Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Will She or Won't She?


Will ol' Esme attack today or??? I'm not sure I'll be here for the live show so I'm writing this up just in case I don't make it. 

NO ONE was surprised when Esme popped up. Considering NC needed/needs time off for "Monsters" (including PR junket) -- I guess this is a way to do it. 

Other thoughts: 
I SO don't care about the "shooter" ... it's just a nothing plot right now. 

We knew Curtis wouldn't be in that wheelchair forever--just hurry it up

WIDOW MULDOON?  Um, yeah, no one wanted this. We knew Finn wouldn't be found guilty (unless maybe ME was leaving the show) so... get on with it. 

Adam fell off the face of the earth and that's symptomatic of everything. Pacing. Pacing Pacing. Not that Adam matters but... 


Aidan and his relationship/science project

More Charlotte 

and.. um... I GUESS the Chalyn Wedding? Because it's a wedding? 

Drew kills Carly in a fit of some PTSD? 

Dr. O comes back and opens up a Botox/Filler Spa combo ... MS. WU runs her gambling parlor out the back. 

OK! That's it! SEE YA 


  1. ----surprised Avery is on the island but wow this girl has grown!!
    -----SO funny that the boat is CLEARLY the Haunted Star - including the bedroom where Kiki died------ I wouldn't wanna cruise in fog/at night - I would want the daytime!
    -----Tracy was great today-she's been on my nerves lately but today she was great....maybe because she was doing something good? Go Fund Me page that NO ONE SPOKE OF before now ----- like bringing in Sam? so that is it????? at least Gregory knows Tracy did something...CLEARLY a storyline the old writers were ready to wrap you cause I can't believe all this time was wasted on 'case dismissed'---------also odd the hospital's lawyer was never there..
    -----Esme's plan must be to hide Trina unless Spence gets Ace? Cause Spencer should be able to overpower Esme unless he doesn't know where Trina is
    ----LOVE Diane to Marty: "when heeellllll freezes o-vah"
    -----feelings for Portia haven't changed----annoying and blaming Spencer instead of Esme???? and we all know Curtis is gonna stand up and walk while saving Trina....and I know it's a soap and I am so legalistic but co-chief Portia just dropping everything and leaving patients plus we haven't seen Terry since October.....
    ----tomorrow with NC last day and shooting on the island should be a good one.
    ----I like Brennan a lot.....

    1. I knew you would love the boat. I 'bout died when they walked onboard and didn't LOOK for Esme given the last time they were on that deck Ace was born.

  2. Today's show just annoyed me.
    Why would Laura stop to call Sonny?
    Esme travels to a small town called Paris and immediately locates her prey. Thank goodness for the locater chips she must have injected them with. Those chips will surely help the next group to arrive in that small town.
    Do not care about the gun chase.
    Sonny and Ava taking Avery and going to PR to hide is nonsensical. Obviously.
    Thanks to whoever wrote Tracy as the hero and ender of the tapeworm trial.

    1. I actually enjoyed todays show. Love how they wrapped up some storylines. I didn't find it strange that Esme found them as she may be tracking their phone.

      I found it more unbelievable that Curtis thinks he can wheel around paris, find Esme, and take he down because he wiggled his toes yesterday.

  3. The courthouse:

    Mrs. Maldoon and Tracy: Is Tracy going to ruin everything? Hmmm. Tracy has a little talk with Mrs. Maldoon.

    The judge: This case is dismissed.


    WOW! Tracy you did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

    Gregory and Tracy: Talking hypotheticals. Gregory knows Tracy helped. Okay now time to kiss. :D

    Fiz: Zzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Diane and Marty: Diane wins the line of the day with a southern accent!

    Diane: You might get that chance, when hail freezes ovah.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Marty could best you someday Diane! :)

    The hospital:

    Purtis and Mr. Hat man: Ooooo Mr Hat man and Curtis going to a game! :) I just love their scenes!

    Purtis, Mr. Hat man, and Laura: Oh geez! Now Portia is going to freak out now that she knows Trina is in danger. Now Mr. Hat man and Curtis aren't going to the game. When Curtis said he is going with Laura to Paris, I thought Mr. Hat man was going to say he will go with them! I didn't expect Portia to go.

    Jail airport waiting area:

    Jordan, Anna, and Brennan: Hey Brennan!!! Good to see you! You have nice eyes. Too bad Brennan and Carly can't date. Brennan wants immunity from Robert so that he can help Jordan and Anna! I hope he gets it!!!


    Sprina: The boat looks like the haunted star! :) GAH! Why does Sprina's phones don't work?!!!? GAH!

    Sprina and the captain: Oh hello captain! You have a nice boat! Do you have Tribbles in every room? :)

    Captain and Vampira: DAMN! She just knocked his ass out! Did you see how she reacted after she knocked him out? She felt so bad and apologized! She was shaky! The old Vampira wouldn't give a crap hurting people. Now she does. She is a gray character now and I like it. :)

    Spencer looking for a snack: This reminds of nightmare on elm street! :) Spencer lookin at the blood and looking worried!

    Trina and Vampira: RA RO!

    Puerto Rico/Sonny's island:

    Sonny and Ava: Oh look Ava's wearing a dress that can easily be taken off while on the way to have zex! :D

    Sonny and Avery: Awwwwwwww. :) She is so adorable! I'm glad we kept her since she was little! Sonny had to explain to Avery about Nina not living with him for awhile. Sonny give her some Tribbles all her own! Then she can talk to them and be friends with them. :)

    Dex and guard:

    Dex: Adam?

    I was thinking Adam is there?! Why?! Oh it's a guard that has been knocked out. Why is the guard's name Adam?! How odd.

    Sonny and Ava: SHOOTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They hide under the table!!! Almost getting shot, Adrenaline pumping = Zex! :)

    1. I was confused when he said "Adam" too. Why call the guard Adam. lol That's what happens when you have rotating writers. lol maybe they don't know there's another adam.

      And i laughed out loud when Diane threw that southern drawl back at him. So funny.

    2. "Di says, I was confused when he said "Adam" too.

      Hahaha. It's like did Sonny ask Adam to come down to help Adam feel better? :)

      "Why call the guard Adam. lol"


      "That's what happens when you have rotating writers. lol maybe they don't know there's another adam."

      Communication is key!!!!

      "And i laughed out loud when Diane threw that southern drawl back at him. So funny."

      Hahaha that was great! :D

  4. also I LIKE Brennan but of course no WAY the WSB head guy would be at Pentonville in Port Charles....he would be like in foreign country in solitaire......sigh....

    1. Exactly. I call this type of thing "careless writing," although perhaps "clueless writing" would be better. This type of thing has been so common over the past 3 years. I hope the new head writers care more and stop it.

  5. The actor who plays John Brennan has A LOT more charisma than the guys who play NuDrew and Cody. Can we get rid of them and add the new guy to the cast?

  6. I like Brennan too, good actor and ever so dreamy. And seriously he's not in a Super Max prison somewhere and in Pettonville? That annoyed me. Loved Tracy and Gregory. And seriously Diane, Marty would have wiped the floor with you if not for Tracy's interference. She needs to lose a case. I love Diane but I don't need her to be insufferable.
    I'll be missing Spencer but I'm not looking forward to Trina's histrionics if/when he disappears.

    1. I won't miss Spencer and it's so silly WHY I won't miss him - I know the writers created something so he can make a movie and that spoils it for me -----------plus I don't think NC will ever return..



Yesterday's Show:  So, Lulu found out about the baby. Carly's all jelly about some rando lady and Brennan. :eyeroll:  So, Jason can ...