Thursday, January 4, 2024



Tonight is the PRIMETIME Special and I HOPE I stay up from 10-11. Damn, that's late now LOL 

Adam is shit faced and thought his room was Joss'. He says his parents know about him. They are threatening to pull him out of PCU. Drew calls Joss to go home. Dex stays with Adam. 

Sonny is at the church and Cyrus comes in. Sonny tells him to get out. Cyrus lets him know HE knew about Nina turning in Carly before he did lol. They get int a tussle and Cyrus won't fight back and Sonny SMASHES HIM A MILLION TIMES in the PEW!! Like BEATS HIM! 

Sonny gets back home. Knuckles are all bloody and he has a bottle he sets on the table. Will he drink it? No, but then Ava comes in and sees him. Asks about Nina --Sonny whispers "GONE". 

Nina goes to Carly's to talk to her and Drew. SHE FINALLY TELLS CARLY!!! I'm the one that turned you into the SEC for insider trading!! Squee! FINALLY.  You have to watch what they say because it's a back and forth and Cary basically tells her she's going to rot in hell. Then says Sonny and Willow will never forgive her. DREW WALKS OUT! He lays into her "YOU ARE VILE" and says too bad she's not a man so he can do what he wants to her. Carly cries and says she can't do this because her mom just died. Nina's horrified and ends up leaving. 

Portia is working at GH. Curtis is in her office with a rose. They talk about eating donuts. YEP

Portia gets a page that Cyrus was brought into GH by ambulance and its' "touch and go".. Curtis calls Laura to tell her to come to GH. 

Willow and Michael are still arguing on the docks. She's mad he blackmailed Nina. She keeps yelling. Says she doesn't know if their marriage can survive. Willow tells Michael to sleep somewhere else tonight. Drew calls him. 

Laura gets a call from the sitter saying Esme's late. Esme then walks into The PC Grille and Laura's like WHERE WERE YOU? OMG SHE SEES ESME'S GLOVE and says You lost your OTHER ONE WHEN YOU BROKE INTO WYNDEMERE! Oh Esme is like, yeahhhhhh, I wanted to see if I could remember anything. Laura says well, Did you? She says no.  Laura tells Es she has to turn herself into the PCPD and she'll go with her. Then she gets that phone call from Cyrus. 

Nik wants to give Esme payback for what she did to them. Ava wonders if he wants to kill her. He says no but gets distracted by Ava's mouth LOL.. gets REALLY CLOSE. (I'm not seeing chem with Adam and Maura). He wants Ava to have a party and invite Esme. 


Carly, Michael and Joss hug

Laura sees a beaten Cyrus laying in a hospital bed 

Sonny slams the door in Nina's face. 

Nikolas follows Esme 


  1. ---I like Willow and Michael fighting but Willow is wrong thinking HER not telling Michael about cancer is not as bad as him not telling her about Nina....What a pious hypocrite.....but I like them fighting!
    -----SOD reports 2024 upcoming GH spoilers - one is a blast from Liz's past comes back, which makes me wonder WHO????? NIK??????
    ----Nik is lying to Ava but I don't think he killed Austin and wouldn't he go to jail for kidnapping Esme when he is back in PC? Ava giving a party at Wyndemere is what he meant? Maybe he is gonna kidnap Ace and Ava is blamed/Spence leaves to find him and film his movie----------Esme should only have to tell Ava about breaking in right???
    ------show of hands of ANYONE who cares about Adam.......
    ------YEP DARK Drew is gonna destroy Nina and Carly will be voice of reason -
    ------SO funny that Cyrus didn't mention HOW he found out about Nina's actions....and I figured out Portia would have to treat him...and Cyrus gonna love telling Laura that Sonny did it...
    ------Will Ava still live with Sonny? SOD says yes but when he finds out Ava knew too will he let her stay?. Nik and Ava abruptly ending was weird - did they finalize the plans---is he gonna live at Wyndemere?
    -----cannot stand NINA but Cynthia W is killing it.....but what a jerk thinking Nina is the victim....#nevermyfault
    -----GOSH dark Sonny/Maurice is SOOO good
    ----so much more to come - Carly+MIchael fight....etc etc.

    1. I don't know anyone who cares aboutAdam either. I do know why they gave Dex that stupid back story now he could "bond" with Adam. ( Who nobody cares about!!)
      Sonny is scary dark right now.

    2. I did NOT see it coming that Dex would understand which makes me think his family is coming 2024 or he saves Adam, etc.....and not Joss falling for Adam

    3. "Mufasa says, SOD reports 2024 upcoming GH spoilers - one is a blast from Liz's past comes back, which makes me wonder WHO????? NIK??????"

      Hmmmm. Lucky?! :D Laura did bring up Lucky today.

      "Maybe he is gonna kidnap Ace and Ava is blamed/Spence leaves to find him and film his movie"

      Ohhhhhh! Could be!!!

      "show of hands of ANYONE who cares about Adam"

      *Raises hand slowly, then runs away quickly and hides behind the Tribbles*

    4. I can still see you Sonya.....

    5. "Di says, I can still see you Sonya....."

      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! *Runs and hides in Carly's closet in the living room*

  2. One more thought - because the first week of scab writers was fantastic with Ava telling Sonny everything and then it was boring-----------------------I think Frank told them what to write and deliberatly make it boring so HIS writers could be hereos.....

  3. Great show today!!!!! :)

    Joss and Trina's dorm room:

    Jex and Adam: I feel so horrible for Adam! I want to give him a hug! :( Awww Adam! Drinking is not going to help you feel better. It's just going to make you feel worse! Tell him Dex! Damn you Adam's parents! :(

    Adam and Dex: Awwww Dex is so nice to him!


    Cyrus and Sonny: Is Cyrus going to become a priest? *Snicker* Whoa! Those beatings look so real!!! But let's take it outside! Not in a church!!

    Ava's gallery storage room:

    Ava and Nik: Nik do you think that if you and Ava get together on the Vampira plan that you two will get back together? Not happening! Ooooo he is very close to her!

    "Karen says, (I'm not seeing chem with Adam and Maura)."

    Really? Cus when he got close to her, I saw sparks flying all over the place! :)

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    Kevlar: Awww poor Laura! :( I want to hug her!

    Vampira and Laura: Wow Laura you get right to the point!!! :) No pulling any punches! I'm not surprised that Vampira lied. I wish she did trust Laura enough to tell her the truth. Awww Laura will be with Vampira when she turns herself in awwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Vampira on the phone: Oh Nik leave her alone you big bully! Stop following her! Go find Spencer and Ace!!! You know, your sons!!! Did you forget them?

    The pier:

    Mildew: Ooooo! Delicious! Yes Willow drag him drag him!! Sleep somewhere else tonight? HA! YESSSSSS!

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Nina: WOW WOW WOW! I can't believe Nina spilled already! I thought it wasn't going to be until a few weeks. This is just the wrong time to tell Carly! Her mother just died! So we get a beating from Sonny to Cyrus, but we don't get a huge brawl from Nina and Cujo?!!?! COME ON! I mean Nina was giving you attitude!!! Come on Cujo!!!

    Nina and Crew: Well Drew you could hit Nina if she hit you first. Self defense! Although let Cujo hit her. I WANT A BRAWL DAMMIT!!!! Nina wins the line of the day.

    Nina: You did commit a crime.


    Nison's home:

    Sonny and Green beans:

    Green beans: Sonny are you alright?!

    Sonny: No.

    Green beans: What happened?! What's wrong?

    Sonny: I don't want to talk about it.

    Alcohol: Drink me! Drink meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    Yeah Sonny! Get drunk, throw barware, and then have zex with Ava!!!! :D

    Sonny and Ava: There you go! Ava is right there!! The booze is right there!!! The barware is somewhere! :) Let's go!!! :)

    Nina and Ava: Yeah Nina you can't be there. It's not the right time!

    Green beans: GET THE HELL OUT NINA!

    Even the green beans is angry at you!


    *Sonny slams the door at Nina's face*


    The hospital:

    Purtis: Curtis looks foine in that jacket! Take off your shirt honey and be shirtless with just that jacket. :) Ekhart's dessert yum!!! :)

    Kevlar and Curtis: I'm glad Curtis called Laura about Cyrus! :) #Goodfriends

    Laura and Cyrus: The facial expression that Cyrus was making! BAHAHAHAHA!

    Tomorrow preview:

    Sam and Drew: SHUT UP DREW! GAH!

    *Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to October 24th 2006* Alexis confronts Ric about having sex with Sam!!! It's awesome! :D 2 parts to it. Damn I miss my Ric!

    1. Oops forgot one thing.

      Joss, Michael, and Carly: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Made me cry! :( Great scene!!

    2. "Di says, Me too."

      :( *BEARHUGS*

    3. Nina is right. Drew and Carly did commit a crime.

    4. You're killing me Sonya, lol! Green Beans and whiskey voicing their thoughts. HAHAHAHAH! Seriously could the barware have been any closer?! I was so with you....we needed a Carly/Nina brawl. We've been waiting for years! :)

      I really enjoyed Dex's kindness to Adam. Dex is really growing on me and he looked pretty fine yesterday. I'm also really liking temp Joss. Tough time for that actress acting the Bobbie is gone scenes, but she's doing well.

    5. "Julie H says, You're killing me Sonya, lol! Green Beans and whiskey voicing their thoughts. HAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahahaha. They have nice manly voices.. :)

      "Seriously could the barware have been any closer?!"

      Hahaha. I'm waiting! :)

      "I was so with you....we needed a Carly/Nina brawl. We've been waiting for years! :)"

      YES!!! Years!!! Come on now! It's time!

      "I really enjoyed Dex's kindness to Adam."

      Yeah. Great scene!

      "I'm also really liking temp Joss. Tough time for that actress acting the Bobbie is gone scenes, but she's doing well."

      Yeah she is doing really well! She made me cry with the scene with Carly! :(

  4. Sonny thugging out as only he can. I'll never forget what you did to Karen, Corinthos. I hope that you get jail time for assault. - OldSchoolGHfan


  6. I predict by the end of 2024 we will have these couples on our screens: Jason and Sam, Dante and Lulu, and Sonny and Carly.

    1. BTW, although I haven't been a fan of the Jason character in years, "GH" desperately needs some type of shot in the arm and this will lure in some lapsed viewers. I can live with it.

      Interestingly, on their podcast "Daily Drama," Steve Burton told Bradford Anderson that he will likely retire from acting in about three years. If the writers do a good job, give him a meaty, long story arc with a beginning, middle and end.

  7. Another great show! Dark Sonny is awesome this time around, but oooh-wheeeee, he shouldn't be beating people to a pulp in church. Gonna have to light a bunch of candles for that mess.
    I'm with Sonya, I needed Carly to punch Nina. But what a scene! I'm officially on Carly's side but I should be hit by lightning for saying it as I haven't been a fan of hers ever, lol!
    No chem for me either between Ava and Nik. Not a fan of him, and he really needs to leave Esme alone. Rotten Nik part 2 coming now. Sigh....
    Ava and Laura were just wonderful in their scenes. Ava knows how to handle a traumatized Sonny and Laura was such a good "mom" to Esme. :)

    And if it's true about Steve Burton I do not want Stone Cold back on GH. At all. Nope. I've been happy as can be with him gone.

    1. Julie, I agree with you about Steve Burton. I am in the minority, but I never cared for Jason. GH is going to become the Steve Burton show again! Sigh!

    2. Zac, I only liked him with Robin and Brenda but that was years ago. I also like Dante with Sam. I don't need Jason mucking that all up. When the mob comes after us for our Stone Cold dislike we'll stick together, lol!

  8. I guess the actor who plays Dex might be out of a job. So Sonny loses Nina and gets his BFF Jason back. Too bad Brittany died.

  9. I thought Sonny's beating of Cyrus was way too much. But the rest of the episode was very good.


Friday Finale

  FRIDAY! And I did finish GH yesterday. I have had it with some things and get very passionate about the world and just couldn't preten...