Monday, January 22, 2024

Blame My Job


YET again I'm out!! I have a zoom meeting at 2:15 so --I'll watch later. My Bills lost -- giving me a PTSD flashback to "Wide to the Right Forever" Scott Norwood game. UGH.. plus I really REALLY wanted them to beat the Chiefs! 

Please use the comment section to recap or let me know if its' worth watching today! Thank you! 


  1. ----had COMPLETELY forgotten that Nina overheard Olivia and that is how she knew about insider trading...............will we ever see Sonny and Ava showdown and WHAT ABOUT Lois and Olivia? I like spunky Olivia - not the Olivia today but do they not co-own the Metro Court??
    ----..and still Drew and Michael showdown.....which will break up CREW
    -----no one looks at visitors records of Heather to see that Esme visited?
    -----really thought Carly was just figure head and wouldn't run Crimson - she is definitely going to see more of this insufferable side of Drew------
    ----... being honest though was Nina EVER at work?LOL
    -----Lucy, Scott and Tracy officially bore me - same-o, same-o trying to get even...
    -----very confused as to how long/why Spencer is off-screen while NC films his movie and Trina and Nik is gone/gone? and does Esme still have a job????

  2. I haven't watched yet- but I really thought that Carly running Crimson was going to be a dream sequence of some kind. Carly was all about not getting revenge / moving on 30 seconds before she walked into Crimson on Friday. What the heck happened!!

    1. She does try to get out of it - Drew is whiny and annoying and she gives in- so I can accept that this is another nail in the CREW coffin ---- HE has no idea how to run a magazine either.......

    2. Ahh....I see. I have 90 minutes before I can watch! Not gonna lie - watching live has been much better the last few weeks!!

  3. The Bills! UGH! Still hurts. :( So a lot of funny one liners today.

    Crimson/Nina's office:

    Crew and Nina: I love the Nina clap hahaha. Man Drew is acting like Ryan Lavery! It's so creepy! Nina got some digs in! Good for you Nina! :D Now let's have a Carly and Nina brawl!!!

    Crew: Ryan Lavery wants Carly to stay at Crimson FOREVA!!! Her being there is only supposed to be temporary. He convinced her that she can be there FOREVA!! She is going to work at both Bobbie's and Crimson! Her mom did it when she worked at the hospital and at Kelly's!!! :) Smoochie smoochie time.. Will they have zex in the office?

    Deception offices:

    Lucy on the phone with Scotty: He is telling Lucy she told Tracy the truth about Lucy. She wants to be there when he talks to Tracy! Scotty says she will cramp his style.

    Lucy: What style?


    Mucy: She is trying to leave, but Marty is there!!! :) I don't think she is that into him anymore. They have been together a year. She tells him she is going to the Metrocourt for pancakes. He wants to join her. RA RO.

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and Scotty: Scotty warning Tracy about Lucy! BAHAHAHAHA! I get it! This is all a trick from him isn't it? :) Then he can get Tracy drunk, take her to Vegas, and then marry her! :) Or maybe the plan will blow up in Lotty's (Scotty and Lucy) face and THEY are the ones to get married! :)

    Mucy: He is trying to talk to her, but she is preoccupied over Scotty and Tracy. He thinks she is staring at Scotty. He wants to know what is going on between her and Scotty. RA RO!

    Brase and Gregory: Awwww! Brase wants Gregory to marry them. He don't think it's a good idea because what if he can't talk very well. Brooky wins the line of the day.

    Brooky: Have you met me? I have no problem giving my opinion.

    BAHAHAHAHA! Ain't that the truth. :)

    Metrocourt bathroom:

    Olivia and Nina: Stop with the waterworks Nina and be strong!!! Olivia didn't like what you did either. You don't expect Olivia to be on your side and be besties with you do you?

    Nina and the mirror:

    Nina: If Carly and Drew want a war, they've got one.

    THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!!!! YEAHHHHHHH! :D Get it done Nina! :)

    Mirror: Stop breathing on me bitch.

    Jail visitation airport waiting area:

    Vampira and Heather: WOW! This was hysterical! Heather and her facial expressions and movements toward the guard! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Heather wants Vampira to leave town! Vampira don't want to leave without Ace! She said, If she don't have Ace she has nothing. Awwwwww! :)

    The hospital:

    Spencer, Laura, and Dante: Spencer was acting like a Cassadine today when he brought up Sonny to Dante!!! Spencer isn't going to jailypoo though. :)

    Spencer and Laura: Laura isn't angry about what Spencer did anymore. She says if he is right about Esme, they should not underestimate her!! Damn straight you can't underestimate Vampira! :)

    1. YES today Laura finally believed Esme is lying!

    2. "mufasa says, YES today Laura finally believed Esme is lying!"

      Laura needs to confront her!!!! :)

    3. Sonya you win line of the day. "Mirror: Stop breathing on me bitch." HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'm dead!
      I'm with you still, we need a Carly/Nina brawl stat!
      Drew is nuts. That's all I've got.
      Got a huge kick out of Spencer today. He was so Cassadine and I loved it!

    4. "Julie H says, Sonya you win line of the day. "Mirror: Stop breathing on me bitch." HAHAHAHAHAHAH! I'm dead!"

      Hahahahahaha. Thank you. :)

      "I'm with you still, we need a Carly/Nina brawl stat!"

      YES! ASAP!

      "Drew is nuts. That's all I've got."


      "Got a huge kick out of Spencer today. He was so Cassadine and I loved it!"

      It was great!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Helena would be proud!

  4. Dont put the blame on you. Blame it on the rain.

    It is actually raining in Vegas. We get 2 inches of rain per year. Today is one of them.

    1. "david says, Dont put the blame on you. Blame it on the rain."

      Oh damn. Blame it on the rain song just popped in my head! Hahaha!

  5. Rumor has it that Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor have been released from GH. Read in on the internet so you know. Maybe true, maybe not.

  6. Thought out the family tree and concluded spencer and dante are cousins. Not exactly obvious based on that interaction. Sigh, similarly Laura doesn't treat dante like family or seem to spend time w his son (her grandson)...

  7. Enjoyed today's show and glad Nina isn't backing down from Carly and Drew. Bring on the fireworks.

  8. Well, it's now being reported by multiple websites including TV Line, which is reputable -- Chris Van Etten and Dan O'Connor have been let go as head writers.

    I think things are looking up for "GH."

    1. Whoa! :0 I wonder what happened behind the scenes!


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...