Friday, January 19, 2024

Pack Your Things.


Nina's whole office is getting cleared out. Drew fires her--Aurora owns Crimson so.. BYE!  Nina says WHAT ABOUT MICHAEL? Drew says: Oh, he'll be happy! Nina yells at him and says how dumb it is to fire her when the magazine is so successful. They yell. She yells. He yells. He tells her to sign a termination letter or he'll fire the entire staff. 

Laura talks to Cyrus and then Spencer walks in.  Spencer tells Laura he saw Nikolas and he let him take Ace. Laura freaks the hell out. Spencer says he's not going to let Ace be raised by a psychopath... and Esme remembers everything. He tries to convince Cyrus and Laura that he knows that Esme remembers. Laura doesn't buy it. Cyrus is concerned about what will happen if Esme DOES find Nikolas. Laura says that Ace would have been better off with her and Spencer, not Nikolas. 

Adam wakes up and Willow tells him Joss saved his life. He's not too happy with that fact.  Portia comes in and talks to him. She says he has to have a psych eval before going. Mentions his parents. He panics NOT MY PARENTS! 
Adam's Dad comes in.  He wants to see Adam. Portia doesn't let him yet. Dad is like: DON'T OVER CHARGE ME, Adam's already wasted money".... Joss is there with Dex and tells Portia Adam can't go home and his Dad wonders why. Joss says she found him in the park. Dad asks if he was drinking with her. She says no. Joss says Adam is afraid of his parents. Dad says that Adam is squandering everything that his parents have worked for. Joss lets it slip Adam tried to kill himself. Bloop! 

Esme goes to Ava at The Gallery to ask for her help. Tells Ava Nik kidnapped Ace. Ava can't believe it--but knows how Esme must be feeling. She also tells her that if Nikolas left, she'll never find Ace. Esme says she has to try. 

Sam goes to Kelly's. Carly is looking for an assistant manager. Sam is waiting for Drew. Carly says it's going to be a long wait. Sam talks to Carly about how Drew has been "off" since prison. Carly says to give him some grace. (Not NINA but Drew).  Carly says that what happened to Drew is her fault because SHE had to buy the stocks and he went to prison for her. Welp. Miracles. 


Nina signs the letter firing her. Nina tells Drew that the magazine will fold because she's gone. OMG CARLY is the new EDITOR AND CHIEF!!!!!!!!!! OMG! WOW, that's evil. Is it FRANK DOING THIS?

Laura calls Dante about Nikolas. 


  1. ---I dunno - I don't think Carly WILL run Crimson - I think she will be in charge but maybe she hires Maxie to run it? or Sasha or Lucy? it's so outta the blue Carly telling Drew YESTERDAY she didn't want revenge and even with Sam acting like she didn't know exactly where Drew was......SO I think there is a caviat (SP???) next week
    -----Still to come: Ava knew what Nina did.......Michael and Sonny convo.....did Lois and Olivia patch things up?
    -----on a positive note, Drew is MUCH more entertaining when he yells and screams!
    -----still don't care about Adam's problems....I bet his mother is a mealy-mouth scared person of her husband.
    -----Cyrus really plays it to a tee, right? since NC IS filming or was a few weeks ago, Spence has got to be gone soon right OR are they filming around him?
    ----still MIA: Terry, Selina, Dr O and of course Phyllis is never even mentioned nor is Taggart...


  2. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Vampira and Ava: Oh I feel bad for Vampira! I mean Heather told her to concentrate on being a mother! How the hell is she going to do that, when her son gets kidnapped!

    Kelly's: Okay this is the last time I'll call it Kelly's.

    Carly and Sam: Hey! That lady who was being interviewed looked like Neka!!! :) Wow! Sam is all bundled up! Not even showing her bread! Yes Sam, Drew has changed. He is out for blood! Nina's blood! :)


    Drew and Nina: Oooooo! Messy soapy goodness! :) Love that Nina is defending herself and is loud and yelly! :) Drew is Ryan Lavery!!! #Team Nina!

    Drew, Nina, and Carly:

    Drew: And yet I already replaced you. Nina meet Crimson's new editor in chief.

    CARLY! HAHAHAHAAHAHHA! I love it! I was laughing and clapping. I did not see that one coming. Carly changed and did her hair! :) BEAUTIFUL SCENE! :D Now can we please have a Carly and Nina brawl?!

    The hospital:

    Portia and Adam: Oh Portia why did you say that about his upcoming evaluation? Now I bet he is going to lie and say he didn't try to kill himself. A cold? Well, the actor does sound like he has a cold.

    Adam's dad, Portia, and Jex: Hey this actor who is playing Adam's dad is really good. Adam's dad wins the line of the day.

    Adam's dad: And I'm "grateful"


    Cyrus, Laura, and Spencer: I'm team Vampira on this one. Spencer you aught to be ashamed of yourself. Vampira is a good mother and he should not have been kidnapped!!!

    Laura and Spencer: YES LAURA YES! CALL DANTE! :)

    Laura: Stop it!

    Yes!!!! Tell him! :D

    Sidenote: Someone on soap central website said that when our OG Joss comes back, the actress playing recast Joss should come back and play Adam's girlfriend.. I like that idea! :)

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to 1988* This is when BJ drinks nail polish remover. There are 3 parts to it. Felicia and here horrible short hair.

    1. I was hoping the line of the day would go to Drew. When Nina asked him, "What will Michael say?" Drew answers, with the best evil grin, "Hurray?!"

    2. "Judith says, I was hoping the line of the day would go to Drew. When Nina asked him, "What will Michael say?" Drew answers, with the best evil grin, "Hurray?!"

      Hahaha. Yeah that was funny and he would have one the line of the day, but Adam's dad said his line the way he said it, and it was funnier! :)

  3. Hmmm. Having Carly run Crimson is a good twist and opens up new storyline possibilities, but she knows nothing about either publishing or fashion. They should get Erica Kane.

    1. Kevin, If I remember correctly Carly didn't know much about the hotel business when she became owner of the Metro. Or am I mistaken, which is entirely possible. 😁

    2. Fair point. I will admit, I do like the symmetry/karma of Nina getting Carly's business, so Carly gets Nina's business.

  4. More Snarly front and center, ugh. I am fine sticking it to Nina she deserves it. But this will be the Carly/Jason/Sonny show again soon. Carly admitting it would have been better if Nina was there listening. Now something will probably happen to Nina health wise and Willow will be sad that she was mean to her. Rinse and repeat.

    1. Completely agree -- I hope we don't get Sonny/Carly/Jason 24-7 when Steve Burton returns. I stopped watching "GH" around 2003 for a few years for that exact reason. It was "all mob, all the time." I was not a fan of Bob Guza running the show.

    2. I have never stopped watching but my FFWD button was flying through a ton of those scenes that you mentioned. The whole town loving on Snarly has been all I can take. For Bobbie, yes. But poor Carly over being turned in? God No.

  5. I’m no big fan of Nina’s but I don’t think I could hate Carly anymore than I do now. And Dreyfuss with his weird faces and mannerisms, is so not Drew. Don’t care at all about Sonny Jr.

    1. Linda V yes!!!! Smug Snarly will be on our screens 24/7.All the focus on Bobbie's now who will run it? Cyrus?

      This may have stung us a bit more if we actually saw Nina at Crimson the past 2 years lol.

  6. A perfect punishment for "I've done nothing wrong" Nina. I like the twist but Carly was just having such a thoughtful sincere chat with Sam about being kinder and more understanding like her mother and then boom. When she walked into Nina's office she looked like a totally different person than a few scenes before .
    The writers seem to be just be making things happen even if getting there has no rhyme or reason like Esme going to Cyrus for help. It's working.

    1. Agree zazu - Karma for Nina has been a long time coming


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...