Franco being the lunatic and the number 66 having popped up in the brain of our head writer.
Get this: I'm walking the dog today and it hit me. Guza totally missed a wonderful opportunity to tie a piece of his far-flug puzzle together. When Helena is explaining to Nikolas that she didn't take the baby, wouldn't it have made sense for her to bring up VALENTIN Cassadine again?? Yes, it's true that entire story was abandoned --but we do still all remember her being sheeze scared in GH not too long ago. It would have been a PERFECT segway. Even if they are never going to really employ poor Matthew Borlenghi, it would have at least closed it out a bit. Helena could have said "Oh my god, maybe Valentin took him..." gone off to check on that somehow and then Nik finds out it was Franco. Is this too strange to think of on my part? Is it too weird to want to have this once halfway prominate story idea at least acknowledged?? Instead of Helena just being all coy and "I didn't do it"..have her actually be afraid for the kid like she was for herself? The beauty of all this would be that Valentin was connected to Franco-- thus bringing in the Cassadines again.
Ah, maybe I'm crazy. Same thing with wanting Audrey to at least visit Liz in the hospital. Hell, if they can bring Jackie Zeman in for a lame 3.5 second shoot about Ethan's HAND WOUND, they can sure do that! (I'm still shaking my head over that one...I mean, if you were bringing her in, why not have it to be for Luke saying goodbye like he did to the rest of his family??) I also thought Maxie should have called (or mentioned) Felicia when Mac got shot and ditto for Robin with Anna/Robert.

Well, I could go on and on...but! I won't!! Spoilers are coming in for the whole Brenda story..not a lot are confirmed yet. Even more strange are the lack of spoilers in other areas-- well, maybe not so strange. LOL. We all know much will grind to a halt when "The Face of Fashion" gets rolling!! I do think they'll continue the Michael story and after-math of his rape. Yep..rape. Guza even said it. (I knew the HIV test  mention was in there for a reason). I'm also hoping that Tyler kid comes back because I kinda liked the boy.

Did you go to the FCW?? Let me know!! Share your stories with us in the comments. It must be a blast.


  1. I couldn't agree more. It's disappointing that Helena is being left out of this kidnapping.

  2. Well, it could have TIED so many stories together!!!

  3. Was it just me, or did everyone say "that's Aiden" when Liz walked into the room with the woman holding the baby in the pink blanket?

  4. If the Cassadines are so all-fired powerful and ruthless then Nicholas HAS to bring that power to bear to find the baby and destroy Franco. It is totally illogical that he do nothing. Likewise illogical, last year when Franco got into Josslyn's bedroom. Jax should have arranged an accident for that freako right then. Jax may be a White Knight but even White Knights have dark friends. Too many wasted tie-ins.

  5. Aha!! Re your spoiler, I thought that Olivia is PG!! Unlike real life, where we all get sick with colds, etc., in TVland, no one coughs unless they're dying, and no one faints unless they're PG!

    Good riddance to Franco, I hope he stays gone!! This MAJOR S & B fan has waited over a decade for Brenda to come back and be with Sonny, it better happen, I am a patient person, but even I have my limits . . .

  6. I sooooo hope Olivia is pg!!!!!!!!!

  7. I just read the Guza interview. Didn't it seem weird that he brought up Claire Labine and tried to throw her under the bus for not having any follow-up to the Stone story? He's critical of a story from 15 years ago, from the best GH headwriter in the past 20 years (maybe ever), and a story he himself has referenced so much in the past year? Just seemed weird and arbitrary to me. Guza isn't fit to sharpen Ms. Labine's pencils, if you ask me.

    If Olivia is pregnant, that could potentially be a really interesting, unique story for him to totally mess up.

  8. I just want to know when Lucky/Liz and nik find out Aiden is really lucky's! I hope we don't have to wait years for that reveal!

    I liked Fridays episode. Franco was much more creepier this time around!

  9. I agree TWILIGHT, and also will they show Jason have any remorse for Franco falling to his "death" before finding out where Aiden is? and will we get a smidge of a Liason scene? I don't want Liz in Shadybrooke, I'd rather see her and Audrey go see Sarah. Then have Lucky bring her babay to her. Fans deserve an emotional climax to this story the way only JJ & Becky can bring.

    Read on Soapzone Guza is planning a November JASAM wedding. Let the boycotting begin.

  10. At this point, let Jason and Sam get married. I don't like how either of their characters have become.
    Were they testing Olivia and Steven together? I think they would work!

  11. At this point, let Jason and Sam get married. I don't like how either of their characters have become.
    Were they testing Olivia and Steven together? I think they would work!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...