Tuesday, January 2, 2024

First GH of 2024!

Here it is!! January 2nd!  NEW YEAR FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL!!!!!! 

TEMP SAM.. played by the LAST Temp Sam. GEESH SO many TEMPS. Scout has a bad dream and interrupts nookie. She doesn't want to go to the private school. Sam says she doesn't have to and will talk to Drew.  She says how much he's changed since Pentonville and seems so different. 

Brook and Chase are at the Q house alone. Chase looks at his Dad's skydiving photos and is happy. HE gets a call from PCPD and has to leave. 

Crew in Bed. He's back from Australia. He's going to cook. Yeah, the boredom. They go to the kitchen and kiss and drink more champagne. He says he's tired of being the peacekeeper NICE GUY and he hates Ned for turning him inn. LOL  Carly says he's different now since he came back from Pentonville. He says he's basically not a nice guy now (kinda). He goes to make a fire and he phone rings. OMG THIS IS THE BOBBIE CALL!!!!!!!!!!! 

Nina is upset in her office, thinking of telling Sonny and WILLOW comes by. GEESH. Her dress split at the hospital and she needs help.  Nina gives her a gorgeous navy blue one to wear. AND her necklace to use. Looks gorgeous. They talk about all the time they have ahead of them but Nina knows time's a tickin'.  "I have a mother in fashion" says Willow and hugs her. Then they are headed out to the SAVOY! it's coming people!! 

Olivia realizes Sonny and Lois aren't at the docks so Michael, Ned and her run back to the Savoy.

Savoy: Lois is going to tell Sonny "I know who ratted out Carly and Drew to the SEC and so does ya whole family" ..Then everyone runs into the restaurant and Lois says: If ya don't believe me, ask ya son". And Michael says "YES I kept it from you"... DUN DUN DUN. Olivia, Lois and Ned leave. Sonny questions Michael. Michael says he knew since October, right after he married Nina. Sonny's yelling. Michael's trying to calm him down. Then he says he didn't say to protect WILLOW. 

Back at the Q's, Olivia lays into Lois for ruining Sonny's life. OMG they get INTO it. Olivia yells at Lois and then Lois says YOU KNOW ABOUT KEEPING SECRETS FROM SONNY, don't ya?? OMG! It's about Dante!! EEEEKK!! 


Olivia runs out of the house, mad at Lois

Michael tells Sonny it was Nina, right when Nina walks in with Willow

Carly finds out her mom died in Amsterdam 



  1. Feels like SWEEPS!!!!

  2. great show!
    few thoughts:
    ----LOVE that Drew is gonna be mean and hate hate --------------MICHAEL for not telling the truth (I hate goody-goody Drew) and I think at the end of 2024 CREW are no more - she is not going like this version of Drew
    -----can't stand whiny Nina BUT gotta give Cynthis W props - her facial expressions are MUCH better than screaming and yelling actors who win awards - she was perfection today (still don't like her character though)
    ------obviously Carly won't find out until 2-3 weeks after Bobbie's service next week - Laura W did an interview on how she insisted Carly run into Sonny's arms about Bobbie and I agree.......not sure though Sonny is gonna be mad at Michael like I thought, especially Michael claiming "I love you and didn't want to hurt you"....
    ----I think Willow though will be mad at Michael and Nina -------but not sure they can all pretend during the next few weeks of Bobbie's service...
    -----Lois' words to Olivia were just about keeping Dante a secret from Sonny - she never mentioned Dante getting shot but it was a great fight..........still think Lois leaves soon
    (I don't think scab writers intended for her to spill the beans when they her back but glad she kinda did)----------Olivia WANTED to tell the truth but today she acted like she never did and bringing up ELQ was a nice touch of "what happened to you Liv"
    -----great show and I want everyone yelling and screaming when everyone finds out but Drew hating Michael is gonna be huge...

    1. I hope they make Sonny show anger towards Nina but have it be more about the lies, since Carly & Drew did break the law. It's not like she made it up or something. Nixon Falls was much worse than this.

      I don't like that Carly will be the victim, with losing Bobbi at the same time it guarantees a Sonny/Carly reunion. Yawn.. I enjoyed the past 2 years watching Sonny (and Maurice) be captivating again. That being said I hope they do right by Jackie.

  3. I did not think it was a great show...until the last segment. The banter about who was the rat just bothered me. Finally it's out.
    Action at the Q's was outstanding. As usual.
    I watched it live and at the end they scrolled all the credits with Christmas music. Thought they already did that.

    1. agree - that last part was the best part - all the Carly/Drew/Dante/Sam was boring - still think they are setting up Drew to go dark

  4. Crimson/Nina's office:

    Willow and mama Nina: Awww nice scene with them. This will be the last nice scene before all the crap hits the fan!

    The pier:

    Michael on the phone with Willow: Willow sounds like a robot! ROFL!

    Nedlia and Michael: Oh yes! Run back to the Savoy! It's a dire situation! The truth will come out! You gotta stop Lois right Olivia?

    Sante home: Lindsay Hartley!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!! Love her as Sam!!!! :) Wait though why is Sam recast?

    TempRecast Sam and Dante: They have got chemistry!!!! :)

    TempRecast Sam, Scout, and Dante: This is a better conversation with Scout and mama! :) Great scene! I love that Dante gave Scout ginger al awwww. :)

    Sante: What?! Sam don't back down! Are you afraid of Drew? Dante is right! A mistake would have had Scout go to the school that she wasn't happy with! She is having freakin nightmares! I'm glad they weren't talking in bed again, and I'm glad they had zex! :)

    The Savoy:

    Lois and Sonny: SPIT IT OUT LOIS!!!! :D

    Sonny, Lois, Nedlia, and Michael: SOMEONE SPIT IT OUT!!!!

    Michael and Sonny: SPIT IT OUT MICHAEL!

    Michael, Sonny, Willow, and Nina:

    Michael: IT WAS NINA!

    FINALLY! And did you hear the dun dun dun when Michael said that?! :D

    Q mansion:

    Brase: Brooky is acting so strange. What is going on?

    Olivia and Lois: Olivia and her peek a boob dress are so furious! Lois you said the wrong thing!!!!! OOPS!

    Ned and Brooky: Come on Ned! Tell her who called the FCC! Or however it's spelled. ROFL!

    Carly's home:

    Bedroom: Well I'm glad they didn't have zex in the kitchen where the Tribbles can watch them.

    Kitchen: HI TRIBBLES! :D Did you have a good new years eve? :) Yes Drew you have changed! Being in jail does that. Phone call!!!!! My first thought was she heard about Nina.

    Carly: It was the embassy in Amsterdam.

    I'm like oh no oh no oh no!!! :(

    Carly: My mom's dead.


    1. WHY did Brook go back - agree - something is off/she was looking for something

    2. "mufasa says, WHY did Brook go back - agree - something is off/she was looking for something"

      Yeah what was she lookin for? Hmmm.

  5. I just don't understand why Olivia is so upset and wants to keep the Nina secret. Wouldn't her friend Carly want to know? Are they producing this angst as an excuse for Lois to leave again? Other than that, this is all falling into place.

    1. and I loved Lois saying the thing about ELQ and what happened to you....cause yes Olivia was SOOOO acting like a Quartermaine/all about the company...

  6. ----Laura Wright has the best hair ever.........
    ---I SURE HOPE that when we finally see Anna and Valentin again, etc., that Anna says, "I took a quick trip to California to see Robin for Christmas." since we last saw them Christmas Eve...
    ----i really thought Drew's phone rang - not Carly's - cause she said something about who is calling or should I answer or something.
    ---in the previews I don't think it's Nik with Ava -

    1. I love Laura's hair too. Always perfection. She is blessed to have that thick hair!

  7. Tuesday's show was great. I hope they can keep this up and not peter out again.

    I liked that it was Lois who finally spilled the beans about Nina (seems in character) and the confrontation between her and Olivia. Ned running out of the house to get Olivia was the cherry on the sundae.

    So, they are changing Drew's character. They must have finally heard all of us fans saying he was dull as dishwater. Now, can they salvage Finn? Start by breaking him up with Elizabeth.

    The preview scene with someone covering Ava's mouth has me perplexed. Is it Nikolas? Could it be Todd Manning?

    I've enjoyed two episodes in a row. Dare I get my hopes up for 2024?

    1. Forgot this: I said it the two previous times she stepped in and I still think it. Lindsay Hartley makes a good Sam.

  8. I came across this on X (formerly Twitter) and had to repost. This clip is "GH" at its prime and shows why Jacklyn Zeman was a treasure.


  9. I loved yesterday's show. Temp Sam is quite good. She can fill in anytime.
    I liked Michael's angst yesterday with Sonny. I know I'm the only one who likes him (lol!) but he was good yesterday. All of the arguments, all of the character's reactions, just spot on! I'm like Kevin above, dare I get my hopes up for 2024? Keep it coming GH! :)

    Reminder about the GH prime time special tomorrow, 10 pm on ABC!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...