Thursday, January 18, 2024

And Yet, She's OFF again!


Wild Great Esme-Spencer day. Those scenes should have never been chopped up. It's such a crime how they do things on soaps now. Just sad. Anyway, Loved how casually Spencer was like: YEP...Ace is gone! 

NOW in the real world taking a kid away from his mother at that age is horrible even IF you think she's evil. BUT in soap-land? AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!! squee. LOL What in the world will LAURA DO?!

So I'm off for my 6 week hair cut. Dave thinks I get it done ALL. THE TIME. But--it's once every 6 weeks LOL 


  1. Karen ain't gonna be happy but I liked Carly today - I thought she was wise and direct and not dramatic......
    ----now waiting on Sonny/Michael convo
    ---COMPLETELY forgot Cyrus is Nicholas's step-uncle or something and that he had told Esme she could come to him....................does she still have a job?
    ----wonder when we see Charlotte? Guess when Nina goes to see Valentin.
    -----Drew/CM just isn't cutting it for me and I really tried to like him. He needs to stay with Hallmark movies....I am gonna lose it if GH puts him with Anna.
    -----rest of today was was interesting though that Jordan may have some leads on the shooting----and I guess she still hasn't seen Curtis but is working the case......which I figured out Anna was waiting on Jordan....which apparently WSB took her
    ----SO I guess one big part of February sweeps is gonna be the shooting/Anna/WSB/Sonny, etc......almost a year Valentine's Day and Curtis was shot going to pool to forgive Portia.....#waytoolong
    ----LOVE Carly/Laura's earrings!!!!!!!!!!!!
    -----by the way SICK of Willow who LIED ABOUT CANCER being condescending and saying "I don't need protection" to Michael when she said those very words to HIM!

    1. You mean the same Willow who was messing behind Chase’s back with Michael and being deceitful in the name of protecting him? This character is so annoying. And that’s no shade to the actress, who knocks it out of the park consistently.

  2. I think that Drew is going to take Crimson away from Nina or at least try to.

    1. me too - not sure how UNLESS he threatens to sue her or something???

    2. I think that aurora might own crimson. I remember something about that when Julian ran the media company.

    3. Yep, Aurora does own Crimson. My guess is he fires Nina and puts Maxie in charge. Now, if I was Nina, who is co-owner of the hotel where Aurora's offices are located, I would retaliate by trying to evict Drew.

    4. But will the writers remember is the question!

  3. Where are you Sonya ? Signed, Badger Bob, the Tribbles, the green beans and Tommy D. Tapeworm

    1. "JohnD says, Where are you Sonya ?"

      Sorry! I'm here I'm here!!! I went to the movies today and missed GH! Then had to watch it later having my dinner. Then had to have time to write it all up! :) Oh and the movie was boys in the boat.. Very good movie!!! I recommend it!

      "Signed, Badger Bob, the Tribbles, the green beans and Tommy D. Tapeworm"

      ROFL! And JohnD!!! *Giggle* Wait what does D. stand for in Tommy D. Tapeworm? ROFL!

  4. Q mansion:

    Carly and Michael: Great scene!!

    Carly: I think that makes you your mother's son.

    ROFL! Carly is calm and forgives her son. She will always forgive him! Awwwwwww. :)

    Carly: I don't have to serve her at my restaurant.

    HUH?! Did Carly get the Metrocourt back?

    Carly: Yes I want payback, but I want peace of mind more.

    WHAT?! Damn we are not going to get a brawl are we? DAMMIT!

    Mildew: There is tension in the air. Willow hasn't forgiven him! Wiley wants to sleep in his own bed with his mommy and daddy at home!!! Awww poor Wiley!

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Drew and Anna: They are bonding over their misery! Anna has a book that can help him!

    Anna: Did you know that anger is a byproduct of fear?

    Hmmm no I haven't heard that. Interesting!

    Drew and Carly: When Anna left, she took the book with her! I thought she was going to lend him the book! Carly says there you are! Why would she say that, when he called her? That was a weird line. Drew wants Nina revenge! I rather see Carly's Nina revenge. :)

    The hospital:

    Vampira and Cyrus: She needs his help getting Ace back! Hmmm interesting. I like the scene. Vampira wins the line of the day.

    Vampira: Am I being lectured by an ex con?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Cyrus is gonna help her! Soapy messy delicious fun! :)

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    Anna calling Jordan: Anna and Jordan are supposed to get together, but Jordan is late! Anna left her a message!

    Port Chuckles Grille:

    Jordan and TJ: TJ wants his mama's opinion of this baby situation. Jordan is proud of him! Jordan has work to do on a case. TJ tells her to be careful. HUH?! I'm thinking is something bad going to happen?

    Krissy's home:

    Krissy and Blaze: They have not seen each other. Krissy has been busy and confronts her about that day they held hands, but then she hid from it. Krissy don't like it and don't want to hide. I guess they won't be together now.

    Krissy talking to the baby: Oh oh. The start of her talking to the baby and bonding with the baby.

    Krissy and Blaze: OH! Blaze wants to try and see where it goes!!! :) Yay! Kraze!!! :) Blaze wants to cook! She brought things to cook! :)

    The pier:

    Jordan and two thugs: OH OH! TJ shouldn't of told his mom to be careful!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to February 10th 2006* This is when Tony dies. Tony sees BJ!!! Then after Tony dies,

    Bobbie: I will carry you with me, until BJ comes for me too.

    And I'm sure BJ did!!! Bobbie, Tony, and BJ are together again! Awwwww! :)

    1. Really enjoyed Carly and MIchael. There conversation hit all the right notes with me. I'm one of the few Michael "likers" so I was very glad his momma forgave him. And really he did exactly what Carly would have done, lol! I laughed when Carly said your apology tour isn't over, i.e. Willow. Nice line!

      Anna and Drew....nope, nope, nope.
      Esme and Cyrus...ewwww, lol! At first I couldn't figure out why she would even go to him. Reformed/doesn't remember Esme would have gone running to Laura while calling the cops. But I think I will enjoy this storyline.

      I remember your throw back scene. Ugh...I was was crying. I miss Tony.

    2. also every single time someone tells Esme that she has her memory back she never ever answers.....just changes the subject

    3. "Julie H says, Really enjoyed Carly and MIchael. There conversation hit all the right notes with me."

      Yeah I liked the scene. :)

      "I'm one of the few Michael "likers" so I was very glad his momma forgave him."

      I like Michael, it's just that he annoys me sometimes. ROFL!

      "And really he did exactly what Carly would have done, lol!"

      Hahaha she knows that too! She even said I think that makes you your mother's son. ROFL!

      "I laughed when Carly said your apology tour isn't over, i.e. Willow. Nice line!"

      Hahaha. Yes he does need to keep apologizing to Willow!

      "Anna and Drew....nope, nope, nope."

      Yeah I'm not sure about Dranna. They can be friends.

      "Esme and Cyrus...ewwww, lol!"


      "At first I couldn't figure out why she would even go to him. Reformed/doesn't remember Esme would have gone running to Laura while calling the cops. But I think I will enjoy this storyline."

      Well she blames Laura for what is happening! :) This storyline got my interest!

      "I remember your throw back scene. Ugh...I was was crying. I miss Tony."

      Yeah I remember it too. :( So heartbreaking!!! I miss Tony too!

  5. I like how storylines seems to be moving along at a better pace. Having Esme go to war with Spencer and Trina should be fun to watch.

    I am not thrilled how basically Willow has forgiven Michael after two days. They are far more interesting when they are at odds.

    TPTB had better not pair Anna with Drew. Drew is supposed to be Jason's twin. So, basically Anna would be dating Monica's son. That is just odd.

    Turning Drew into a villain-lite might be the only way they can salvage Cameron Mathison's version of the character, who has been a complete dud so far.

  6. They need to have a Nina/Olivia conversation about this mess as well as Olivia/Carly. I;m waiting to see that for sure.

    If I were writing I would have Nina stand up to everyone instead of all the blubbering/begging/pleading/excuses because its pathetic.

    I'm with most of you, Drew is just Blech for me. And for Willow to keep saying he saved her life is kind of a joke. You would have died if it weren't for Liesl


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...