Tuesday, July 27, 2010



OLTL: First of all I swear I thought Blair's boob was going to pop out sideways! LOL...and Todd's yelling is scaring me..geesh!!

GENERAL HOSPITAL: Finally decided to insert the Jax/Skye "story" into the arc. :eyeroll: Robin Christopher is leaving the 29th. Dang it. I doubt we'll see her with the Q's before we go.  BTW, that Fernanda chick would have noticed that Skye's purse was the same. WE NOTICE those things, especially if they are expensive/rare.

Lisa going psycho with Patrick is going to get good!! Nothing beats a good soapy stalker crazy-lady!!

Maxie...LOL with the sex talk that then led us to flashbacks of Michael with Carter. INTERESTING. And she said she slept with Matt today. GEESH she sure did REALLY lay into the sex talk with Michael.

LOVE Sexis,  hate the whole Claire thing...she's just so ...so  "been there done that". "I want a baby"!!????? stupid. stupid. ugh. Sonny says he'll be happy to give it to her...but not with the baby part. Now, if this is part of Claire's plan, ok...if not are we really supposed to believe she wants Sonny's kid after what she's preached?? :thud:

Nikolas tells Liz he loves her-- Mac wakes up. but can he talk on a vent?

EDITING: Sucks--sucks! First the whole Skye/Jax thing is just inserted in there nilly-willy. Then, the Franco thing climaxes and we dont' even SEE JASON AND DANTE at all today!!! This is why I bitch about block taping. Plus the fact Skye had NO scenes with the Q's but we get useless scenes with Claire/Sonny. I think today was just 'insert all the crappola" day.

Here's a link to Knoxville's Tele-Buddy's  (@telebuddy) latest blog that includes a blub about Lisa LoCicero. Her hubby is the director of Reno 911! (one of my fave shows) and there was a dinner involving the show and a porn parody. LOL.. He's also interviewed Maurice Benard on the set of GH and I will have that link as soon as it's up!!

SPOILERS are up... take a gander. RUSSIAN MOB...ahahahha...the Cassadines had BETTER be in that story. Dang it all and now that Liz gets a baby (Switch or so they say) I am wondering if they are ditching the other whole Italian part of this. :throws up hands: Whateverrrrr. Hit the Rumors too! PLEASE Hit an add because we have MANY charity things coming up. Check back later for a Lisa LoCicero event on a boat!! woot!


  1. I hate the way General hospital and ABC network treat Robin Christopher! I will not watch that soap anymore! I hate that they waster Robin I wonder if she hate that she came back! Why did they treat her that way she sure a great actress!I would take her over VM any day and i know a lot of fans feel the same way.

  2. Sorry jennie, but Robin Christopher never had a following like brenda had so i highly doubt many fans agree. I for one am not a huge fan of either, so I am not biased here just stating the facts. I'm sure RC knew what she was signing on for. No scenes with Edward is a slap int he face though. Loved her lip to carly last week!

  3. OK, Karen, I know that this isn't about GH, but I just HAVE to say this to someone--Did you see the season premiere of Mad Men? My husband thought it was soooo awful that he's considering giving up the show (I'm hoping that they hit their stride as the eppies progress.)

    What did you think?

  4. I have a facebook page for Robin Christopher it well tell you how many fans love her!

  5. Dear Guza... I am not a doctor or a nurse but even I know you cannot talk when you are on a ventilator (like Mac did today)... Please stop acting like we are idiots.

    sincerely Lori and Leesy

  6. I was so happy when Skye came back, it's such a slap in the face (to us and to her) that she's leaving so soon, and wasn't given a real story.

    I read Guza's interview w/Canadian TV Guide through the link provided here, and was surprised when he said he's sensitive to what the fans want. He must not read this blog and all of the comments. Any way we can bring this site to his attention?

  7. As Lori said, you cannot talk while on a ventilator. Both parents were on ventilators near the end of their lives -- Mom was heavily sedated but Dad was wide awake. He only communicated by his expressive eyes or writing a note. Tube is down your throat! Get a clue, Guza!

  8. Did anyone else realize that in the supply closet with Matt, Maxie's nails were red, when she was talking to Michael they were pink and white?

  9. I agree with Jennie - I would take RC over VM any day. Never was a Brenda fan, never will be.

  10. I LOVE Sky and wish she was on contract.
    i would love for her to interact with Lulu & Dante and help them by manipulating Carly and helping Lulu get Carly back by taking Jax and Carly's kids BOTH away from her.

  11. AntJoan, I thought the premiere of Mad Men was great as usual. It was a little different since some time has passed, but well worth waiting for. As for the crapola we watch every day at 3:00 PM, Maxie's conversation with Michael was quite uncomfortable. Starting to love Nik and Liz again.

  12. My cable had technical difficulty during GH yesterday. Back in the day, I would have been furious. This time I just shrugged and strated watching Days...

  13. thanks for agree with me! I love the idea of Skye helping Lulu I hate that they never had a scene together!



  Saw yesterday's Crypt stuff...great set!! Did well on the way bushes get scrubby here too!! Emma even had a great flashback with ol...