Friday, January 26, 2024



Court Day. Sam thinks she found something to help. She found footage of Muldoon going into a medical building before he saw Finn but can't prove it was an oncologist. She has to dig deeper. Meanwhile, Court starts. Diane is sitting with the wife. Diane is wearing a weird lowcut shirt and a chain belt? This trial, I DO NOT CARE. Something happened. Something happened. TAPE WORM. Diane brings up Finn's drug use. "It WAS A TAPE WORM" .. Finn gets pissy on the stand. Martin tells him he didn't do himself any favors. Sam comes back in and says Muldoons are broke and that they needed money. So it looks like Muldoon set Finn up. 

Anna and Laura talk in GH. Anna asks about Kevin and if she can help. Laura wants her back at the PCPD. MAC IS OUT OF THE COUNTRY? What did I miss? Anyway, Anna says no because she shot Charlotte and isn't ready. Laura and Jordan really want her to. 

Portia tells Laura that Kevin is going to be ok. She's very relieved. Portia and Laura talk about Esme and how Portia knew she was bad news. 

Chase tells Jordan that Esme is in Toronto with the nanny. Chase is going there. Tim Horton's coffee? 

Nina drinks alone in Charlie's, won't answer the phone. Valentin comes in and the are going to plot a bit! He thinks they should start another magazine and poach all of her staff from Crimson. 

Ava leaves Nina a message about the Crimson firing (She read it on her ipad). Sonny asks Ava what's up. She tells him Nina got let go from the magazine.  Brick tells Ava and Sonny the gun Ava has is from the WSB...just like the one that Shot at Sonny. Sonny's afraid that something will happen to Ava, Carly and other people he loves. Brick asks if he should protect Nina too. Sonny says yes. Then Brick leaves and Ava says they need to get out of the Penthouse for now so they go for a drink. 

Ava and Sonny go to Charlie's where Val and Nina are! lol. Nina asks about Spencer and Ace. He tells her none of her business.

PARIS: Sprina are in a gorgeous hotel room. They kiss and dance and speak some French. Go to bed. He needed a converter to charge his phone. Ergo, not hearing the message from Laura about Esme. He gets champagne and then the bellhop comes in looking scared. UT OH. NOPE he just came in and was embarrassed. Spencer is going to listen to the voicemail. 

He calls Laura and she and Portia tell them Esme is in Toronto and they are safe. *ut oh. Trina tells Spencer that he should be with his family, especially with Kevin being knocked out. Laura needs him. She says the next flight leaves in 2 hours. Plane crash maybe? NOPE Spencer says he's going to stay there. 

Nina says no to Valentin's offer

Chase and Dante are in Toronto waiting to see if Esme is in the Nanny apartment 

Sonny thinks Ava needs to go to the Island and he and Dex will go and set her up. Um... Ava thinks it's to get away from Nina. 

Jordan thinks that John Brennen was in on the arms deal or shooting or.. I don't know. 


  1. I had so much trouble hearing Brick's dialogue today that I gave up trying. Someone will rehash all the facts for me later, and sure enough they did.

    1. Yeah when he was going to leave and then came back to talk to Jordan, I couldn't hear what he said, but then I went online and heard him better. :)

    2. because I record the show I solved that problem by rewinding and turning on the closed captions.

  2. Brennan + head of WSB = I like it.....whatever just END IT IN FEBRUARY!
    -----Anna has cried enough.
    ------I'm liking the twist of Muldoon family set up Finn - wifey-poo knew it too - but I could have done without it being about AURORA -------------------unless somebody is related to Drew or Michael ----------- at least NOW we see the light at the end of the tunnel.
    ------I really thought Esme was gonna show up in Paris - I think Maggie is dead.....
    ------Diane never loses cases right??? But she is gonna lose this one.....
    ------remember these words from Ava 'no good can come from the two of us being stuck here together'-------------------------zex is a coming! I'm all in...... I WAS surprised that Sonny would want to go back to where they were MARRIED though....
    ------I liked Sprina for a time but something about Spence having no job - just being rich - grates on my nerves.....
    -----Valentin has grey hair.....and Nina's dress looked summerish....

    1. "Mufasa syas, ------remember these words from Ava 'no good can come from the two of us being stuck here together'-------------------------zex is a coming! I'm all in......"

      Oh yeah it's coming!!!! :D I'm all in and waiting. :)

      "Nina's dress looked summerish...."

      Yeah I loved the dress, but doesn't she feel cold?! Brrrrr!

    2. I have the same thoughts about Spencer. He does nothing. Guess it's hard to place someone in something who has always done nothing.

  3. Karen, Felicia has said that Mac is doing something in Argentina, I don't know what . . . I know the actor is supposed to come back in the spring after his medical treatments. . . I hope and pray that all goes well. . .

  4. Paris hotel:

    Sprina: They are wayyyyyyyy too adorable for words!!! Awwww turtle doves. :D Yeah Spencer can teach you some French kissing Trina! ;) The bellhop! Hahahahaha oopsy! :) I didn't hear any knocking. The bellhop was cute. :) Spencer in his underwear was fun. :) Geez I wonder where Spencer will go when the actor leaves.

    Toronto Canada:

    Dante, Chase, and the Canada cop: I hope Dante and Chase are wearing bullet proof vests!!! Hmmm the Canada cop looks a little like the bellhop in Paris!! ROFL!

    Port Chuckles:

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Ava: Geez Sonny are you in a hurry to get Ava to move out? :) Is Sonny Jr raring to go with Ava or something? :) The Green beans are happy with Ava living there..

    Sonny, Ava, and Brick: I like that they are working together!!

    Sonny and Ava:

    Ava: Nothing good can come from us stuck in this penthouse.

    Oh you mean because you two would have zex? :D

    Charlie's pub and restaurant:

    V.C. and Nina: Oooooo. Flirting with her and talking about her legs. The whole scene is foreplay! ;)

    Sonny and Nina: Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: It's none of your business!


    Ava and Nina: I'm glad Ava and Nina are still friends and that Ava is there for her awwww. :)

    Sonny and Ava: Sonny is so jelly looking at ValeNina touching hands! The island? Oh so that is where they will have zex eh? :)

    The hospital:

    Portia and Laura: I'm glad Doc is going to be okay! When he wakes up is he going to have amnesia? Will he think he is Ryan?

    Portia: You think I would be angry with you?

    Well, if the scab writers were still here, you would be angry at Laura.

    Portia, Laura, and Sprina: Great scene!!!

    Jordan, Laura, and Anna: Oh Anna come on! Snap out of it! And Charlie is not a child! Stop being emotional! Just go back to work at the PCPD!!! For crying out loud!

    Brick and Jordan: Sparks sparks sparks!!

    Brick: I haven't lost your number, and I'm hoping you won't lose mine.

    Oooooooooooooooooooo! That was good Brick! Very good. :) You made Jordan smile! :D She liked it. :)

    Courthouse: Oh good finally a trial! I see Tommy the Tapeworm sitting down! :D Finchy I hope you know that Diane is just doing her job. Nothing personal. Hmmm why is Diane dressed like that? Why isn't she in a suit?

    *Tommy the Tapeworm stands up*

    Tommy the Tapeworm: I did not kill that man! I am innocent!!!!

    Liz, Gregory, Marty, Finchy, Tommy the tapeworm, and Sam:

    Finchy: Maldoon set me up.

    Tommy the tapeworm: He set me up too!!!!

    Maldoon set him up?! Why?! That is so stupid! Did he even know Finchy? He better have known Finchy, and wants revenge or this whole thing is absurd!!!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1998* Tony and Luke conversation! Well Luke has a very good point.

    1. no dear Muldoon needed money for his wife!!!!

    2. "mufasa says, no dear Muldoon needed money for his wife!!!!"

      Then setting Finchy up is absurd.

    3. Maldoon knew he was dying and they were broke; even the insurance was cashed in. They decided to find a doctor who wasn't an oncologist, and go to him with the tapeworm problem. That way his wife could sue later, after he had died, because it was missed. Out and out fraud. Finchy was just the mark...nothing personal.

    4. "Di says, Maldoon knew he was dying and they were broke; even the insurance was cashed in. They decided to find a doctor who wasn't an oncologist, and go to him with the tapeworm problem. That way his wife could sue later, after he had died, because it was missed. Out and out fraud. Finchy was just the mark...nothing personal."

      Disgusting horrible family!!!

    5. "mufasa says, YES Di explained it great."

      Yes she did! :D

  5. also so the day before the trial is when they thought to HIRE A PI to investigate? NO ONE thought of Sam or Spinelli before - CLEARLY this is the writers wrapping up this storyline.....

  6. Portia remains a hypocrite. Anyone remember how she manipulated/teamed up with Esme yo keep Spencer occupied with her and Ace and away from Trina?

    1. old writers COMPLETELY didn't ask "so what did ya'll write when we were gone" LOL

    2. "mufasa says, old writers COMPLETELY didn't ask "so what did ya'll write when we were gone" LOL"


  7. TV Line reports that Nicholas Chavez' last airdate as Spencer before he leaves for a few months is Wednesday, Jan. 31.

    My guess is Esme drugs and kidnaps Spencer. When the actor is ready to return, which will be around May sweeps, I think Esme will try to broker a deal with Nikolas -- I will let Spencer go in exchange for Ace.

  8. Kevin, I think you are right. Feel so bad to hear about Tyler Christopher's cause of death. So sad, had hoped he had been in recovery. RIP! He was my all time GH favorite!

  9. Hey everyone! It's happening again. My uncle Louie's birthday is coming soon! February 6th! 101 years old! WOW! Well, his daughter again wants birthday cards! So here is the address! 😁Let's flood him with cards😁

    Louis Graziano 238 W Hill St Thomson, GA 30824


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...