Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Day is Tuesday


Good Ol' Heather---anyone tell her Kelly's is now Bobbie's? 

BTW, I kinda look like Heather up there. Just tired AF with everything. This should be a short one. 

Brook/Chase: Throwing Ax's. She's mad at Lucy. Chase wonders why. "She crossed the line with my grandmother".  

Finn is going to an AA meeting. Liz sees him off. He starts talking in the meeting.  IT's just about him being a doctor and yada yada. 

Trina is talking to Portia about going to Paris with Curtis doing what he's doing. Portia says it's ok that she's going with Spencer because he makes her happy. Trina takes a call from him. Liz comes over to hug Portia. Portia and Liz talk about Finn's malpractice suit. Then, Finn comes out of the AA meeting and.. he and Liz talk. 

Curtis  and Marshall are in Curtis' room waiting for the doctor and they talk about what happens if it all doesn't work. Curtis says it will be ok he just wanted to try. 

THEN the family waits in the room while the doctor comes in to do tests. 

Lucy and Martin watching Scotty and Tracey. He's jelly. She goes to the ladies room and he comes in. I thought they were going to have sex but... NOPE. He just wants the truth about Scotty.  He gets mad and leaves. 

Scotty schmoozing Tracey. Greg comes over. Tracey tells him to sit down. Scott goes to see Lucy in the bathroom when Marty leaves. Greg leaves, he has heartburn. 

Tracey finds Greg later down in the lobby and he can't move. She helps him sit. He doesn't want to go to GH because he's afraid he'll never come out. They talk a bit about the wedding and he starts to feel better.  Yuri comes and takes them home. 

Scotty is now in the bathroom with Lucy. They talk about Tracey. When they come out both Tracey and Greg are gone. 

Anna's looking for Jordan and asks TJ. TJ says she's been conducting her own investigation about Curtis and he's worried. I honestly forgot Jordan was doing ANYTHING on this show. Oh she showed up but TJ notices the same clothes on. She says she's fine and was just going on her lead. When TJ leaves, Anna asks her what happened. Jordan says she got stopped following the lead. THE FBI stepped in and told her to back off her investigation. Then someone ELSE opened the door but Jordan couldn't see who. Then the FBI guys said she could go. :eyeroll: 

The scenes today were SO choppy. The Brook/Chase stuff was NOTHING (unless you missed the Lucy/Tracey scenes)-- 


Anna's going to help Jordan with her investigation

Curtis felt the second needle prick-- and it looks hopeful. 


  1. --I appreciate that people are commenting on Chris and Dan’s writing lately, but let’s be honest. Bobbie scenes were amazing but before the strike, the writing was NOT good….
    -----I think it is more about Frank and yes the EDITING is atrocious….choppy, etc.
    ____I don’t think Steve B is filming yet still, so maybe the new writers have to explain his presence? OOOOO maybe Nina finds out Jason is alive and keeps it from Carly!!!
    ----Filler day for sure---in the back of my mind I still wonder if Stella is Curtis’ mom.
    --- I am SOOOOOOO over Lucy and Scott silly antics….waste of talent!
    -----FBI involved in the shooting? I thought it was WSB. IF the writers can make this work with twists, then I am intrigued…….so I am going back to Selina Wu is behind this……not about Sonny or Anna –
    ----Sorry I keep harping but sweeps start MONDAY and I see no signs of anything big???

    1. I think the FBI are investigating the shooting and looking at the "gangster" -- and if THEY involve themself they will mess things up. It's like so many movies/tv shows

    2. oooooo - Sonny and like RICO charges?????

  2. A lot of funny one liners today!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Tracy and Scotty: Scotty is this a date? :) Oh hi Gregory! :)

    Tracy and Gregory: Heartburn! :(

    Marty and Lucy: Marty you are very observant! Of course you are! You are a lawyer! :) Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: I see scrunchness.



    Lucy and Marty: When someone came in, I thought it was Scotty! Hi Marty! Lucy just tell Marty the truth!!!!

    Lucy leaving Marty a message: Come on Lucy! Just admit to yourself that you are not that into Marty anymore! Even Marty can feel it. He sees you're different!

    Lucy and Scotty: I thought Scotty was going to kiss her! I love Scotty's eyes, and Lucy does too!!!! :D

    The lobby:

    Tracy and Gregory: He can't move!!! :( I hope the new writers write that Gregory was misdiagnosed!!!!

    The restaurant:

    Scotty and Lucy: I had a feeling she was going to call for flowers. She cracked me up!!! Hahahahaha! Too much!

    The ax club:

    Brase: Oh stop talking and have zex in the bathroom!!!

    The hospital:

    AA meeting: That guy sitting next to Finchy looked like Sean Penn!!! :)


    Fiz: Zzzzzzzz.

    TJ and Anna: Love Anna's hair. Jordan didn't show up for her date with Anna!! Maybe next time they can go on their date and then a good night kiss. ;) ROFL!

    TJ, Anna, and Jordan: HUH?! JORDAN?!?!?! I'm so confused.

    Anna and Jordan: I'm still so confused. Why are they showing flashbacks and not just show us the scene when it happened?!!?! The flashbacks with the men in black was stupid. Then they just let her go?! HUH?!

    Mr. Hat man and Stella: Never gonna happen between you two eh Stella? Uh huh.. That means something WILL happen. :) Don't fight it Stella!!! *Giggle*

    Portia and Trina: Hmm. Well, I'm glad Portia still wants Trina to go to Paris and if Spencer is there so be it! :D

    Curtis's room: Geez! Had to wait the whole hour until the doctor showed up! What the heck were you doing doctor? Going to the bathroom cus you ate too much chili?

    Purtis, Trina, Mr. Hat man, Stella, and the doctor: Nice foot Curtis! :) Now be shirtless. :) OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! HE CAN FEEL SOMETHING WOOT WOOT! Ooooo Mr. Hat man and Stella are hugging. :) Do they feel sparks again? :)

    1. They said the doctor got called into emergency surgery.

    2. "Di says, They said the doctor got called into emergency surgery."

      But did it have to be the whole hour? *Snicker*

  3. I agree about the writers. JZ's tribute was great but the last story worth remembering was Mike's. GH was a mess way before the strike. There is no telling what's ahead. Maybe TPTB are also looking at their editing department. If not, they should.
    Portia looked beautiful today. Very natural.
    Another mystery boss behind the door. So soon. I'll keep my guess to myself for now.

    1. I agree completely with this. "GH" has been a mess for a long time. Hopefully, with a vet like Patrick Mulcahey at the helm, Frank will let him do what he does best and get the rest of the production team in line.

  4. I forgot to say... was that a safety pin the doctor stuck into Curtis? Looked like it to me. LOL

  5. Take this with a grain of salt: There is a soap column online that said the last straw that led to the firing of C&D was the storyline they pitched for Steve Burton's return. It involved changing Jason's parentage. If true, I am glad it was scuttled.

    The new head writing team's work won't appear until March. That means February sweeps will be all C&D material and possibly Jason doesn't return until then?

    1. WHAT?! I hope that isn't true. If it is, I wonder what would the plan would have been!

  6. One quick storyline I would like to see from the new writers is finding out why Hayden has been out of town. Rescue her from whatever trouble she is in, reunite her with Finn and Violet, and have the three of them leave Port Charles, freeing Elizabeth for better things.

    1. "Kevin says, One quick storyline I would like to see from the new writers is finding out why Hayden has been out of town. Rescue her from whatever trouble she is in, reunite her with Finn and Violet, and have the three of them leave Port Charles"

      I like it! :) Yes I want that reunion and they should all be together, but leaving Port Chuckles they don't need to do that.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...