Monday, January 22, 2024

New Head Writers at GH


So, in the merry go round of Daytime television, it was inevitable that Dan and Chris would be let go at some point and here we are. Patrick Mulcahey and Elizabeth Korte will take over the duties. Not sure when their writing will air. 

I have to say I've been a fan of Chris VanEtten's, especially since he brought back many of the Qs and started putting more effort into the hospital itself. We forget things over the years and I for one, have enjoyed many stories that have come our way. I could go on and on about production but I don't want to get into that at this moment. 

Chris and Dan wrote the Bobbie episodes and I for one won't forget that. I know many, many people are thrilled for the change. Thing is --in soaps? Seems like the revolving door goes around and around and we always end up bitching about something. People will be all happy with the new change until they aren't. 

Korte isn't my favorite but I know Mulcahey is a fine writer. Here's hoping the show runners get out of his way. 

I may be taking a little break myself--not sure. Things are heating up at work and I'm just not that into things. Now? Even more so... PLUS BURTON is coming back and that's enough to make me insane. 

See ya. 


  1. "Chris and Dan wrote the Bobbie episodes and I for one won't forget that."

    I won't forget that either!!! I wonder what the new co-headwriters are going to write!!!

  2. Things were just getting better. I have to say yesterday, Nicholas Chavez was amazing.

    1. I agree 100%. I have been so looking forward to every episode.

  3. Very surprised because things have been going well the past couple of weeks. And yeah, I can do without Burton. Guess I'll wait an see. Maybe Frank will leave the new writers alone. A girl can dream.

  4. Dan O'Connor was writing for OLTL when they were cancelled.
    Here's a link to some "behind the scenes" info:

    1. "ABC is going in a different direction with “General Hospital,”

      What does that mean!? What direction?

    2. Hopefully not down hill fast.

    3. And they definitely have forgotten which demograph watches the show.

  5. If it's the typical Sonny/Jason/Carly mob stories I will be going back to my fast forward button.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...