Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Day ONE of Memorial


How surreal...watching an actual memorial with the cast but treating it like a 'character' which it IS --but still is a real person. Lordy. Give me strength to get through this. 

It would be so hard to write all this I hope you WATCH IT when you can. Even if it's just in snippets on YouTube. 
Lucas is there. 

The Kelly's sign fell and Liz is going to repaint it. 

I wish Brad was there because Brad/Lucas. 

Tracey and Lucy are calling a truce for today. 

Keifer/Krissy talk and then a flashback to Bobbie talking to ALexis about her abusive past. 

OK, SOME CHICK is there that Maxie is wondering who it is--and she looks suspicious. Is she Bobbie's sister/daughter? What? WHO. Someone that is related to Luke ?? WHAT

Laura's speech killed me because you KNOW Genie was upset. UGH had to be so hard. Kin too. Liz talked about her then Carly. 

BJ heart transplant flashback

I think that lady is possibly Luke's daughter? Hmmm... she sure looks like Bobbie a bit but-- No she's a reporter from AP in Amsterdam. Seems Bobbie was doing work over there helping women get out of human trafficking. She was trying to get a woman back to the US that was a contact . IT was OG -- BJ!!! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

Then they also talk about Bobbie being "trafficked" because she was so young when she was a prostitute. 

Carly wants to find out who the person Bobbie was helping in Amsterdam so she can help her. Carly asks Tracey to come to her house to see if she knows anything about this. Tracey doesn't but she knew a cafe she went to in Amsterdam and now Carly is going there to try to find the lady her mom was helping. 
Like time jumped to go! 

Felicia found out through Drew that Carly was going to Amsterdam and she goes with her 


  1. ----just gonna say it - this girl HAS to be related or something with people we know.....for Felicia to say 'you have kind eyes' and then for her to say 'I feel the same way about my parents'----

    I like this storyline - (obviously this has nothing to do with Jason) but the final result has to mean something ---------------- with this girl they will find------both of their names are on with comings and goings....----

    --oh unless Carly brings her home to adopt her and turns out like the mob somewhere is after her....---
    -I really liked the pace, too - it didn't seem choppy at all - in and out scenes...-----just odd Terry and Finn not there at the service --

    -one more great little detail was Carly saying, "I KNEW there was a reason Mom wasn't coming back  - I wondered what was taking so long to settle Luke's affairs....nice touch, writers...

    .Guess Felicia picked out her paper work to be on vacation from work LOL----tomorrow's episode and tributes look great!

    1. I blubbered through most of it. It was really well done. You could tell that the grief was real on many of the actors faces.

      I was thinking there was some kind of relationship going to be revealed eventually.

      Anyone else thinking Liz's sign will say Bobbie's or some variation thereof?

    2. I was definitely thinking Kelly's will now be called Bobbie's.

    3. While I get why they would change the name from Kelly's to Bobbie's, this long-time viewer - started with my mother back in the 1960s - fells that it should stay Kelly's.

    4. Yeah Gary I want it to stay Kelly's too.

  2. Great show today!!!! Love the flashbacks! Should have been flashbacks throughout the show!
    Flashback of Bobbie with black hair. She is better with red hair. I'm so used to her with red hair!!

    The hospital's death wall: Seeing Bobbie's picture made me have shivers!

    Church/Funeral: OG LUCAS YAY! FELIX!!! I saw the casket and made me so sad and had tears. When I saw the previews yesterday of the casket it made me so sad! Yeah I saw that lady, and wondered if she is related to Bobbie. That lady looks like her. What a nice scene between Lucas and Felix. Love that Maxie has that memory of Tony putting his head on Maxie so that he could feel BJ's heart!!! Thank you writers! :)


    Liz and Carly: Huh? A storm? Port Chuckles had a storm? Are we getting a new sign?

    Carly, Maxie, Felicia, and the reporter lady: Oh Bobbie!!!!! Wanting to help people escape sex trafficking!!!! Bobbie you were the best! Okay I'm interested in this storyline. :)

    Felicia and Carly: Awwww that's nice that Felicia gave Carly, Carly's coat! :) Felicia wins the line of the day.

    Felicia: Leave it to Bobbie to find a way to save the world as her side hustle.


    Felicia, reporter lady, and Maxie: Hmmm reporter lady has kind eyes? Is this lady more than just a reporter? Or maybe she isn't a reporter. Maybe Bobbie is her mother and wants to know more about her! Whoever she is, my spidey senses are tingly!!!

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Tracy: OH! Tracy! The name of the cafe!!!! GREAT! :)

    Crew and Joss: Time for the Amsterdam adventure!!!! :)

    Carly and Felicia: YAY!!!!! I was hoping Felicia would go with her!!! That made me tear up! Having Felicia go on the adventure is so much better than her working at the hospital! So stupid and boring. The Carly and Felicia Amsterdam adventure!!!! :) I don't know how long this will be. Will this be another spin-off?!?! :D

  3. OH MY OH MY OH MY!!! That reporter lady today is the actress that played BJ Jones!!!! :0

    People are talking about it on soap central website!!!!

    1. Oh ya, You can tell from the picture that it is "BJ" all grown up. That is so awesome

    2. So exciting and awesome! :)

    3. I sent the link to my sister who is another long time GH viewer. She will love this.

    4. "Gary says, I sent the link to my sister who is another long time GH viewer. She will love this."

      Oh great! I'm sure she will be happy and excited!!! :D

  4. Human trafficing is HUGE; especially here in the U.S too. SO HORRIBLE. Good storyline since Bobbie was trafficed and a hooker.

    1. The timing was right too since January 11th is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day

  5. I love how pretty much everyone having a conversation with Snarly has to start with....I know we've never been close or I know we've never been friends....just saying. Pretty damn good ep today. More flashbacks are definitely needed and sorely lacking. Looking forward to tomorrow's ep.

  6. I have to wait till this weekend. I want to prepare myself as it hits a little too close to home. I lost my dad two years ago when he was in a facility and we couldn't see him during Covid. He died in his sleep. I will watch Saturday so I can sit with my box of tissues and really feel this. I had the pleasure of meeting Jackie once and told her how much her BJ storyline meant to me. My first daughter was never born because she had an inoperable heart condition. Hyperplastic Right Heart Syndrome. It was one of the worst cases the doctors had seen. I told her this and how much this story impacted my life and made me know I made the right decision. She could not have been nicer. She was a true icon and I will miss her greatly.

  7. I'm have mixed feelings over the tribute. It's a nice and heartbreaking send off. I too would like to see more flashbacks, as some notable Bobbie storylines were from either before I was born or too young to watch.

    My nitpick is how GH tends to overdo their send offs. Sean, Epiphany, and Gail all had exaggerated instances (Annie's fake WSB mission, fireworks, the hospital scavenger hunt) . Having Carly and Felicia go to Amsterdam, is a little out of left field and makes Bobbie's tribute contrived.

  8. Loved everything about this episode. And got all sniffly too. The BJ actress has grown up to be a beautiful young lady and I said on FB that she looked like a young Skye Quartermaine. She really did have kind eyes.
    I love the idea of Flea and Carly on an adventure together because that means we get to see more of Felicia. Kristina Wagner has been just wonderful through all of this and it must be so hard for her. The human trafficking story line is very relevant, too.
    I'm hoping for more flashbacks today, that has been the only thing lacking. I also appreciated Jackie Zeeman being in the opening's pictures. Nicely done.

  9. SoapDirt on you tube had warned over a week ago that she believed that the o.g. BJ would be a "surprise" at the funeral. I don't think the charactor is long term, but just a vessel for the 2nd day of tribute where she interviews various PC people in order to introduce flashbacks. I think the Amsterdam trip will be a fun storyline leading to a new charactor... the young woman, who will surely come back to PC with C and F.

  10. I loved seeing Felix & thank you writers for especially bringing Lucan back. Can he stay please? Watching the pall bearers was making me choke up. The actress that played young BJ was a wonderful addition too. Like most of you I could watch a whole eppy of just flashbacks.

    I am still not liking Drew. I expected to see Robert there and as a pall bearer as well as Ned at least in the church. Maybe I missed him.

    1. Linda, I haven't seen the episode yet but Robert wasn't there? He was not only Bobbie's friend but her brother's best friend. Robert should have been there. If he wasn't the writers messed up. Or Tristan was sick that day.

  11. I'm saving the episodes for this weekend and honestly, I don't know if I'll be able to watch the entire thing. My father died a couple of years ago and this storyline hits close to home.

  12. I'm a blubbering mess after watching this. I'm assuming most Americans missed most of it. Find it and watch from the beginning.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...